Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Jun 27, 2022

I gotta say I'm incredibly happy with this chapter, too bad Nanase is injured or she might have thrown some fists.

Admittingly though now that the cheating is out and Nanase took it better than I expected the excitement is wearing off. I mean I don't know how you guys feel but since they all kinda suck (while Nanase is just naive) I don't feel much empathy anymore, even if Yuni now agrees to have sex with Fuuko again it's like been there done that.

Imo the author is giving Yuni and Fuuko barely any redeeming features making you not caring about them all that much. In this way no matter how things will end up you lacking empathy for the characters leads to low investment.

I hope things will pick up or it might get stale

last edited at Jun 18, 2023 6:24AM

joined Jan 17, 2021

Imo the author is giving Yuni and Fuuko barely any redeeming features making you not caring about them all that much. In this way no matter how things will end up you lacking empathy for the characters leads to low investment.

Surely this manga is sort of a temptation theme. Like those telenovelas my grandma loves to watch during our siesta. So it'll probably get thirstier in every chapter.

joined May 11, 2023

Pretty disappointing how Yuni was not confronted or made to feel the consequences of her actions. But with this author I am not surprised. She loves the cheater. I hope Nanase moves on and stop wasting her time with the delusional trash that is Yuni.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Pretty disappointing how Yuni was not confronted or made to feel the consequences of her actions. But with this author I am not surprised. She loves the cheater. I hope Nanase moves on and stop wasting her time with the trash that is Yuni.

The thing is it's mostly the reader's who love the cheaters. If you check her twitter, comments on Amazon etc japanese reader's love Fuuko and Yuni and their toxic relationship.

But don't worry the author doesn't lack common sense and knows too well Yuni is trash, in one of her tweets to a chapter she released on Twitter she even said that herself. So I might be wrong but it could go all ways.

So far I don't see a happy ending for Yuni,
unless she reconciles with Nanase and they start to communicate and having a relationship with mutual understanding, you know talking about their anxieties, needs etc..

joined Sep 14, 2022

I'm here for Nanase getting a new wholesome relationship and growing as a person due to Yuni being a dumbass bitch. Tho we all know Yuni will somehow ruin this too, presumably assisted by Fuuko.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Hummm, what could happen now?? The cheating has been exposed, I wanna know what will happen with Yuni and Fuuko, Nanase and Yuni didn't have a proper breakup, so it's still cheating...I don't think Yuni will agree to have sex, I think she likes Fuuko but doesn't want to like her. I wonder how many more chapters until this is over and the true ending is revealed!

I'm kinda rooting for Yuki (is that her name) and Nanase, they both love club!

joined Jun 5, 2023

Nanase should give up her love life and focus on her career, after succeeding in volleyball, she could find her true love later

joined Jul 10, 2016


I finally remembered whose artstyle this reminds me of.

Imizu Nitro, from back in the Touhou days. Only maybe with more of a shoujo manga push, but still.
joined Jun 6, 2020

Yuki is sweet but god I'm getting so much of a Risa vibe from her. Like that she might have been playing the same game Yuuko has been in order to monopolize her time and keep her away from her gf.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Nanase has nothing to apologise for. That whore Yuni should've broken up with Nanase before cheating. Nanase deserves better. She deserves her club and Yuki. Yuni never actually loved Nanase. She just wants to get rid of her lonelyness. Fukko or whoever... anyone would suffice for her.

last edited at Jun 18, 2023 2:51PM

Claymore Gaby
joined Feb 25, 2023

I love how Fuuko's eyes, after Yuni bites her tongue HARD, turn into hearts.

Gurl, you have kinks. ;)

joined Jul 21, 2020

Yuki is sweet but god I'm getting so much of a Risa vibe from her.

Best message so far! XDDDDDD
Risa's character has been examined, analyzed, scrutinized and vivisected to the tiniest detail in the AIILWH section of the forum. I don't think any character has been reviewed so exhaustively before. So yes, I agree with you in that Yuki has the same vibe: she's a good one, she's in love with Nanase, and it's not gonna work because Nanase is in love with a toxic person and has no room in her heart for Yuki. Sucks to be her tbh.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Yuni was the one who initiates sex, Fuu never did state that sex is a requirement for the trip. So this is all on Yuni. It was a bad idea to go to Osaka and put all your trust on Fuuko. At least make sure you have the train ticket with you physically before leaving for Osaka. I do not quite understand why Yuni did Nanase way at the beginning to not address what they wants. Once Fuuko figured out who Hinayu is, the game is over.
There is no guarantee that Fuuko will continue the relationship, all it takes is if run into someone better (that's would be like 90% out there). It is a given that Fuuko will get into an elite university, while we do not even know if Yuni can even get into a technical school. Fuuko finance is limited even though she saved a lot of money.
My only complain about this manga is that we do not know about the background of Yuni and Nanase, that will make the story richer in context.
How come at this point, chapter 18, not a final chapter? What is the artist gonna do for chapter 19? An epilogue but about what?

last edited at Jun 18, 2023 5:38PM

joined Oct 21, 2013

"Isn't that a given? Because I love you."

Really wholesome and sweet, but at the same time, that must really burn Nanase.

joined Aug 12, 2018

How is nanase so eager to go out and hold hands in public with a friend but she can't do it with her girlfriend
Truly a mystery of anthropology

joined Jul 23, 2019

Which IM would win? “I can’t see you—I have club” vs “Let’s have sex.”

The second one.
Especially since it's been established by several commenters, after a thorough rereading of the manga, that Nanase hasn't boinked Yuni for at least six months.

I love how Fuuko's eyes, after Yuni bites her tongue HARD, turn into hearts.

Gurl, you have kinks. ;)

In all fairness I don't believe it's the pain that turns her on; it's Yuni's attitude, her constant passive-aggressive approach to everything.

How come at this point, chapter 18, not a final chapter? What is the artist gonna do for chapter 19? An epilogue but about what?

Now begins the arc where Nanase tries to win Yuni again!
Or maybe the arc where Yuni tries to win Nanase again? It's all so tangled at this point, I don't know what's what anymore...
Maybe the arc where Fuuko turns Yuni, Nanase and Yuki into her harem? I'd totally buy that.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Yuki is sweet but god I'm getting so much of a Risa vibe from her.

Best message so far! XDDDDDD
Risa's character has been examined, analyzed, scrutinized and vivisected to the tiniest detail in the AIILWH section of the forum. I don't think any character has been reviewed so exhaustively before. So yes, I agree with you in that Yuki has the same vibe: she's a good one, she's in love with Nanase, and it's not gonna work because Nanase is in love with a toxic person and has no room in her heart for Yuki. Sucks to be her tbh.

Except that one is titled Ayaka Is In Love With Hiroko, not Ayaka's Not Here Today. Not to say it's guaranteed that Yuki gets to ride off into the sunset with Nanase, but the couples are a lot less stable here, since the main theme is cheating.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Giggling maniacally watching the Toxic Duo be very unhinged with their excessively dramatic paneling then the manga rubberbands to the Potential Relationship With Healthy Communication and I laugh even harder when Yuni and whatsherface (I'm sleep deprived ok my memory took a hike) show up again

you gotta setbyour Chaotic Evil Supervillain (but stupid) switch to ON to truly enjoy this manga

last edited at Jun 18, 2023 11:12PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

Now begins the arc where Nanase tries to win Yuni again!
Or maybe the arc where Yuni tries to win Nanase again? It's all so tangled at this point, I don't know what's what anymore...
Maybe the arc where Fuuko turns Yuni, Nanase and Yuki into her harem? I'd totally buy that.

Given her track record, the result of ending the manga as a harem is pretty strong. The least is a triangle with one girl being the main while the other two are not lovers. But that is a tall order for Yuni to do. Lack of brain cells. Yuni would do what Fuu told her to do anyway, so I think the stage has been set that the manga will end with two independent couples.

I think deep inside me wants Yuni to go back with Nanase, while having relationship with Fuuko. Meanwhile Nanase has Yuki on her side. So everyone will be happy.

If Yuni's biggest problem is being lonely, then that is what Fuuko is for, as the side chick. I also do not understand why going to Osaka is a big deal because Yuni can attend all the home games if she wants, Most school clubs have a manager position, there is no reason why Nanase does not pull Yuni into such the job, Then Yuni can spend all the time with Nanase, and at the same time, Yuki will no longer be bottom of the pile and actually play ball as opposed to running errands for the club.

One way or another, Fuuko wins. She just concentrates on what she wants and needs, gathers all info, and then starts her operation carefully so that Yuni has no choice but to comply. If done right ,it will be Fuuko having three lovers in a harem settings.

joined Feb 16, 2016

First few pages of this chapter made me laugh bc of just how absurd Yuni is acting. Telling your gf it's all her fault while half undressed and then sobbing when she leaves.

Fuuko stays winning!! I love a girlboss

joined Aug 17, 2012

I think deep inside me wants Yuni to go back with Nanase, while having relationship with Fuuko. Meanwhile Nanase has Yuki on her side. So everyone will be happy.

I'd go for that too.

joined Jun 27, 2022

How is nanase so eager to go out and hold hands in public with a friend but she can't do it with her girlfriend
Truly a mystery of anthropology

She just learned she got cheated on in a not particularly nice way so cut her some slack? And Yuki grabbed her hand when she tripped since you know shes walking on crutches. Doesn't look eager to me.
And this is probably the first time she did that since she can't do club anymore.

joined Dec 23, 2018

They were in one unhealthy polyamory relationship, until now.
Now Nanase has her chance to join the club of voyeurs (willingly)
She'll be the girl of two clubs, signed with a double v

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 12:14PM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Tbh the main thing i want from this manga is for Fuuko to get whats coming to her. I dont much enjoy watching people cause others lots of pain and get away unscathed.

Imo the author is giving Yuni and Fuuko barely any redeeming features making you not caring about them all that much. In this way no matter how things will end up you lacking empathy for the characters leads to low investment.

Yea i kinda feel this aswell. Honestly Nanase should definitly break up with Yuni and not get together again but considering the author im not very confident thats how itll go lol

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 8:31AM

joined Mar 13, 2014

I don't like what the author may or may not be hinting at here. Yuki is the nicest character in the manga, and it'd tear me to pieces if she got involved in the nonsense that the other three are engaging in.

Edit: Well I guess I mean less hinting and more the ambiguity of the statement lol

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 12:22PM

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