Forum › A Kiss for the Girls' Scars discussion

joined May 3, 2014

My brain keeps making parallels between this and fall in love until you die. That one is much darker, where the girls are raised as soldiers and fight in a war they don't understand. But here the girls are trained to fight for survival and even have the choice of leaving to anywhere they want once they graduate. They don't even have to kill people. Idk why people are arguing against the vampires anyway. They're all good girls who have such lofty goals as "travel the world" and "not die." As the subject of the world's newest genocide, I can't help but sympathize with them. Hunters don't need to kill vampires, they choose to. And the vampires don't even seek retribution when their friends die because they know that humans are basically scared animals right now. I think Collette is the start of whatever will end up bridging the divide between their worlds, along with Luce. The current system is unsustainable. Humans are just angry and reactive and vampires are scared. Even if this story was human pov, I think the vampires would still be the sympathetic party because it wouldn't take an intelligent reader long to realize that committing genocide for any reason is not okay.

This story seems to hit many similar beats as until you die but with less drama and over less time. Like this story advances faster. Honestly it's a nice palette cleanser since until you die made me sob like a baby. I really like this story a lot and all the characters are very cute. This might be the closest thing I've seen to a yuri vampire slice of life. The art is also very pleasant, particularly the backgrounds. I don't understand the criticisms I've been seeing in the comments. Ya'll are weird.

all that wall of text on the stock that YOU THINK vampiers don’t kill humans because they are cure little kity girls LOOL

also calling others weird for having an different opinion on the story makes you the weird one :3

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 10:32PM

joined Mar 25, 2020


joined May 10, 2021

Huh... Interesting past, I guess she's got a weird power huh (and she most likely still got it).

joined Aug 12, 2021

Huh, so were Emielle's parents not vampires then? Or does she just have like an enormously strong glamour.

Because neither of the parents really open their mouths enough to see if they have fangs, but at that point how would that work because baby Emielle appears to already have the vampire fangs. Do vampires get born in this world? Do they get turned? I certainly feel like I'm missing something that will probably be explained next chapter.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Huh, so were Emielle's parents not vampires then? Or does she just have like an enormously strong glamour.

Because neither of the parents really open their mouths enough to see if they have fangs, but at that point how would that work because baby Emielle appears to already have the vampire fangs. Do vampires get born in this world? Do they get turned? I certainly feel like I'm missing something that will probably be explained next chapter.

The way this is playing out rn reminds me a lot of MagiRevo and the whole thing about Lainie. I wonder if it's smth similar to that. Or maybe the maid has smth to do with it since she doesn't seem to be affected (at least there are no swirlies in her eyes)?

joined Mar 28, 2015

BreadBunny posted:

Huh, so were Emielle's parents not vampires then? Or does she just have like an enormously strong glamour.

Probably the latter. Nearly everyone around her in the previous chapters was trying to be on her good side.

She probably has unconscious glamour that keeps growing. Maybe she learned to control it later? Or has a trinket on her that keeps it lower.

As for her parent, I think they're vampires. Lucie is a half-vampire because her parents are a vampire and a human. So vampires reproduce like the humans.

It was never mentioned that Vampires were sired, just that they started to need human blood at 14.

last edited at Apr 14, 2023 11:06AM

joined Apr 28, 2022

All I took from this chapter is everyone wants a piece of Emielle.

joined Sep 10, 2022

All I took from this chapter is everyone wants a piece of Emielle.

Would fit in MagiRevo.

last edited at Apr 14, 2023 4:03PM

joined Dec 15, 2016

My guess is none of her parents are vampires and she's the product of an afair or adopted.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What is this girl, the One Ring?

joined Aug 19, 2018

I guess everyone just thinks she's neat

joined Feb 3, 2023

Am I the only one worried about Luce? We find out she is half vampire half human, next
Violeta pointing out she "feels" like Luce is somewhat human and we see her inferior strength and reflexes, and that she can't use glamour...

When she turns 14, her sister will probably know her status by tasting her blood when they take the Sister's Oath, or Luce will refuse the Oath (and that will be super suspicious) or the blood craving might be different on her... she can only stay hidden for so long! A lot of death flags on my girl ):

last edited at May 8, 2023 5:41PM

joined Oct 25, 2014

Chapter 16 raw is out, and answers a lot of questions. The maid gives the infodump. As it turns out, Emile's glamour is so strong that even vampires are effected by it. The maid is not affected because there are a small number of vampires who aren't effected by such powers. That maid is like that. But Emile is in despair because all the people around her got all messed up because of her. The maid assures her it's not her fault but this doesn't do anything to cheer her up. So the maid tells her there will be at least one person in her life that won't be effected by her power, and when Emile meets that person, she must treasure them. Emile asks if the maid can be that person, but the maid says she can't because she likes being alone. Emile must find her important person on her own. And so, Emile finds out about the school for vampires and talks her family into send her there. But even in the school people are affected by her power. Emile tries to be kind and nice to everyone to feel like people like her for who she is, but deep down she knows the truth. She still hopes that when her onee-sama is selected, that person will be the one she's waiting for, her one and only, her important person. The flashback ends and we go back to the present time. Emile is outside her room all depressed and Eve is coming out to talk to her. That's the end of the chapter.

last edited at May 9, 2023 12:16PM

joined Jun 21, 2021
joined Aug 12, 2021

alright so it really was just super glamour, good to know that as with everything some people are better with it some people are worse, sucks that this does probably mean that Yucca's going batshit was probably the glamour getting to her.

Anyway I'm sure Emielle will be happy with Eve who has been completely no-selling pretty much every situation that could retroactively be taken as Emielle subconsciously glamouring

joined Jul 31, 2019

Yeah that didn't feel like the second-to-last chapter. I'll be missing this story, it was delightfully unpredictable and a little bit weird, but in a good way.

... also kinda weird that something that looks like it was abruptly axed gets published in the West? :P

last edited at May 29, 2023 4:37PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

LOL at the little axe on the last page

While I always find it sad when a series gets so abruptly axed, I can kind of understand why this particular one might not have done very well in sales... The writing was overall somewhat choppy and disjointed (to the point where I wouldn't find it completely unbelievable that this was how the writer intended to have the story end all along XD). I think it had the potential to be a whole lot better with some refinement.

joined May 1, 2015

I look forward to more Yachiyo Iroha 2.0.
The story seems really interesting.

I said this a while ago. It ended up being more true than I anticipated.
Everyone wants a piece of Iroha, uhm I mean Emielle. There can only be one true winner Yachiyo, uhm Eve.
The mangaka sure loves magireco.

joined Oct 25, 2014

I thought this was gonna be axed after the hunter girl plot was dropped without doing anything with it. Back then it felt weird they would introduce a new girl only to send her packing so soon. Now it makes sense. The decision to cancel the story was probably taken back then.

joined Mar 7, 2023

My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover also just got the AXE. I think a few other Yuri works as well.

I'm not going to speculate (here) but... it seems a lot of Yuri works with a certain tone have been getting the axe. A real shame because even if it's not the best having a lot of diversity is really nice for us Yuri lovers.

last edited at May 29, 2023 10:17PM

joined May 21, 2021

... also kinda weird that something that looks like it was abruptly axed gets published in the West? :P

Being cut short helps with its chance of getting licensed, if you ask me. I notice that almost all obscure series licensed in English are on the shorter side (3,4 volumes or less). Scarlet got picked up by Seven Seas even though it was brutally axed with only 2 volumes. Meanwhile 10+ volumes series never get picked up unless they have anime. Publishers probably prefer short series because because it's less of a commitment and they can avoid diminishing returns on niche series.

I'm not going to speculate (here) but... it seems a lot of Yuri works with a certain tone have been getting the axe. A real shame because even if it's not the best having a lot of diversity is really nice for us Yuri lovers.

It's just recency bias. Manga get axed left and right on a weekly basis. Each series has its own circumstance (magazine, reader demographic, sales, author, editor...) so it's impossible to draw a trend out of individual cancellations. More yuri getting made also means more yuri getting axed. It's the nature of the beast.

last edited at May 29, 2023 10:55PM

joined May 3, 2014

so it got axed :/ when i read the fact that the next chapter is the last it makes me feel like the romance was EXTREAMLY rushed with such an ending

last edited at May 30, 2023 3:31AM

joined Aug 15, 2021

My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover also just got the AXE. I think a few other Yuri works as well.

I'm not going to speculate (here) but... it seems a lot of Yuri works with a certain tone have been getting the axe. A real shame because even if it's not the best having a lot of diversity is really nice for us Yuri lovers.

My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover? Just googled it and saw new chapter is coming on 28/6. You meant that will be the last episode?

joined Feb 3, 2023

Welp, another series axed. Fuck me.

joined May 21, 2021

My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover? Just googled it and saw new chapter is coming on 28/6. You meant that will be the last episode?

Chapter 19 is already out. The official online platform is usually behind actual raw. The series is on short hiatus with Last chapter scheduled for August.

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