Forum › A Story about a Very Lonely Female CEO who Falls for a Lesbian Prostitute in Seconds discussion

joined Mar 21, 2019

Just gonna copypaste my comment from Mangadex cause I'm a lazy ass:

Heh, of course we couldn't expect anything else from these two goofasses.

Honestly, I'm fine with this as the ending point. Certainly more preferable to what we actually had before this.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'll concede that the epilogue's an improvement over the original ending, but it's still a bit disappointing. It would have been nice to have a sequel series with Noa as a secretary.

joined Jan 14, 2020

how can you be so useless after literally having sex

joined Dec 16, 2015

how can you be so useless after literally having sex

joined Mar 7, 2021

i used to like this series so much as it was going but after the original ending and now even the epilogue both the characters are super frustrating because neither of them are willing to make a move and I can't tell whos more annoying Amano for some how having zero confidence in Nogami's feelings/opinion of her despite everything that's happened or Nogami for knowing how Amano feels and knowing that she's completely useless but then chooses to do nothing about it.

I know haha useless lesbians funny, but like genuinely what was the purpose of telling this story less than nothing happens.

joined May 3, 2014

i used to like this series so much as it was going but after the original ending and now even the epilogue both the characters are super frustrating because neither of them are willing to make a move and I can't tell whos more annoying Amano for some how having zero confidence in Nogami's feelings/opinion of her despite everything that's happened or Nogami for knowing how Amano feels and knowing that she's completely useless but then chooses to do nothing about it.

I know haha useless lesbians funny, but like genuinely what was the purpose of telling this story less than nothing happens.

reading the comments for this story is better, glad I never read this story and thanks for the headsup for the unsatisfing ending :/ hate thous next to bad/sad/tragic ending

joined Jul 15, 2016

how can you be so useless after literally having sex

That's because sex cannot cure uselessness (but this does).

joined Dec 20, 2018

These two sure are useless for a couple that has done so much naughty together already... :D

But at least they're now finally at a point where they can properly start moving forward together. ^_^

joined Jul 31, 2019

I'm not disappointed per se but this was just bizarre to read

joined Jun 17, 2021

I think this mangaka is good at writing cliffhangers, but bad at resolutions, haha. This was cute, but resolved nothing.

joined Jan 18, 2016

im with mikami, they need to hurry tf up and get together!!!

joined May 28, 2021

I guess Amano just can't help being a useless dork :P Oh well, Noa will be there to give her a push when needed so it's all fine in the end.

joined Oct 31, 2018

having read the author's last work, i now feel foolish for expecting anything different
although it was much more fitting there than here

joined Jul 13, 2015

Well, this see more complete than the previous one.
Author want to still hold her work lol

joined Oct 3, 2021

Finally, a proper epilogue

joined Apr 19, 2018

This series dropped the bar for expectations so low, that we will even accept this bad resolution which took like 3 tries from the author.
In a way it is impressive, I guess.

Noa soda-coffee tastes the same but where are those who shared the memory

joined Dec 11, 2017

"There must be something she wants to accomplish at our company..."

Yeah, you dumbass, YOU. She wants to accomplish your brains out.

joined Dec 11, 2017

This series dropped the bar for expectations so low, that we will even accept this bad resolution which took like 3 tries from the author.
In a way it is impressive, I guess.

Noa soda-coffee tastes the same but where are those who shared the memory

Beh, people gripe too much. Tons of series have a "ending" that is lackluster. It helps up sales of the tankoubon if the resolution there is more satisfying.

joined Apr 10, 2021

In some places people whine too much (anything dealing with gaming for example) and some places like this are hugboxes where any criticism hurts the feelings of people.
joined Apr 19, 2012

this demands a re-read now.... so grateful for the epilogue!

joined Apr 12, 2018

I actually liked the epilogue. It was a good way of addressing the natural awkwardness that would arise from the sudden shift in dynamics. Wish we could have a full sequel series about the two navigating their new roles and getting together properly, but if this has to be where it ends, it at least reads to me as a solid enough "They'll get there, don't worry" where something more 'substantial' might have felt too rushed instead. I feel like people are so burned by baiting that this comes across badly, and I can understand that and sympathize, but it felt like, about as clear cut-and-dry as it gets, even despite the lack of them officially starting to date. Again, would love more! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed this was where it leaves off. But at the same time, as a place to leave off, it does feel like a decent enough closure.

joined Aug 13, 2013

I'm terribly annoyed at the lack of concrete on page resolutions and with that last panel.. but I'll still give it a 10/10.

joined Sep 13, 2018

i loved the expressions , some of the moments and specially the one where noah pouts and the CEO gets all sad about it while in bed. It was a darn cute moment.
As always the japanese makes the most dissapointing endings you can get.

joined Aug 20, 2016

This is a messed up ending. Noa quit her escort job presumably to take up the secretary job, did not bother to tell Amano, leaving the latter heartbroken. Why? For out-of-universe reasons, so that we can have "the reveal" at the end. In-universe, it makes sense only if Noa is a colossal sadist.

Plus, this just puts them in an even more awkward position, now that Amano is literally her boss. Dating people whose continued employment depends upon you is one of the worst decisions you could make in this regard.

Why is Noa a sadist? She doesn't know that Amano has feelings for her?

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