Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Oct 20, 2017

Another banger chapter. Let Sal Jiang cook!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Though it would be a neat idea to see a romantic comedy play out from the perspective of the love interest and not the one who fell for them first.

That sounds like a rather normal idea.

joined Oct 4, 2018

The power of badonkas powered by pudding physics is undoubtedly destructive

Daremo from Parts Unknown
joined May 6, 2022

They didn't say "comment". They said "justify yourself or criticize others". Because there's nothing to justify or criticize in your fictional tastes. You need to work on those reading skills. Work on that pointless aggressivity, too.
I don't know what it is with this manga that makes some people lash madly in all directions.

No, but they did say commenters and "justify yourself or criticize others" is something that, i suspect, happens entirely in those "comments". So i think my reading skills are just fine actully lol.

Aaand it's confirmed: this guy doesn't understand English. Of all the pointless things mentioned, the most pointless one is talking to him.

We already had Alternative Math to teach us that 2 + 2 = 22 if you only believe it, now we have Alternative English to teach us that syntax doesn't matter, words mean what you want them to mean and nobody is ever wrong.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 4:19PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Though it would be a neat idea to see a romantic comedy play out from the perspective of the love interest and not the one who fell for them first.

That sounds like a rather normal idea.

Perhaps this one as well. Hinoka fell first, indeed.

Model and Plain Manager is an example. That just ended here. That one doesn't shift perspectives at all.

last edited at Jun 22, 2023 6:35PM

joined Nov 12, 2020

As the once wise words from "Strike Witches : The Witches Of Africa" have said :

Risa too now receives them,how long overdue for her.

joined Feb 22, 2023


joined Apr 18, 2023


joined Aug 14, 2020

Well. I guess there's no running from it now huh?

Also I've been in Hiroko's corner since chapter 1, y'all just coming around to her now are a buncha posers. Y'all attitudes about her switched up real quick when you learned about her emotional baggage.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 12:10PM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Ayaka really going for broke! This chapter and the next were the highlight of the series for me when I read the raws. I'm really curious to see what other people think.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Ayaka, you're not supposed to pick up the idiot ball of your own volition. щ(゚Д゚щ)

joined Sep 10, 2022

Haha. Ayaka never gives up. And yeah, Risa, friendships can be powerful too. It's not girlfriend or nothing. I do feel bad for Hiroko here, though. She's about to have an absolute panic attack. Hopefully nothing bad comes from the outburst but stuff like this is exactly why she was worried about telling Ayaka in the first place. Ayaka now knows what the goal is and she's a pitbull. Hiroko doesn't stand a chance but she'll definitely resist.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 12:28PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Wha... What's going on O_o this isn't... what's supposed to be happening lol

joined Feb 11, 2018

Ayaka was even more sassy that I though. Shots fired across the office...

joined Feb 16, 2018

Damn, I love this girl. She found her calling in life and she's going to achieve it or die trying. Absolute mad lass.

joined Dec 1, 2022

Ayaka is being very inconsiderate and pushy. Public confessions are kind of awful because they put societal pressure onto the receiver and involve bystanders in drama.
She could come out by herself to prove her point but now rumours are going to affect Hiroko, so she went and landed her in the hot water.
Besides, does she think that Ayaka would immediately get together with her if her baggage was gotten rid of? We know that yes, that is probably the case, but for her it is not certain.

joined Jun 27, 2017

I expected her to do a public coming out, to show it won't do anything bad; this was a weird development ...
... but I guess that's what the manga is all about ;)

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 1:31PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

LMAO atta girl

joined Mar 8, 2014

Ayaka is being very inconsiderate and pushy. Public confessions are kind of awful because they put societal pressure onto the receiver and involve bystanders in drama.
She could come out by herself to prove her point but now rumours are going to affect Hiroko, so she went and landed her in the hot water.
Besides, does she think that Ayaka would immediately get together with her if her baggage was gotten rid of? We know that yes, that is probably the case, but for her it is not certain.

yeah I agree to be honest... I'm not sure I like this development, it's so over the top... I hope it backfires lol...

joined Oct 1, 2022

haha I personally don't like public confessions. If it were me, I don't know how I would react, firstly because people at work don't have to know about my private life. But this is a manga xd

joined Apr 27, 2014

Wow, I thought Ayaka would declare she was a lesbian, that I think would had been hmm more appropriate, but to involve Hiroko too, it feels like sort of a public outing other people..not cool. I'd never talk to her again

joined Oct 4, 2016

joined Sep 10, 2022

Wow, I thought Ayaka would declare she was a lesbian, that I think would had been hmm more appropriate, but to involve Hiroko too, it feels like sort of a public outing other people..not cool. I'd never talk to her again

I could see that, yeah; though, she didn't really out Hiroko here. She only confessed her crush, and Hiroko still has an out of she wants it. People crush on their senpai's all the time. So this was basically that declaration of her being a lesbian that you mentioned, but with some added Ayaka flair.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 3:31PM

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

There's a yuri about that. It's called She Drives Me Crazy. Emphasis on the car pun and that scene. It's not bad, as far as YA novels go.

Also still a Hiroko fan through and through, not sure why other readers don't like her. Maybe they just haven't had full time jobs yet?

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 3:39PM

joined Feb 11, 2018

Ayaka is being very inconsiderate and pushy. Public confessions are kind of awful because they put societal pressure onto the receiver and involve bystanders in drama.
She could come out by herself to prove her point but now rumours are going to affect Hiroko, so she went and landed her in the hot water.
Besides, does she think that Ayaka would immediately get together with her if her baggage was gotten rid of? We know that yes, that is probably the case, but for her it is not certain.

yeah I agree to be honest... I'm not sure I like this development, it's so over the top... I hope it backfires lol...

People should not like or dislike developments, for most part, as long as it is contextually correct. If it fits the character, no matter how crazy or gross, it's good. If it doesn't fit the character, then there has to be a really good in-story reason for it.

I think this is just really fitting for Ayaka's personality. Ayaka is exactly that impulsive, brash go-getter girl who goes for what she wants deep inside, damn the personal consequences. If you really wanted to analyze her a bit like she was a "real person", she'd be one of those numerous people with mild undiagnosed ADHD. She has tons of character cues like that, starting from the way her apartment looks like, how she's either detached or in manic or panic mode all the time, or how she's hyper-focused on Hiroko, even beyond a typical crush.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 4:23PM

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