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joined Apr 11, 2022

The woman with the wedding dress in the first page of chapter 1 looks like Eri to me, not Fuyuki. If I had to guess, I'd say Eri is marrying an unknown person that is neither Kyo nor Fuyuki.

Given the hair color, looks more like Fuyuki to me though. Oh well, as long as Fuyuki is happy, I don't care about the rest lol.

joined Nov 23, 2014

I dont care what happens, i want Kyou to suffer.

I enjoy the polar opposite responses to Kyou lol

Group A is "that poor bastard, fated to be caught and ground up by someone else's romance"

Group B is "that bastard, why the hell is he getting in the way of someone else's romance"

Both perspectives are factually accurate

Fuyuki seems the most likely candidate to "getting in the way of someone else's romance" at this point in the story.

joined Jun 1, 2020

I do not know this author or their works, so walking in the comment section and seeing many people talking about pain is not a good sign for me lol. Also checking out some of their other works is a huge motherfucking oof. I usually try to steer clear of heavy drama for personal reasons, but these two chapters have been really good, and I'm curious to see where things go. At least until it gets heavier than I can bear.

As far as expectations, speculations, and hopes go, I do not read Eri in any way that isn't a girl in love with their best friend, and I personally hope she and Fuyuki end up together and happy with as little turbulence as possible.

My first read of the dude was him probably being in love with Fuyuki, and even despite what happened, part of me still expects this to be the case, but we'll see. Either case I read him as a good egg for the most part, so I do hope he doesn't get all shaft no candy.

I do not yet have a read about Fuyuki, what happens with her senpai will most probably be what determines that. It is implied she'll, for lack of a better term, use her senpai to distract herself from the Eri situation, and with the senpai seemingly being either a past flame or a long-time acquaintance, it's more than plausible. At the same time I do not think this is necessarily what will happen; I most definitely hope it doesn't. We'll see. What I do think is that this may rouse something in Eri which will give a clearer picture of where she actually stands in all this.

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 6:19PM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Okay, at least my girl Fuyuki is gonna put herself out there. I cannot (probably don't need to) tell you how many protags I get frustrated with just wallowing in angst instead of getting out there and doing something about it. Sure, it probably isn't the healthiest way to approach her feelings, but it's definitely refreshing to see something like this for a change.
joined Apr 19, 2012

Murasakino is either very sweet cute happy or very sad angsty sob

joined Apr 11, 2022

Okay, at least my girl Fuyuki is gonna put herself out there. I cannot (probably don't need to) tell you how many protags I get frustrated with just wallowing in angst instead of getting out there and doing something about it. Sure, it probably isn't the healthiest way to approach her feelings, but it's definitely refreshing to see something like this for a change.

Same mate. For once the protagonist is trying to distract herself, instead of just enduring everything throwing at her. Though we still aren't sure if Fuyuki will really try to get together with the senpai in order to forget Eri, or it's just a brief conversation and everything is back to square one lol. On a side note, following an angst story that is monthly isn't good for my health xD

Fuyuki seems the most likely candidate to "getting in the way of someone else's romance" at this point in the story.

I would agree with you if only Eri looks a bit more enthusiastic while dating Kyou lol. So far I don't see it yet, personally. They are all too vague to me. And honestly I start to even be on the side of "Kyou actually likes Fuyuki, but decided to ask Eri out for whatever reason". We probably will need more from Eri's side, and Kyou's too, so we can get a more accurate picture, but I believe they won't be here soon before getting further into the story.

last edited at Mar 23, 2023 1:18AM

joined Oct 10, 2016

Oh boy the levels of angst skyrocket with each chapter

joined Mar 22, 2014

I absolutely love how Fuyuki is taking all of this in stride (well, as level headed as one can be in this situation) and how she composes herself. Power to you, girl.

I read the available raws so far. Part 1 of chapter 4 just dropped today, but it seems that Chaosteam is translating a chapter when both parts are out (good choice), which means chapter 3 is due anytime.

For those who are more spoiler hungry, you can read about chapter 3 & 4.1 below (also, this is by memory because the site has taken down chapter 3 LOL so apologies for any minor mistakes):

The mysterious senpai is Fuyuki’s high school senpai. It turns out that Fuyuki is a year younger than Kyouhei and Eri, and she went to a different high school from Eri. We can see that the senpai and Fuyuki are somewhat close, but there’s a reasonable amount of room for doubt. When Eri introduces herself, the senpai seems to know about her (implying Fuyuki used to talk about her). The senpai quickly takes her leave after introductions without stirring up any sort of trouble or drama.

Meanwhile, as Eri and Fuyuki have their coffee together, Eri starts asking about the senpai, getting upset that she didn’t know of her existence. Fuyuki is a little perplexed by this because she believes it’s only natural that Eri didn’t know about the senpai since they went to different high schools. Eri doubles down and is seemingly jealous that Fuyuki hid this senpai’s existence from her, but Fuyuki instead is like ??? she’s just a normal upperclassman from school???

The scene switches and they’re on the way home. Fuyuki apologizes for not mentioning the senpai, but states that everybody has things they’re keeping from other people, and that’s okay. This, however, prompts Eri to reveal that she and Kyouhei have started dating. Eri apologizes, stating she only wanted to keep it a secret from Fuyuki to avoid hurting her, but Fuyuki takes this in stride. At the end of this chapter, Fuyuki apologizes in her head for keeping something else from Eri. It turns out that in high school, she had her first kiss with her senpai. It is implied both of them knew of their respective crushes on other people, and they decided to kiss each other out of comfort.

Chapter 4.1:
The chapter starts with Eri begging Fuyuki to hang out with her and Kyouhei the next day, but Fuyuki respectfully declines as she has a ton of homework to do, and she thinks that she should have some alone time with her new boyfriend. Eri is disgusted at Fuyuki referring to Kyouhei as her “boyfriend”. Fuyuki points out that the two of them haven’t hung out alone ever since they started dating, but Eri corrects her and says they probably haven’t hung out with each other alone ever since they started university. Eri then confesses that when she thinks about dating Kyouhei, something just doesn’t feel right, and then once again, asks Fuyuki to accompany her on the date.

The date itself rolls around, and out of habit, Eri pokes Kyouhei and calls him “Fuyuki” before remembering that she isn’t there. Eri then asks how long they have left until the movie and Kyouhei says about an hour and a half, but Eri grumbles wondering what they could even do until then. She scolds Kyouhei for not coming up with a plan and says that she likes it when she’s being escorted around on a date properly. Kyouhei admits that he didn’t come up with one out of fear that she would laugh at him, but Eri promises she would never laugh at somebody putting in an effort. Kyouhei is touched and promises that he’ll do it properly next time, but when Eri hears that there’ll be a “next time”, she finds herself deeply unsettled with that idea.

Meanwhile, Fuyuki notices that she’s out of treats for her dog, so she decides to go out and buy them, but strictly chooses to avoid taking a detour to the bookstore close to where Eri & Kyouhei are having their date. This is where chapter 4.1 ends.

joined Nov 23, 2014

I would agree with you if only Eri looks a bit more enthusiastic while dating Kyou lol. So far I don't see it yet, personally. They are all too vague to me. And honestly I start to even be on the side of "Kyou actually likes Fuyuki, but decided to ask Eri out for whatever reason". We probably will need more from Eri's side, and Kyou's too, so we can get a more accurate picture, but I believe they won't be here soon before getting further into the story.

I was about to type something about overanalyzing in favor of the established pairing naturally being tossed to railroad the two female characters together no matter what as people tend to root for here, but then I read those spoilers above and I don't even know anymore... "Eri's side" is the "dumb side" in this story I guess.

Still, this author could make even an ending where no one gets together satisfying. We shall see.

joined Feb 10, 2022

Murasakino is back with more drama yuri. Not gonna be surprised if there is toxicity.

Idk the way it started sounded like the girls won't ended up together. The girl at the beginning seems to be Fuyuki. The dude said he's going to a wedding I guess it's not his. The wedding, is it Fuyuki's wedding? Or is it Eri's, and Fuyuki is gonna help her? Idk but thing is that

joined Oct 25, 2014

Murasakino is back with more drama yuri. Not gonna be surprised if there is toxicity.

Idk the way it started sounded like the girls won't ended up together. The girl at the beginning seems to be Fuyuki.

Fuyuki has dark hair though. The girl at the beginning is probably Eri since her hair has that reddish tone.

last edited at May 1, 2023 4:20PM

joined Jul 21, 2019

So, any word from Chaosteam as to when they'll graciously gift us new chapters?

last edited at May 19, 2023 1:26PM

joined Apr 11, 2022

Fuyuki has dark hair though. The girl at the beginning is probably Eri since her hair has that reddish tone.

Hard to say, cause there is light from the window. And even if it's Fuyuki or Eri, there is still chance they won't end up together.

And yeah, I just can't like Eri after reading the spoilers. Fuyuki deserves better.

joined Oct 28, 2020

Okay, at least my girl Fuyuki is gonna put herself out there. I cannot (probably don't need to) tell you how many protags I get frustrated with just wallowing in angst instead of getting out there and doing something about it. Sure, it probably isn't the healthiest way to approach her feelings, but it's definitely refreshing to see something like this for a change.

Yessss!! make them more humans, it's not healthy, but thats the point. We are humans and make mistakes like that, is refreshing seeing some characters like this.

joined Jun 27, 2022

I so hope Fuyuki starts something with her senpai even though casual relationships are not the most healthy thing you can do it's still better than that.

Those close het friends can be a real pain in the ass x)

joined May 12, 2021

This is the kind of quality angst story that I am so here for. The first two chapters were good, but I love when the protagonist is also at least a little toxic instead of just being a victim wallowing in their own suffering.

The fact that Fuyuki isn't purely tunnel-visioned on Eri but is making moves to deal with her own suffering, however unhealthy and potentially detrimental to her other relationships it might be, has got me seriously looking forward to the rest of this story

joined Apr 16, 2022

I gotta say, Eri is my favorite character in this manga. It's fascinating to me how she hasn't really done anything wrong, but the story is framed to encourage the audience to hate her because Fuyuki is the protagonist and everything Eri's done -- perhaps most especially the nice things she's done -- have hurt Fuyuki deeply.

What I find most interesting about Eri, though, is how emotionally intuitive she is in (seemingly) almost all areas. She knew Fuyuki liked the movie the other club member was trashing; she instantly noticed that Kurosawa was more than just Fuyuki's senpai; and I'm pretty sure she also knows Kyou's in love with Fuyuki and not her. Which all raises the question...does she really not know that Fuyuki's been in love with her since forever? Does she really not see how much she's been hurting Fuyuki?

Here's my guess. The story is structured to make you think Eri is some evil manipulator -- even Kurosawa seems to believe this -- but I don't think so. I think the fundamental irony of Eri is that she understands others very well but she understands herself not at all. She's terrified to face the prospect that Fuyuki loves her because it would mean she'd have to admit to her own love too. So she lies to herself, pretends like she doesn't see it, forces herself to take Fuyuki's words at face value, because admitting to the truth would result in a flood of guilt, shame, and fear she's not able to hold up against.

God I love Murasakino lol

joined Sep 10, 2022

I gotta say, Eri is my favorite character in this manga. It's fascinating to me how she hasn't really done anything wrong, but the story is framed to encourage the audience to hate her because Fuyuki is the protagonist and everything Eri's done -- perhaps most especially the nice things she's done -- have hurt Fuyuki deeply.

What I find most interesting about Eri, though, is how emotionally intuitive she is in (seemingly) almost all areas. She knew Fuyuki liked the movie the other club member was trashing; she instantly noticed that Kurosawa was more than just Fuyuki's senpai; and I'm pretty sure she also knows Kyou's in love with Fuyuki and not her. Which all raises the question...does she really not know that Fuyuki's been in love with her since forever? Does she really not see how much she's been hurting Fuyuki?

Here's my guess. The story is structured to make you think Eri is some evil manipulator -- even Kurosawa seems to believe this -- but I don't think so. I think the fundamental irony of Eri is that she understands others very well but she understands herself not at all. She's terrified to face the prospect that Fuyuki loves her because it would mean she'd have to admit to her own love too. So she lies to herself, pretends like she doesn't see it, forces herself to take Fuyuki's words at face value, because admitting to the truth would result in a flood of guilt, shame, and fear she's not able to hold up against.

God I love Murasakino lol

Very well put. I was thinking this exact same thing. She doesn't seem to understand her connection to Fuyuki yet, or has an inkling of understanding but is currently too scared or hesitant to truly investigate them. She just seems behind Fuyuki when it comes to understanding (or accepting) their desires. But she is earnest.

last edited at May 30, 2023 12:37PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

... I do not read Eri in any way that isn't a girl in love with their best friend...

An excerpt of my own comment from above. This is even more evident in this chapter, as well as in the spoilers shared above. Seems to me like it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but whether they call it a duck is up for debate for reasons I am not yet sure of. I hope Eri figures out it is a duck before it is too late, or hell, I'll make do with 'at all'.

I gotta say, Eri is my favorite character in this manga...

Definitely an interesting take. I never thought of Eri as an evil manipulator, my thoughts were always a lot closer to what you're writing than anything else, and I'm hoping that it is the case and that we'll learn more about Eri from her own perspective at some point. She's already claimed several times that Fuyuki is the most important person to her, I just want her to confront the question of why is that so.

last edited at May 30, 2023 12:41PM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Why some of you here think Kyou is in love with Fuyuki? I know it would be the most drama inducing decision, but the guy has no reason to go confess to Eri if he wanted Fuyuki. His love isnt frowned upon, its a man and a woman, he can just go for it. I think he does like Eri.

joined Apr 16, 2022

Very well put. I was thinking this exact same thing. She doesn't seem to understand her connection to Fuyuki yet, or has an inkling of understanding but is currently too scared or hesitant to truly investigate them. She just seems behind Fuyuki when it comes to understanding (or accepting) their desires. But she is earnest.

Thanks! And yeah, extending my analysis, Fuyuki is the opposite of Eri; Fuyuki understands herself extremely well, but seems to have trouble understanding other people, even -- or especially -- the girl she loves.


Why some of you here think Kyou is in love with Fuyuki?

Nothing definite but there are several signs. When Kyou visits Fuyuki's house, he leaves as soon as he hears Eri's coming, turning down Fuyuki's invitation to stay. At the amusement park, he resists Eri's idea until Fuyuki seconds it, which Eri even calls him out on "You're such a softie when it comes to Fuyuki, Kyou". Eri, who we see later is extremely emotionally intuitive (at least about other people) seems to doubt he actually likes her "About that thing you said the other day...were you serious?". And if Fuyuki and Kurosawa are any indication, "two people who don't really love each other date in order to forget about the person they really like" is a major theme of the manga.

last edited at May 30, 2023 1:03PM

joined Oct 25, 2014

I'm pretty sure she also knows Kyou's in love with Fuyuki and not her.

Kyou's not in love with Fuyuki.

Also, trying to analyse Eri's character at this point is not a good idea because there's still a big reveal about Eri coming in chapter 5 that will re-contextualize her relationship with Fuyuki. Without that important piece of information you're bound to misread Eri's characterization.

last edited at May 30, 2023 1:06PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

This is the kind of quality angst story that I am so here for. The first two chapters were good, but I love when the protagonist is also at least a little toxic instead of just being a victim wallowing in their own suffering.

Thisssss. Don't just wallow, girl. Hook up with senpai. She cute.

I gotta say, Eri is my favorite character in this manga. It's fascinating to me how she hasn't really done anything wrong, but the story is framed to encourage the audience to hate her because Fuyuki is the protagonist and everything Eri's done -- perhaps most especially the nice things she's done -- have hurt Fuyuki deeply.

Ughhhh you make a great point here. I've been reading this manga so far with the mindset of "Eri can take a long walk off a short dock", but she hasn't actually done anything intentionally hurtful. In fact, she has shown she's worried about Fuyuki's reaction to her having a boyfriend (at least recently--seems like in the flashbacks in previous chapters, she had no qualms sharing about her boyfriends). But the author does a great job of making me hate her anyway lol.

What I find most interesting about Eri, though, is how emotionally intuitive she is in (seemingly) almost all areas. She knew Fuyuki liked the movie the other club member was trashing; she instantly noticed that Kurosawa was more than just Fuyuki's senpai; and I'm pretty sure she also knows Kyou's in love with Fuyuki and not her. Which all raises the question...does she really not know that Fuyuki's been in love with her since forever? Does she really not see how much she's been hurting Fuyuki?

What makes you think Kyou really likes Fuyuki and that Eri knows it? I've only seen a couple small things (Eri saying he's soft with her, him inviting Fuyuki to join the film club), and ultimately, he asked out Eri. Just curious.

Here's my guess. The story is structured to make you think Eri is some evil manipulator -- even Kurosawa seems to believe this -- but I don't think so. I think the fundamental irony of Eri is that she understands others very well but she understands herself not at all. She's terrified to face the prospect that Fuyuki loves her because it would mean she'd have to admit to her own love too. So she lies to herself, pretends like she doesn't see it, forces herself to take Fuyuki's words at face value, because admitting to the truth would result in a flood of guilt, shame, and fear she's not able to hold up against.

Agreed, though I tend not to sympathize with characters like this. Just be gay lol.

joined Apr 16, 2022

Also, trying to analyse Eri's character at this point is not a good idea because there's still a big reveal about Eri coming in chapter 5 that will re-contextualize her relationship with Fuyuki. Without that important piece of information you're bound to misread Eri's characterization.

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

Ughhhh you make a great point here. I've been reading this manga so far with the mindset of "Eri can take a long walk off a short dock", but she hasn't actually done anything intentionally hurtful. In fact, she has shown she's worried about Fuyuki's reaction to her having a boyfriend (at least recently--seems like in the flashbacks in previous chapters, she had no qualms sharing about her boyfriends). But the author does a great job of making me hate her anyway lol.

Well, structurally speaking she's the antagonist, since she's the one getting in the way of the protagonist's goal. So it's understandable that a lot of readers would hate her.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Also, trying to analyse Eri's character at this point is not a good idea because there's still a big reveal about Eri coming in chapter 5 that will re-contextualize her relationship with Fuyuki. Without that important piece of information you're bound to misread Eri's characterization.

I read the raw of chapter 5 and, without discussing spoilers, I think it's mostly consistent with my interpretation.

I think chapter 5 makes it pretty clear you're interpretation is wrong though.

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