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joined Apr 25, 2020

Yeap, while the angsty stuff is pretty hard to digest, this manga is probably one of the best yuri dramas being published right now

joined Mar 28, 2015

Glad to see a proper translation instead of the gibberish that's on MD.

last edited at Apr 4, 2023 12:04PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

I do not know why but "Sugar-Fuu" is really fucking cute to me. The whole panel was bizarrely cute.

In all honesty, really felt bad for Fuuka about the whole deal with the girl. I think this is the most humanizing and relatable thing we've seen in the manga thus far (at least as far as Fuuka goes*), and definitely gives some more substance to her desperate attachment to Yuni. Question to the translator, how does the line about the girl "...spreading her legs for a man..." appear in the original script? Also thank you for doing this.

I'll also say firmly, once again that I have absolutely no sympathy for Nanase, and at this point, I am legitimately incensed at her bullshit, it's not even a request, she fucking expects her to be there. To magically find her fucking way all over there, be a good girl and keep herself busy until the goddamn match, and then show up and support her for absolutely fucking nothing. "I'll be able to do my best..." this dumb motherfucker. She is the biggest fool in this manga, in my eyes. Also I am willing to bet her club friend is most probably in love with her.

last edited at Apr 4, 2023 12:37PM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I do not know why but "Sugar-Fuu" is really fucking cute to me. The whole panel was bizarrely cute.

In all honesty, really felt bad for Fuuka about the whole deal with the girl. I think this is the most humanizing and relatable thing we've seen in the manga thus far (at least as far as Fuuka goes*), and definitely gives some more substance to her desperate attachment to Yuni. Question to the translator, how does the line about the girl "...spreading her legs for a man..." appear in the original script? Also thank you for doing this.


joined Apr 27, 2014

Sugar-fuu, Fuu-katsu is here!!! THANKS for giving us the rest of the chapters in a new and properly translated manner, may the goddesses of yuri smile upon you all.

joined Jun 1, 2020

I do not know why but "Sugar-Fuu" is really fucking cute to me. The whole panel was bizarrely cute.

In all honesty, really felt bad for Fuuka about the whole deal with the girl. I think this is the most humanizing and relatable thing we've seen in the manga thus far (at least as far as Fuuka goes*), and definitely gives some more substance to her desperate attachment to Yuni. Question to the translator, how does the line about the girl "...spreading her legs for a man..." appear in the original script? Also thank you for doing this.


Much appreciated. Would you say this implies Fuuka has something against men in general, or is it more relevant to the specific shock she's just received and the anger/frustration relating to it? Probably should've asked that in the original comment, now that I think about it.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I do not know why but "Sugar-Fuu" is really fucking cute to me. The whole panel was bizarrely cute.

In all honesty, really felt bad for Fuuka about the whole deal with the girl. I think this is the most humanizing and relatable thing we've seen in the manga thus far (at least as far as Fuuka goes*), and definitely gives some more substance to her desperate attachment to Yuni. Question to the translator, how does the line about the girl "...spreading her legs for a man..." appear in the original script? Also thank you for doing this.


Much appreciated. Would you say this implies Fuuka has something against men in general, or is it more relevant to the specific shock she's just received and the anger/frustration relating to it? Probably should've asked that in the original comment, now that I think about it.

I just think she feels disgusted that the woman she loved was "defiled" by a man.

Which opens a train of thought about how, by making Nanase a cuck, she re-enacts that scenario she was on the receiving end before as a form of revenge (or catharsis?). But as we can see later in the story, I think Fuu still caught the feels for Yuni eventually. But her mean streak reactivates when she see Yuni all worried about Nanase and she let the cat out of the bag.

joined Jan 13, 2019


joined Jul 10, 2016

Wait, wtf just happened? I feel like I just got either Killer Queened or King Crimsoned.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading a chapter where Fuuko dropped the fucking bomb. And I remember reading the START of chapter 7, but the ending of it is new to me.

Wtf happened?

joined Mar 28, 2015

Golden Brown posted:

Wait, wtf just happened? I feel like I just got either Killer Queened or King Crimsoned.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading a chapter where Fuuko dropped the fucking bomb. And I remember reading the START of chapter 7, but the ending of it is new to me.

Wtf happened?

Just look at the chapters numbers.

Someone is redoing properly the horribly butchered chapters that are on mangadex that were done with machine translation and no knowledge of either Japanese or English.

It's just, they left a gap in the chapters and translated chapter 16. Guess they'll fill in the gap progressively.

If you don't mind poor grammar and mistranslations that make no sense, you could always head to Mangadex. But Dynasty prides itself on quality, so it won't be uploaded here.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Good thing all chapter's get a proper translation but man I'm stoked for the next one. I must say the whole thing with Nanase seeing the kiss and falling from the stairs reminded me a lot of "My Joy". She's also a sports fanatic and didn't spend that much time with her gf, but at least she's not crippled.

I hope Nanase won't be a sus, beats Fuuko up and then cuts all ties with Yuni. That would be effin hilarious

last edited at Apr 5, 2023 8:58AM

joined Mar 4, 2018

That gal was incandescent with rage about her old gf being spoiled.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Note the clips in their hair. Easy to miss, but a nice detail.

"There are many stars in the sky, but there's a single moon".

Goes to show that Fuuko has a lot on her mind.

last edited at Apr 5, 2023 3:15PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

Good thing all chapter's get a proper translation but man I'm stoked for the next one. I must say the whole thing with Nanase seeing the kiss and falling from the stairs reminded me a lot of "My Joy". She's also a sports fanatic and didn't spend that much time with her gf, but at least she's not crippled.

I hope Nanase won't be a sus, beats Fuuko up and then cuts all ties with Yuni. That would be effin hilarious

"My Joy," I haven't thought about that one in ages. It was good, but ouch.

joined Jan 3, 2020

In the beginning, I felt the most bad for Yuni. Nanase was the villain, and Fuuko was an anti-hero.

In the middle, I felt the most bad for Fuuko. We get to see her backstory and how the people she loves never love her back. Nanase is definitely still the villain here with unreasonable demands.

By the end, I felt the most bad for Nanase. Yeah, she's treated Yuni really poorly as a girlfriend. If your time is that limited and your culture that restricted, she should have just told Yuni she couldn't do it. Yuni should have stopped lying her ass off about how 'fine' she felt about the situation though as well. But Yuni's cheating and assault makes her the villain here now.

joined Jun 30, 2017

Nanase: puts her club ahead of Yuni at every opportunity, makes no effort whatsoever to spend even a second of her time on her, and shows no commitment at all in any way to the relationship she herself started

Also Nanase: casually expects Yuni to shell out hundreds of dollars on a solo trip to Osaka so she can support her for a couple hours and then spend the rest of that time alone while Nanase hangs out with her club as usual

You know what, some people really do deserve to get cheated on, and I'm through trying to pretend they don't.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Nanase: puts her club ahead of Yuni at every opportunity, makes no effort whatsoever to spend even a second of her time on her, and shows no commitment at all in any way to the relationship she herself started

Also Nanase: casually expects Yuni to shell out hundreds of dollars on a solo trip to Osaka so she can support her for a couple hours and then spend the rest of that time alone while Nanase hangs out with her club as usual

You know what, some people really do deserve to get cheated on, and I'm through trying to pretend they don't.

Nobody deserves to get cheated on just because they don't know how to do love. There's a first for everyone, mistakes will be made. Being inconsiderate isn't a death-penalty. At the end of the day, Yuni should have told Nanase exactly what was wrong. When Yuni did that on their anniversary, she should have ended it.

Nanase didn't do Yuni wrong knowingly, while Yuni did.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Yuni could have broken things off at any time, if she really felt so mistreated by Nanase. And if she did want to continue the relationship, she could have treated it seriously by actually communicating and not cheating. Instead she wanted to have it both ways, to the point that even Fuuko felt hurt by it, and then when Fuuko confronts her about it she's like, "No, I prefer this stupid farce of a relationship where I cheat on my girlfriend and everyone involved feels hurt." Now the whole thing is collapsing on her head and there's no one to blame but Yuni herself.

last edited at Apr 9, 2023 8:59PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

My happy ending is Yuni being by her miserable self

joined Feb 20, 2022

Run, Nanase!!

joined Apr 27, 2014

I kinda want Fuuko and Yuni together, but Yuni is a bit, how to say it, seeing her alone and maybe growing up on her own would be cool as well. Nanase can go pro volleyball and have a girlfriend later in life. Fuuko...hmm...I dunno, I'd like to see her paired with a nice lady.

last edited at Apr 7, 2023 7:47PM

joined Jan 17, 2023

I(F) just read this for the second time, went to MD for the missing chapters, tho some translations didn't make sense. I'm actually kinda leaning towards Fuuko now, she's honest with her feelings for Yuni & has always been there for her. Nanase on the other hand reminds me of my ex-gf, she also wanted our relationship kept secret & promised that she'll come out eventually. It was fine at first cuz we were both so very much in love, I was so happy that I didn't really care much how it would affect my mental health but overtime it became detrimental. I felt like she took me for granted. I fell out of love but I didn't cheat of course, we had a clean break up. I actually felt relieved after. Anyway, Nanase did change her ways & is still trying for Yuni but it's already too late. In my opinion, Yuni should just break up with Nanase & go with Fuuko who's already been hurt enough, not being put first everytime. Go Sugar-Fuu!

joined Jun 30, 2017

You know what, some people really do deserve to get cheated on, and I'm through trying to pretend they don't.

Nobody deserves to get cheated on just because they don't know how to do love. There's a first for everyone, mistakes will be made. Being inconsiderate isn't a death-penalty. At the end of the day, Yuni should have told Nanase exactly what was wrong. When Yuni did that on their anniversary, she should have ended it.

Nanase didn't do Yuni wrong knowingly, while Yuni did.

Being cheated on isn't a death sentence either. What's wrong with cheating is the deception, right? The betrayal of trust? Well, how many times has Nanase deceived Yuni into thinking she would even try to be a halfway-decent partner and change her ways, only to then betray her trust? Not to mention courting her and starting the relationship in the first place, apparently under the false premise that they would actually be girlfriends instead of distant acquaintances who hold hands once in a blue moon after making sure the neighborhood has been evacuated.

Also yeah, Yuni should tell her what's wrong, and she did. That was like half the festival chapter. Yuni has told Nanase what was wrong, explicitly and at great length, and Nanase promised to do better, and then didn't.

Also lol at people calling Yuni needy. Expecting your partner to call or even text you regularly, especially on your anniversary, is not being needy. Expecting your partner to show up to the dates you've scheduled together (as, you know, a date) is not being needy. What we're seeing here is only two or three weeks of a six-month relationship, during which Yuni has until now been unfailingly supportive while receiving next to nothing in return. Nanase is in a high school sports club, not a black company; she has time to spend on a date with her girlfriend. Even full-time pro athletes have time to spend with their family and their partners. Nanase isn't just too busy, she chooses deliberately and repeatedly not to spend time with Yuni.

Don't get me wrong, cheating is still wrong and Yuni should have broken up with Nanase instead. (Although I have to ask, after carrying this relationship on her back unaided for its entire duration, why is still and always on Yuni to do all the legwork?) But cheating on Nanase is like murdering a drug dealer. The act itself is wrong, but you're allowed not to feel bad for the "victim."

last edited at Apr 8, 2023 3:54AM

Sarah of the Night
joined May 12, 2020

huh lol

joined Aug 12, 2019

damn, the comments are wild! had to go back re-reading the beginning to the lousy translated chapters on the other site. I've forgotten how good the story is.

it's pretty clear that both Nanase and Yuni are incompatible with each other. since Fuuko set ablaze to their terrible relationship, I can't wait to see the next chapter.

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