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joined Mar 10, 2018

I know it's not going to end with Risa, so I just hope Risa gets her happy ending.

your average nerd
joined May 12, 2023

god i want Ayaka to just date Risa now so that Hiroko will see where her passivness and obsession with appearances gets her (dumped)

joined Nov 28, 2021

Christ, Hiroko. You really dropped the ball that hard? "I'm not gay!"
I feel for Risa. Been there.

joined Nov 21, 2022

If I were the bar owner I'd ban Hiroko for that.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Called it lol. I hate Hiroko too now, she's such a jerk... not sure how she's gonna redeem herself. I'm so mad I defended her this whole time XD she's an idiot. I don't mind her being "oblivious" but Hiroko's problem is that she's got a bad case of internalized homophobia. Even the girls at the bar can tell she wouldn't accept it even if she knew she's the one Ayaka likes. Idc much for Risa (don't kill me XD) but she's totally right and even Ayaka can see that. "Hiroko-senpai" is not the same as the real Hiroko. The real Hiroko is kinda sleazy as far as I'm concerned. Not sure if we've even seen the real Hiroko. She's so insecure she either has to be in senpai mode or obnoxious flirting mode.
That being said I still love how this is panning out so far. It's this weird mix of over the top and also realistic at the same time in how some people just lie about being gay and hide it like it's the plague. I just really hope she redeems herself cause she sank really low lol...
Like obviously dating Risa doesn't make sense for me cause Ayaka is obviously not attracted to her but not sure I'd like her welcoming Hiro with open arms once she's all regretful and stuff... she should probably dump her for real. A person like that would be a pain to deal with. She'd be obsessed with hiding the relationship. No wonder she's a "womanizer" or whatever. I doubt she can even actually keep a girl lol...

last edited at Jun 11, 2023 5:14PM

joined Jul 8, 2019


joined Mar 13, 2018

risa sweep

joined Sep 10, 2022

Called it lol. I hate Hiroko too now, she's such a jerk... not sure how she's gonna redeem herself....
...That being said I still love how this is panning out so far. It's this weird mix of over the top and also realistic at the same time in how some people just lie about being gay and hide it like it's the plague. I just really hope she redeems herself cause she sank really low lol...
Like obviously dating Risa doesn't make sense for me cause Ayaka is obviously not attracted to her but not sure I'd like her welcoming Hiro with open arms once she's all regretful and stuff... she should probably dump her for real. A person like that would be a pain to deal with. She'd be obsessed with hiding the relationship. No wonder she's a "womanizer" or whatever. I doubt she can even actually keep a girl lol...

I love your responses! She definitely fumbles the bag while desperately trying to keep work and personal life completely separate. Things might have been a lot easier if Ayaka didn't work there and was just some girl at the bar lol. It should be said that Ayaka cornering her in the office and loudly trying to forcefully out her is not right either. I can't imagine that anyone would cosign that, in a corporate office in Japan, no less. That's a panic inducing moment for sure, and definitely for Hiroko who feels safer in the closet at work.

last edited at Jun 11, 2023 7:42PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

So Hiroko Isn't just a useless lesbian, she's also kind of a cowardly scumbag.

joined Jan 6, 2014

big nope! can we have another lady character with substance sweep ayaka off her feet? or like flesh out risa so i can just root for her instead?

joined Feb 16, 2023

Hiroko you fucking coward! Screw this I'm on team Risa now.

joined Feb 5, 2020

Oh Risa, you absolute chad. Must be exhausting carrying this manga.

joined Feb 1, 2019

I kinda don't want that Ayaka and Hiroko be a thing, Go for it Risa!

joined Oct 4, 2016

I am rooting for you, Hiroko! Get your shit together, missy!

joined Feb 18, 2013

Hiroko, you absolute pillock.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I’m so glad these aren’t real people, or else I’d be upset.

joined Aug 7, 2021

I’m so glad these aren’t real people, or else I’d be upset.

They're not real people, and I hate that I'm already upset!

I love the pain, though. Can't lie.

joined Feb 19, 2016

I wonder if Hiroko's inability to be open and okay with her sexuality, outside of select "safe spaces" like the bar is the reason she's become a womanizer; it's much easier to hide that you're gay if you refuse to commit to anything of substance. It makes me feel bad for her, thinking of how lonely I'd feel if I forced myself to make any romantic interactions just superficial and fleeting, but I agree with many here that I'm iffy on if I want her to actually end up with Ayaka now. I'd like Risa to get a bit more spotlight, from what we've seen she seems like she'd be a better fit.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Damaged people need love too!

joined Dec 17, 2021

I've never been a fan of people constantly misunderstanding each other, but I'm perfectly fine with it here. In fact, I hope things get even more dramatic and confusing before Ayaka and Hiroko end up together.

joined Feb 6, 2013

Still no Risa storyline. :'(

joined Aug 24, 2021

Dumb move senpai, pretty dumb move

joined Mar 8, 2014

I love your responses! She definitely fumbles the bag while desperately trying to keep work and personal life completely separate. Things might have been a lot easier if Ayaka didn't work there and was just some girl at the bar lol. It should be said that Ayaka cornering her in the office and loudly trying to forcefully out her is not right either. I can't imagine that anyone would cosign that, in a corporate office in Japan, no less. That's a panic inducing moment for sure, and definitely for Hiroko who feels safer in the closet at work.

Yeah definitely a kabedon move would be considered harassment irl and maybe it would have been better to have a calm talk or something. Other than that, about her asking Hiroko not sure if that's wrong per se given that Hiroko dragged Ayaka out of the bar and forcefully asked what she was doing there as well so she kinda had it coming.
But to be sure Ayaka has been super forceful this whole time. She's so over the top. I'm not sure if it's just exaggerated for comedy or if the author actually wants to highlight that's she's inexperienced and awkward. Maybe both? We haven't seen it much but it seems Ayaka was a sort of antisocial nerdy glasses type of girl before so probably she's not that good at communication and comes off too strong. I mean her only tactic was to dress sexy and be as provocative as possible basically. She never asks Hiroko what she likes or what she does in her free time.
She's actually not socially savvy which is probably why she admired Hiroko in the first place. In reality both Hiroko and Ayaka need to grow as characters and that's what makes the pair interesting for me. Ayaka needs to chill a bit and be more casually friendly and Hiroko needs to learn to be more vulnerable.
P.S what bothers me the most about Hiroko is not only lying but going on about how she doesn't have a problem with gay people and stuff... like is she for realz? O_o

last edited at Jun 11, 2023 11:52PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I like this Kind of drama. Just enough room for some personality development. Sure, Hiroko is Kind of a scumbag. But that just means ayaka can take the lead and sweep her. Or Hiroko will have to do some hard thinking.

joined Jun 22, 2022

by now, im kinda hoping for a twist risa-ayaka ending

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