Forum › There Is No Love Wishing Upon a Star discussion

joined Feb 20, 2023

Hello buding here! I'm more of a lurker usually but I created an account here just to say thanks to everyone who have been paitently waiting for our chapters!

As most of you have said and seen, this manga deals with more complicated feelings and subtext. While as readers, we are able to immediately see who's being dumb and all, I hope you'll be able to enjoy this series better if you remember that they're just fresh college students, they aren't really mentally mature enough to make smart decisions (although personally I applaud Kyouhei for standing his ground against Eri's shenanigans instead of just accepting everything she says).

We'll continue to work on chapter 5 (which is the last chapter of Volume 1) and chapter 6, and hope everyone will be still here for the ride!

last edited at Jul 9, 2023 1:15PM
joined May 28, 2015

i will say as someone who haphazardly accepted my guy best friend's confession out of pressure(?) it is a super uncomfortable position. i really relate to eri. i understand shes not a good person but in the spur of the moment you can't really think about it rationally.

that being said im excited for fuyuki and senpai arc

Out of pressure ? If you were pressed to accept their confession you shouldn't go out with them, even when the pressure came from you. If they're really your friend they will understand you and back off and if don't they don't... they're not your friend. And you should distance yourself from them.

? Yeah I think they are saying it wasn't a reasonable decision. Social pressure is an extremely powerful kind of pressure, especially when you're younger, and pressure for a heterosexual normative relationship is anchored in society.
That's why even though Eri's not being a good friend to Fuyuki and Kyou, I can't say that she's just a bad person. I mean we are reading a manga by someone who does explore those complicated relationship aspects, let's be nuanced and go with the story that is being told instead of trying to optimise them by wanting all their decisions to be the most rational in that situation, something none of us always do.

She wasn't press to date Kyou, no one forced her to date Kyou. He confessed to her, she asked advice from Fuyuki, and she decided to go out with him. You can't put all the responsibility to the heteronormative society. At the end of the day, she is the one who decide with who she wants to go out with.
Okay, our society favors heterosexual relationships and discriminates other sexualities, people tend to pressure others to be in a couple and preferably with a person of the other sex, and yes women are likely to get stupid remarks like "why are you single ?", "When are you getting married ?", "When are you giving us grandchildren ?","This man would be perfect for you, I can arrange it for you" and yada yada... BUT at the end of the day, the choice is yours !
We are not talking about someone who's abducted, locked up or her family had made an arranged marriage.
So telling it's the heteronormative society that make her take stupid / irrational decisions is too much. You can't just hide all her mistakes behind that single argument.
Okay, social pressure can be heavy depending on people but accepting to do something out of pressure it's never a good idea.
Yeah, Eri is a fictional character who's going through complex feelings and no I'm nos asking to make her a "Mary-Sue" who never make any mistake. But unless Fuyuki, who also made some irrationals and stupids decisions, she's so unsympathetic, selfish and just not lovable at all. The way the author portray her never make me want to take her side or care about her. For me, she is just a selfish person.
And come one, not seeing any change from Fuyuki when she was dating numerous guys and when she literally tells her how her first time went... For a best friend, childhood friend perspective, she's not really good. We are talking about a normal Japanese girl, not some KGD/FBI or whatever agent trained to hide their emotions. They spend most of their time together, and not even once she notices something was odd ? Really !

joined Jul 8, 2020

These idiots useless lesbian arghhhhh!

joined May 1, 2019

This page is one of my favorite subtle moments in the chapter. What Fuyuki is really saying here is, "He wasn't able to ask her on a date, but he was able to tell her he loved her...which is the one thing I haven't been able to do." When she says "it's funny", I get the sense that she's laughing at her own cowardice just as much as she is Kyou's.

joined Mar 24, 2015





We'll continue to work on chapter 5 (which is the last chapter of Volume 1) and chapter 6, and hope everyone will be still here for the ride!

Thank you so much for bringing us this wonderfully angsty content. I look forward to more!

joined Feb 2, 2023

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I will be here for the whole ride, from the start to the very end! This is such a very interesting and complex story! I love it!!! Again, thank you so much for updating this!! I am always looking forward so much for the next chapter to be brought to us <3

joined Dec 6, 2018

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

last edited at Jul 9, 2023 2:54PM

joined Apr 19, 2018

Hello buding here! I'm more of a lurker usually but I created an account here just to say thanks to everyone who have been paitently waiting for our chapters!

We'll continue to work on chapter 5 (which is the last chapter of Volume 1) and chapter 6, and hope everyone will be still here for the ride!

Big ups to you and your group! Really appreciate you guys TL'ing this for everyone!

joined Mar 22, 2014

Hello buding here! I'm more of a lurker usually but I created an account here just to say thanks to everyone who have been paitently waiting for our chapters!

As most of you have said and seen, this manga deals with more complicated feelings and subtext. While as readers, we are able to immediately see who's being dumb and all, I hope you'll be able to enjoy this series better if you remember that they're just fresh college students, they aren't really mentally mature enough to make smart decisions (although personally I applaud Kyouhei for standing his ground against Eri's shenanigans instead of just accepting everything she says).

We'll continue to work on chapter 5 (which is the last chapter of Volume 1) and chapter 6, and hope everyone will be still here for the ride!

Thanks for your hard work!

Can I ask if "buding" is meant to be something like "pudding"?

joined Oct 25, 2014

People will really see a girl who due to growing up in a heteronormative environment doesn't realise there's really an option beyond having a boyfriend or not having a boyfriend and think to themselves wow what a bitch.

Like yeah she's not being a good friend or partner right now, and yes she is stringing him along but like Eri herself is saying "I'll fall fall in love eventually please just wait until then" like she genuinely believes this is it, that this is what she is meant to do and like yes that means she's a bad partner but no it does not mean she's being bad partner on purpose.

Also given that Fuyuki is coming out to Eri right now I'd expect the next couple chapters to be about Eri slowly unraveling as she comes to terms with what is actually possible and what choices she would make differently now that she knows.

100%. Fully agreed. It's hard to discuss, so I normally avoid it but it's always interesting seeing so much of what I'd describe as lacking empathy about issues I'd have thought people would be more sensitive to. But I agree, she seems to be unaware that her entire focus is locked to Fuyuki. Even her reason for trying with Kyou is "maybe this will keep Fuyuki with me now." Kyou clearly picks up on it (and is jealous), and Fuyuki, as well; but, Eri does not understand herself very well. She has a dependence on Fuyuki that she's likely rationalized as simply "best friend/saviour" dependence but might be more than that. This could be why a crossroads set by Fuyuki's getting a girlfriend might serve as a catalyst for a change, whether good or bad.

I think people are missing the aspect of dramatic irony, too; we know that Fuyuki has feelings for Eri and that Eri's actions are causing a lot of pain but, of course, Eri doesn't know that because Fuyuki is actively hiding it.

It's very common for people to get so caught up in a story (especially when a character is making them angry) that they stop understanding that the characters in a story don't have the same perspective as the audience. I'm sure opinions will change as we get more Eri pov, but I'm not surprised to see so much hate in the comments. At least it's a sign that a story is good when people get so emotionally invested, though

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Eri though. The fact she's stringing Kyohei along even though the she doesn't love him. The fact she selfishly clings to Fuyuki and wants her around all the time just because she doesn't want to be alone (or maybe she's actually in love with Fuyuki but is in denial).

Either way, whether she's aware of Fuyuki's feelings is besides the point, to be honest. Eri has plenty of issues of her own and that's why she's not very likable. That been said, she is a pretty interesting character. Selfish and unlikable but interesting as a character.

last edited at Jul 11, 2023 3:29PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

joined Dec 6, 2018

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

Well, it is indeed quite the news flash I am reading a work of fiction. Thank you for your clarification on that point. Not being nearly as worldly and wise I had the mistaken impression that fiction, nonfiction, and indeed most works of literature were based at least in part on real life or, at least, real life situations which the author uses to better draw in the audience and make the story relatable. Evidently I was incorrect.
I was using real life as neither a shield to protect the author who I do not know, nor feel the need to guard, nor as a cudgel to belittle you as you seem quite content to attempt to do to me. I was using real life as an example of where the author possibly got the idea for how they handled the story.
If you do not care for the story, that is absolutely your right. If you do not care for the characters that is, again, well within your rights. (not that I have given approval whether tacitly or no as you do not need my approval nor anything else from me and I do apologize if it came across that way) to feel that way.
I was simply pointing out that, having written a book or two of my own, and having lived a moment or two as well, I felt the use of the senpai was a perfectly acceptable plot device given the situation and that, just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to disagree with it.

last edited at Jul 9, 2023 7:56PM

joined Oct 3, 2018

Imma just start assuming if it has the het tag it’s probably garbage writing

joined Oct 3, 2018

Imma just start assuming if it has the het tag it’s probably garbage writing

joined Oct 3, 2018

Imma just start assuming if it has the het tag it’s probably garbage writing

joined Oct 3, 2018

Imma just start assuming if it has the het tag it’s probably garbage writing

joined Sep 3, 2022

I don't dislike Eri, I like all characters. Eri even acknowledge when she was being a hypocrite, she was honest to her boyfriend. I'm liking it, I don't mind the overused plot device. I'll read it until the end, thank you translation team.

joined Apr 28, 2019

I'm rooting for Fuyuki and Kurokawa

joined Mar 18, 2023

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

Well, it is indeed quite the news flash I am reading a work of fiction. Thank you for your clarification on that point. Not being nearly as worldly and wise I had the mistaken impression that fiction, nonfiction, and indeed most works of literature were based at least in part on real life or, at least, real life situations which the author uses to better draw in the audience and make the story relatable. Evidently I was incorrect.
I was using real life as neither a shield to protect the author who I do not know, nor feel the need to guard, nor as a cudgel to belittle you as you seem quite content to attempt to do to me. I was using real life as an example of where the author possibly got the idea for how they handled the story.
If you do not care for the story, that is absolutely your right. If you do not care for the characters that is, again, well within your rights. (not that I have given approval whether tacitly or no as you do not need my approval nor anything else from me and I do apologize if it came across that way) to feel that way.
I was simply pointing out that, having written a book or two of my own, and having lived a moment or two as well, I felt the use of the senpai was a perfectly acceptable plot device given the situation and that, just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to disagree with it.

sigh.... you know what, this story isnt worth arguing over, lets just end this discussion of ours right here.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I don't dislike Eri, I like all characters. Eri even acknowledge when she was being a hypocrite, she was honest to her boyfriend. I'm liking it, I don't mind the overused plot device. I'll read it until the end, thank you translation team.


joined Dec 6, 2018

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

Well, it is indeed quite the news flash I am reading a work of fiction. Thank you for your clarification on that point. Not being nearly as worldly and wise I had the mistaken impression that fiction, nonfiction, and indeed most works of literature were based at least in part on real life or, at least, real life situations which the author uses to better draw in the audience and make the story relatable. Evidently I was incorrect.
I was using real life as neither a shield to protect the author who I do not know, nor feel the need to guard, nor as a cudgel to belittle you as you seem quite content to attempt to do to me. I was using real life as an example of where the author possibly got the idea for how they handled the story.
If you do not care for the story, that is absolutely your right. If you do not care for the characters that is, again, well within your rights. (not that I have given approval whether tacitly or no as you do not need my approval nor anything else from me and I do apologize if it came across that way) to feel that way.
I was simply pointing out that, having written a book or two of my own, and having lived a moment or two as well, I felt the use of the senpai was a perfectly acceptable plot device given the situation and that, just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to disagree with it.

sigh.... you know what, this story isnt worth arguing over, lets just end this discussion of ours right here.

I apologize if you think I was arguing, I wasn't. But I see no need to continue what is, obviously, a pointless conversation. Good day to you.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Imma just start assuming if it has the het tag it’s probably garbage writing

There's a good chance you won't see this,considering how Dynasty works,but another aspect of how Dynasty works is that it is entirely possible for one to send a message more then once,since posting one brings you forward in your browsing history,going back brings you write back to the moment before you pressed the button.

MIght be possible that slow internet can also allow one to press the button a few times,but regardless of which,congrats on posting the same message four times.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Hello buding here! I'm more of a lurker usually but I created an account here just to say thanks to everyone who have been paitently waiting for our chapters!

As most of you have said and seen, this manga deals with more complicated feelings and subtext. While as readers, we are able to immediately see who's being dumb and all, I hope you'll be able to enjoy this series better if you remember that they're just fresh college students, they aren't really mentally mature enough to make smart decisions (although personally I applaud Kyouhei for standing his ground against Eri's shenanigans instead of just accepting everything she says).

We'll continue to work on chapter 5 (which is the last chapter of Volume 1) and chapter 6, and hope everyone will be still here for the ride!

Good stuff,but :

joined Mar 18, 2023

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

Well, it is indeed quite the news flash I am reading a work of fiction. Thank you for your clarification on that point. Not being nearly as worldly and wise I had the mistaken impression that fiction, nonfiction, and indeed most works of literature were based at least in part on real life or, at least, real life situations which the author uses to better draw in the audience and make the story relatable. Evidently I was incorrect.
I was using real life as neither a shield to protect the author who I do not know, nor feel the need to guard, nor as a cudgel to belittle you as you seem quite content to attempt to do to me. I was using real life as an example of where the author possibly got the idea for how they handled the story.
If you do not care for the story, that is absolutely your right. If you do not care for the characters that is, again, well within your rights. (not that I have given approval whether tacitly or no as you do not need my approval nor anything else from me and I do apologize if it came across that way) to feel that way.
I was simply pointing out that, having written a book or two of my own, and having lived a moment or two as well, I felt the use of the senpai was a perfectly acceptable plot device given the situation and that, just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to disagree with it.

sigh.... you know what, this story isnt worth arguing over, lets just end this discussion of ours right here.

I apologize if you think I was arguing, I wasn't. But I see no need to continue what is, obviously, a pointless conversation. Good day to you.

no need for an apology, as this hadnt become an argument yet, and i wish you a good day as well.

joined Aug 26, 2018

damn dude this be a cuckfest and I’m loving it

edit: haven’t been to the dynasty comments section in a while. nice to see y’all still bitching at each other via diplomatically written essays

last edited at Jul 10, 2023 3:42AM

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