She's made comments about it and characters have hinted at it a lot but now she's said it clearly for Ayaka. She really has just decided to remain closeted at work, for obvious reasons and believes (wrongly, I think) that she can't make Ayaka truly happy as a result. She rejected Ayaka nicely, but not fully, since she actually does like her.
Plenty of people unfortunately have to navigate decisions like that when in historically hostile or precarious environments. It's perfectly understandable that she wouldn't trust Ayaka's ability to keep her secret (gay or not) and honestly it's not out of the realm of possibility that Ayaka will still "out her" accidently, even now. She's taking a personal and potentially professional risk, as Ayaka's pretty loud and obvious. It's unfortunate that Ayaka met Hiroko at work because it's clear they would be fine if Ayaka weren't a coworker (or if Japanese, or any, corporate environments didn't breed distrust).
Still, it was a circumstantial rejection, which Ayaka can come back from. Hiroko clearly likes her a lot so it might not be as difficult to recover from as it seems right now. Ayaka will have a lot to think about, indeed.
I did like Risa's force here though. She's putting in the work but she's honestly in the same (but worse) position as Ayaka. At least for Ayaka, Hiroko's issues are only work related. For Risa, Ayaka just isn't romantically interested at all and there's not much coming back from that. She's setting herself up for heartache.
last edited at Jun 15, 2023 1:30PM