Forum › Too Blue to Call Love discussion

joined Feb 1, 2021

Honestly it kind of weirds me out that people have such a spleen to vent about cheating on a website where lolicon is totally fine.

joined Jul 29, 2017

But the current internet trend of making cheating out to be one of the worst things you can possibly do -- in a previous post of yours, you compared it to sexual assault and implied you'd be more willing to forgive murder -- is extremely odd to me.

Agreed. The inability (or perhaps unwillingness) of many people to separate out real-life moral values from standard relationship tropes in a romance genre is quite puzzling to me.

When you're talking about fictional romantic relationships, there's a not-small but ultimately limited number of relationship configurations, and cheating is one of them. I don't blame a person for not wanting to read about cheating (or smoking, or sexual assault, etc.) whatever their reasons, but all sorts of less-than-optimal human behaviors have been the fundamental building blocks of stories since time immemorial, and representing such behavior is not advocacy for it in real life by the author (even if that behavior is not punished sufficiently to suit a reader's moral code) nor is enjoying such stories evidence that a reader supports that behavior in real life.

joined Sep 14, 2015

I swear you people argue about the silliest things.

joined Jan 28, 2022

some things can just be objectively bad and some people and their actions undeniably awful

I have no moral standing in a debate about an event that didn't happen between people that don't exist. But I am the kind of nerd emoji personification who refuses to call peppers vegetables or peanuts nuts. So when people say stuff like this, I have to wonder if they actually know what the words "objective" and "undeniable" mean. Morality is religious, ethical, philosophical and psychological, but it is ultimately a human concept and thus impossible to objectively measure or prove, unless you happen to have God's phone number on standby. Even if 99.99% of the population agreed that "X thing is bad" it still wouldn't be an objective fact and some people would still deny it. I don't know what will happen after the AI chatbots take over the universe; but for the foreseeable future, all opinions, including morals, will remain subjective and very much deniable, for better or for worse.

Well, maybe I'm the one who's misunderstanding the terms. I'm not an English professor. Feel free to "uhm, actually" me if that's the case.
I wonder if this counts as going off-topic...

I swear you people argue about the silliest things.

I haven't touched grass since Elder Scrolls 6 was announced

last edited at Feb 28, 2023 2:00AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

I love kyouko so much. you always get princely or tough/closed off masc women in manga (and I guess in media in general) and you rarely get to see ones that are emotional, earnest, bashful, and embarrassingly head-over-heals like her. Ugh! She's so adorable!!

joined Feb 17, 2020

This looks great, I so want to see what happens next!

joined May 10, 2018

yeah no, that's shit

joined Dec 13, 2018

don't let this distract you from how the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

joined Dec 13, 2018

more seriously, we have a chance to see kyouto fight the ex a bit more, which sounds fun to me

I have complete faith in the mission

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

am I the only one who was completely oblivious to this "suspicious/malicious" behavior of Midori because I thought this was just cute romcom yuri manga vibes???

joined Feb 11, 2018

am I the only one who was completely oblivious to this "suspicious/malicious" behavior of Midori because I thought this was just cute romcom yuri manga vibes???

Maybe people just aren't used to seeing a type of storyline and personalities that are not that uncommon in straight romcoms? Lot of yuri is almost overly soft and kind of self-censoring, even.

Dunno? Most manga serials have at least one oddball in the cast, if not several. Old classics like Urusei Yatsura have entire casts full of misfits, perverts and idiots. Toradora begins with crazy (eventual) love interest trying to murder the MC back in his home with a bokken.

This one? It's bit rowdy, but it's hardly over the top unusual story so far.

last edited at Mar 3, 2023 9:51AM

joined Mar 30, 2017

So the read I am getting from this honestly is that the cheating, in itself was never really the problem for Midori, but rather it was what that cheating implied, My interpretation/speculation from two chapters in is that Midori started a relationship with someone who was effectively her best friend, which for a long time blinded her to the flaws in the relationship, namely that what he wanted out of the relationship (something clearly very casual and noncommital) and what she wanted (a loving long term relationship leading to marriage) where just, not the same, and moreover where never going to become the same. The cheating was to was most distressing to her not because of the infidelity itself, but because it evidenced those flaws that she was trying to avoid seeing. and through venting to kyouko she comes to accept that this isn't going to change, he is never going to grow up and become a proper husband, and that the best thing is for her to break things off and stop wasting her time waiting for something that isn't going to happen.

joined Mar 10, 2017

New ship new ship new ship!

joined Oct 30, 2021

Common sense went on sabbatical darling...

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

so two people in love with each other platonically dated and it didn't work out, well you barely see that in these kinds of stories

joined Aug 4, 2018

If Baba-kun expects the readers to feel sorry for him after his internal monologue / whiny sob story, he has a surprise coming to him.

I wonder if Miyako (Kyouko's bro) is gay. He kinda gives that vibe. He's being way too nice to Baba-kun, and that makes me suspect he has secret intentions...

joined May 10, 2021

I really wouldn't mind this ship sailing.

joined Jun 27, 2017

That guy has some serious issues ...

Just hope that the author doesn't feel this is some sort of "sympathetic" backstory. Not being very optimistic there, unfortunately.

joined Jun 27, 2022

All the characters so far seem incredibly stupid, I thought they are supposed to be adults.

Ok I checked the other chapter's and you might wanna change your perception of it. It's pretty lighthearted and not serious at all. Her ex Baba-kun also comes back frequently. Point being don't think too much into this...

last edited at Apr 17, 2023 4:23AM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Well, I actually feel like they were probably just 2 people who loved each other but had different needs. They're incompatible as lovers but they could probably stay friends as they care for each other. The biggest fault here is the guy didn't attempt to communicate his needs better and just hoped it would all work out.

It might have been the case that Midori would have been okay with things if they talked about it more. I know it can happen with couples where one is Ace but they're not possessive so they're okay with their partner seeing other people. In this case, Midori is more the low energy kind. And because Midori tolerated the cheating for years, it was probably more likely the lack of communication/understanding that made her fall out of love.

I don't feel bad for the dude but I understand Midori's behavior in the previous chapter more now.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Damn,that's the most self-conflicted adult I've ever seen in fiction.

So life like...

Adults gotta adult,after all.

Also,where's the bat?

joined Jul 31, 2019

I wonder if Miyako (Kyouko's bro) is gay. He kinda gives that vibe. He's being way too nice to Baba-kun, and that makes me suspect he has secret intentions...

Also they're both on the cover, vis-a-vis the main pair, so yeah I'm thinking a yaoi tag isn't out of the question in the future :P

... also that fucking joke at the end, lmao. I kinda wish it wasn't dismissed as a joke until the next chapter, the comment section here would be great to read

joined May 3, 2014

All the characters so far seem incredibly stupid, I thought they are supposed to be adults.

Ok I checked the other chapter's and you might wanna change your perception of it. It's pretty lighthearted and not serious at all. Her ex Baba-kun also comes back frequently. Point being don't think too much into this...

pretty much it FAILS as an story to be lightheartd while trying to portrai serious issues in an “doesn’t matter way”
the author other story ended in an HUGE yuri bait and that is what I’m worried now >.> that the author is doing the same crap again branding “yuri” when at the end ain’t gonna be :/

joined Dec 20, 2018

The embodiment of ばか.

joined Jun 12, 2021

If Baba-kun expects the readers to feel sorry for him after his internal monologue / whiny sob story, he has a surprise coming to him.

I wonder if Miyako (Kyouko's bro) is gay. He kinda gives that vibe. He's being way too nice to Baba-kun, and that makes me suspect he has secret intentions...

Him being gay or not aside, I hope he doesn't have secret intentions and just is that good a person.

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