You guys are overthinking it, I said it was bland, boring and a waste of time of as a manga. From my point of view it gave nothing and accomplished nothing. And I actually enjoyed Miss Sunflower because it is not bland, not boring and not a waste of time. The main characters in futaribeya to me make no progression, themselves and their relationship is the same at the end of volume one up to the final volume, which is a loving best friendship. Another work that I dropped because of this reason is Hana ni Arashi in which they are dating, kiss and all that, but nothing has happened recently, I'm not talking about sex here, just their lives as human beings; they are exactly the same as chapter one.
If you wonder why did I finish, it was out of habit, because I also started reading it years ago. And I leave a comment saying what I think because it took it so many years to do nothing in the end.
If you like it and think I'm a idiot that's fine, I won't miss anything never reading another manga like this.
At this point you are just hurting yourselves on purpose then make us bare with your complaint.
I just realize something
I don't if anyone has made this connection before but each of the girls is into her based on all 5 sense
Smell, taste, touch, hearing and look.
Kinda unrelated, but it would be funny if later there are a scene where Satsuki see a real corpse and can just look at it and figure out how they died and solve the case like a real detective.