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joined Sep 2, 2018

I'd keep my hopes low for a translation for now... I do hope that it gets one eventually because it's really good.

I'm honestly tempted to buy and scan the books myself just to machine translate them (not to post, just for myself) but I know how involved that would be and how messy it would be to clean up the translation without social context. But I genuinely struggle to keep interest in a story when there's a long period between updates. At least a lot seems to happen each release. Really wish I'd discovered this story like a year from now when I could at least get a good first arc out of it then abandon the manga until another year later.

joined Sep 2, 2018

This is from the novel series of the same name. The manga serialization is currently around halfway through the first novel.

Ah, thank you so much! I looked up the author's works and there were so many that I got intimidated and didn't think to translate and search for the same name, I just assumed the books would have a different name. My bad. Thank you for your time and the upload!

Edit: Can't find any translations of the original novel. Here's to a painful wait over the next year lol

last edited at Aug 17, 2024 9:41PM

joined Sep 2, 2018

So, can anyone tell me which specific novel(s) this series is retold from? I'd like to try to hunt down a translation, or maybe even use it as an excuse to try to learn Japanese again. I can already tell this is going to update too slowly for me xwx

joined Sep 2, 2018

"She can get close with some other girls..."
"I'll come on all of them!!"

This made me very very VERY confused for a good couple of minutes before I realized she meant she'd come to school on all the days she's not working

last edited at Jan 8, 2024 8:27AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

If I told my friends I was going to confess and they pulled this off without me noticing, I think I'd drop my confession and just marry all of them

joined Sep 2, 2018

I'm guessing the only reason the last SEVERAL chapters don't have the "love triangle" tag is because we're all waiting to see if the series ends soon or keeps going past this arc, to decide if it should be by chapter or full series. Does anyone know if the author has indicated how much of the series is left?

last edited at Jun 16, 2023 2:46AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

Maybe a hot take, but Hiroko doesn't deserve her. I'd love to see the other two get together and Hiroko get the Bad Ending after how she's been treating Ayaka this whole series.

I know that won't happen considering the oneshots these characters are from, but good god...

Edit: yeah finally read through other comments and this is a frozen take for sure

last edited at Jun 12, 2023 8:29AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

She wasn't prepared for her plan to succeed

joined Sep 2, 2018

Really really surprised no one in these comments thought this yet:

The main characters are so Pokemon Sun/Moon that I thought this was an AU fic for a second

joined Sep 2, 2018

our family may have to move back to the country if dad's work shifts

Aha! I knew I left my Chekhov Gun around here! Phew, thought I'd lost it.

Edit: also the "do we look close?" while staring at the matching bag charm going out to a cafe with just the two of them yet again. Even moreso, with a girl infamous for being difficult to talk to. Can't imaaaaagine why people would get the impression that you're close.

last edited at Jan 26, 2023 4:52AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

Nothing a quick braking wouldn't fix.

Chapter 40, a car dashes out in front of the bus and the girl goes through the window...
Then we get Natsuko and Rika couple's therapy for ptsd!
Chapter 41, bus girl falls in love with a nurse at the hospital!
Chapter 42, the nurse turns out to be Mori-san's older sister! Or Natsuko's sis, did we ever hear what her job was?

last edited at Jan 20, 2023 6:17AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

This is one of those series I wish I'd discovered after it was completed, instead of actively reading. I don't hold any negativity for how short each update is, the art style is very intensive and I prefer a lovingly crafted story any day, but I also HATE waiting a week at a time for tiny plot points!!!

joined Sep 2, 2018

I think it's a reference to how in gacha game the rarest above even S-ranks items are sometime called like that.
So Rika was glad she managed to see the rare "jealous pouty Natsuko".

That makes a lot of sense. Interesting how slang is changing over time, thanks for the answer!

joined Sep 2, 2018

What does SSR mean in this context?

joined Sep 2, 2018

@BV an honor I'll gladly take

joined Sep 2, 2018

I guess you could say, the finale was "smashing"?

joined Sep 2, 2018

I thought this work was translated. How did one of the raws make it in?

joined Sep 2, 2018

Rural lesbian with social anxiety x hardened lesbian who finds her walls crumbling is not a dynamic I expected to see, but good goddess I need more of this!

Edit: so today's episode takes place on 4/20? No wonder their hearts are blazing.
Also to be more serious, the panel where Ruriko stops walking and realizes she's going to go back to talk to Tano about the event hit me in the feels, even though it's literally only her lower legs. As someone who has been scorned many times before my current relationship, that feeling of "Shit. I'm into her. I'm really doing this again. But... I have to." is all too familiar. I'm glad she got that instant validation from overhearing the conversation.

last edited at Jan 6, 2023 3:46AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

This manga is going to end some day and it's going to kill me

Nah its gonna kill Karori
finger guns

.... But jokes aside this is the first "I'm going to die in the near future" series to genuinely captivate me and it's wrecking me so I'm there with ya

last edited at Nov 7, 2022 5:40AM

joined Sep 2, 2018

I'm sure others already noticed but putting my prediction in now:

Based on the title, this manga is memories going through Hinata's mind as she writes a love letter to give to Shun.

Bonus points?: The snow part refers to Hinata finally warming up to someone but she could also be giving Shun the letter in early spring or before a spring/summer break. Or better, if it's before a winter break where the weather will be warm by the time they return so she's leaving this letter for Shun to consider while the snow literally thaws, which she uses as a metaphor at the end of the letter.

last edited at Nov 6, 2022 10:18PM

joined Sep 2, 2018

I exist in two places at once...

The literalist "the What The Fuck tag really didn't fit and I'm glad they removed it, the story is straightforward and based in an alternate but not physically different reality despite its abstract elements." camp

And the chaotic "haha, they should tag this Autobiographical just to fuck with people" camp.

I enjoy both.

joined Sep 2, 2018

I always read the title in Sean Connery's voice, and I wish I could share that curse with the rest of you.

That said, I'm really into this story. Both main characters have traits I can relate to and I just want to smush them together and make them kiss.

joined Sep 2, 2018

TehSlan posted:

Not me eagerly waiting for today's update to see what happens

There'll be no update today.

Agu is taking a break and that's why she posted that "time skip" one pager.

Will have to wait next week.

Ah, I didn't know that. Thank you for the update at least <3
Or, well, the update, on the updates?

joined Sep 2, 2018

Not me eagerly waiting for today's update to see what happens

joined Sep 2, 2018

For a most complete test, they need to do Bubblegum's idea then Marceline's. With Bubblegum doing her best not to swallow any between the steps.