Ya I really had initially expected it to be "hey everyone in the office I am a lesbian" and then through everyone being cool with it organically show Hiroko that it's okay for her to come out now too.
Now this would be a development I'd disapprove. The top management is still the same from the time Hiroko was still a newbie. We've seen them. Something like: "oh yeah it's been 10 years and things are different" would contradict existing plot
Ok forgetting for a moment that this is a story and we shouldn't take it at face value here's my opinion. Saying she's in love with Hiroko is pretty much saying she's queer. She could've said I love women or sth. I agree with the other people that public confessions are very uncomfortable. People in my country here can be quite homophobic as well. I can't imagine a girl shouting she's in love with me in the workplace like that. I'm sorry but I'd be mortified even if I liked her. Probably more if I did. I wouldn't feel comfortable pursuing anything with her because I'd feel that all eyes are on me. It's OK to tell some co workers you're familiar with but announcing it like that is so problematic. Who cares who Ayaka loves? This is a company not high school where everyone's friends and stuff. First of all Hiroko might not be her boss per se but she's her senior and workplace relationships like that aren't the best thing ever. Sometimes they can be forbidden in the contracts and could get you fired and even if not it's best to be discreet.
Imo, this is Ayaka’s cue to mature a bit and learn to interact with people in a more natural way. I'd be disappointed if suddenly Hiroko has an epiphany and realizes she was wrong all along. It doesn't make sense for everyone to suddenly be super supportive. Though I suspect now more people are going to start coming out and this will spark a discussion but idk... idk how this can be handled correctly.
I'm sorry, I like Ayaka a lot but I hope she doesn't get the best reaction and starts to understand Hiroko's point of view.
Honestly it's very very different in a country where people don't casually say they're gay. Here, I couldn't just casually tell someone, oh btw my ex girlfriend or sth. It just doesn't happen. They're gonna stare at me and be like... "wait, you're a lesbian? Uhh... oookaaay..." Hiroko has many young women who look up to her and are very friendly with her. Imagine if everyone knew she likes women. Well some of them are now gonna be like "uh, my boss is a lesbian, she said my shirt is nice, I think she might have the hots for me lol". I think maybe in a fashion? company in Tokyo maybe they're more open minded and Japanese people sort of mind their own and aren't as judgemental as here I think but from what I've heard it's not the most queer friendly place in the world.
last edited at Jun 24, 2023 5:45AM