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joined Dec 20, 2018

Nothing a quick braking wouldn't fix.

Well, our couple is pretty happy together, so I'm sure this too will pass without much trouble.

joined Sep 2, 2018

Nothing a quick braking wouldn't fix.

Chapter 40, a car dashes out in front of the bus and the girl goes through the window...
Then we get Natsuko and Rika couple's therapy for ptsd!
Chapter 41, bus girl falls in love with a nurse at the hospital!
Chapter 42, the nurse turns out to be Mori-san's older sister! Or Natsuko's sis, did we ever hear what her job was?

last edited at Jan 20, 2023 6:17AM

joined Jul 8, 2019

That moment when you can detect your girlfriend by smell. I guess that's a special power...or she just stinks lmao

Or smell really good. Y'know.
More realistically, it could be her shampoo, or perfume (though i don't think Japanese put on perfume if there's not a special occasion).
Of course, I'm sure the joke was just that she knows her girlfriend so well she can pick up something as imperceptible. So, definitely special power.

Indeed, I was able to detect my first GF by smell.
To be fair, she was one of those people who exude an order of magnitude more pheromones than the usual for an human being, so it was no big feat.

joined May 22, 2022

Assert dominance, kiss your bus driver GF right in front of model-chan.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Unless it's handled in a weird way, it might be another "Oh no I'm gay?!" moment for a side character.
Can't wait for the sequel to this manga. "About a world that was turned gay by a college girl who gets picked up at a mixer party by an older girl and the older girl."

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Old Japanese saying:

Yuri o mitainara, Matsuri wa gaman shinakya ikenai no.

"If you want to see Yuri, you have to put up with the Matsuri."

Latest developments reminded me of that saying.

I probablyl pick on Matsuri too much and Citrus+r references won't age well. Is there a better Matsuri than Matsuri?

The annoying character introduced to attempt to break up the main cuople spoil their happiness and generally introduce pointless love drama.

last edited at Jan 21, 2023 5:03PM

joined Jun 5, 2021

12 btw

joined Jan 10, 2022

This chapter (40) just made me let out a deep sigh. I wanted to ask if the author is running out of ideas, but to be honest it takes a creative level of stupid to come up with something like this. Like I get that breaking out of tropes is becoming the new trope, but not like this...

joined Jun 12, 2021

The author was running out of good ideas for a while now imo.

joined Sep 27, 2017

"And then they had a threesome"...wait what?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

So, hang on, the sixth grader is suggesting a threesome?
. . . Actually, I guess that's about par for the course for some of the yuri I've been reading lately . . .

joined Sep 27, 2017

So, hang on, the sixth grader is suggesting a threesome?
. . . Actually, I guess that's about par for the course for some of the yuri I've been reading lately . . .

I at least think she just wants friends, and we just have our minds in the gutter. Who knows though, maybe they really will have a threesome.

valence Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

Where are you getting the ideä of a threesome from? She just said “play” and I feel it’d be quite a stretch to interpret that as sex, especially considering how the other characters responded to it.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Where are you getting the ideä of a threesome from? She just said “play” and I feel it’d be quite a stretch to interpret that as sex, especially considering how the other characters responded to it.

Oh I should say I'm entirely joking around on my end. Before this chapter I was half-jokingly thinking that the introduction of the new girl with the crush might lead to a threesome, and then this chapter we learn her age and actual intent, and so I doubled down on the joke for the sake of absurdity. Though that said I've seen wilder developments in series, so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if something like that still somehow happened lmao

joined May 29, 2021

Be Careful, Onee San

joined Dec 20, 2018

Be Careful, Onee San

Certainly came to mind after that revelation, yes. :D

joined Jul 22, 2015

A tad squicky but it ended okay

joined Sep 14, 2015

Yeah, that's not weird at all

joined Sep 20, 2022

Nothing a quick braking wouldn't fix.

You child murderer.

joined Jun 14, 2022

Be Careful, Onee San

There it is. Exact comment I was gonna make if someone else hadn't xD

joined Dec 18, 2021

Nothing a quick braking wouldn't fix.

You child murderer.

Oh come on, lol! How was she supposed to know that?

joined Nov 13, 2022

Shopping with my lover at the well-known furniture store, Mitoni <3

joined Dec 20, 2018

Nice to see Natsuko's side of their mixer now as well. ^_^

joined Sep 27, 2017

Nice to see Natsuko's side of their mixer now as well. ^_^

Yeah that was fun

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I want and fear that cushion.

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