Forum › In Yuriful Classroom discussion

joined Feb 1, 2021

I really miss Mangadex comment section. At least there I don't have to scroll and read through all these fucking idiotic comments.

Uh, you don't here either.

joined May 12, 2020

Wow, so many characters and yet they're all very different, this author is good!

It's just the first chapter so far but I already have a few favorite couples, can't wait for more!!!

Thanks Cuetie scans for this!

Eh, way too much thrown in just randomly in ch.1.

First chapter just seems like too much. My eyes just glazed over after a while.

Maybe it's my fever-induced fugue, but this is chaotic. I feel like I'm missing a chapter establishing characters.

Edit: I fucking hate Dynasty readers so much, some of you literally can't go a day without complaining about things. This is clearly the CHARACTERS INTRODUCTION chapter, of course there's a lot of characters. Further chapters will go into each couple more, like Virgin's Empire.

I really miss Mangadex comment section. At least there I don't have to scroll and read through all these fucking idiotic comments.

Oh wow. This is hilarious.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Edit: I fucking hate Dynasty readers so much, some of you literally can't go a day without complaining about things. This is clearly the CHARACTERS INTRODUCTION chapter, of course there's a lot of characters. Further chapters will go into each couple more, like Virgin's Empire.

And the author is not forced to introduce every characters in one chapter, talking about VE is ironic on this point because it introduced characters on multiples chapters.

I really miss Mangadex comment section. At least there I don't have to scroll and read through all these fucking idiotic comments.

You're not forced either to read comments here either and you don't have to be this rude.

joined Jun 27, 2017

I too like complaining about complaints, thus multiplying the complaints. The only thing better is complaining about complaining about complaining; at that stage it's basically exponential complaining and soon nothing else can be talked about ...

imo the first chapter should have followed one pair through the school, and you'd get to see the others sorta in the background. That way the theme of everyone being their own protagonist could be displayed, you'd get to see that clearly some more is going on, but it wouldn't necessarily "spoil" all couples and you'd already get some sort of progression and without forcing anyone to immediately remember far too many characters.

joined Jan 2, 2022

I really miss Mangadex comment section. At least there I don't have to scroll and read through all these fucking idiotic comments.

Not to harp on this since a lot of other people have already answered, but there were a fair amount of homophobic comments in the MD comments section. MD was pretty good about getting rid of them from mods and reports, but either way it attracted a crowd I didn't really like.

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

Lordy this was hard to follow

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

zokoi posted:

Edit: I fucking hate Dynasty readers so much, some of you literally can't go a day without complaining about things. This is clearly the CHARACTERS INTRODUCTION chapter, of course there's a lot of characters. Further chapters will go into each couple more, like Virgin's Empire.

I really miss Mangadex comment section. At least there I don't have to scroll and read through all these fucking idiotic comments.

Uh...okay. Banned for a day for violation of rule 1. One warning and one warning only - future comments like this will include further bans up to removing you from the site permanently. Thanks.

For anyone who feels compelled to reply - please report it in the FAQ thread instead. Thanks.

joined Mar 19, 2022

I predict I'm going to need a chart for this one.

joined Jun 24, 2021

I predict I'm going to need a chart for this one.

I remember seeing the watamote chart relationship and thinking that was massive. For THIS? Oh boy, I would actually love to see that

joined Mar 29, 2021

I predict I'm going to need a chart for this one.

Reminds me of the monster chart that I had on the side when I was reading Tsurezure children, which this is reminding me a lot of in terms of setup of multiple possible pairings. I guess we will be bouncing from couple to couple seeing the slow progress as each of them get closer and closer.

joined May 21, 2021

Now that I read it I can understand why this remained untranslated for so long. Obviously the point is to introduce these characters all at the same time and then focus on them later, but I feel there are better ways to do this. There are other series with huge ensemble cast but their first chapters don't feel this chaotic and overloaded.

valence Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

I made a character sheet from what we’ve got so far. Please add suggestions as comments on there

last edited at Jul 29, 2022 5:05PM

joined Jan 22, 2014

Nice! This feels like a Yuri version of School Rumble, and I'm all for it! So far all the characters seem to be quirky and interesting.

joined Apr 20, 2021

I made a character sheet from what we’ve got so far. Please add suggestions as comments on there

I actually love that you did this and I can't wait to read this while you update this chart. I can tell this might be something like virgin empire though I never fully read it.

joined Jul 20, 2016

Very excited to see how each pair plays out! I'm not really good with names, but I will try my best for the Yuri!

joined Jun 8, 2020

Wow, so many characters and yet they're all very different, this author is good!

It's just the first chapter so far but I already have a few favorite couples, can't wait for more!!!

Thanks Cuetie scans for this!

Eh, way too much thrown in just randomly in ch.1.

First chapter just seems like too much. My eyes just glazed over after a while.

Maybe it's my fever-induced fugue, but this is chaotic. I feel like I'm missing a chapter establishing characters.

Edit: I fucking hate Dynasty readers so much, some of you literally can't go a day without complaining about things. This is clearly the CHARACTERS INTRODUCTION chapter, of course there's a lot of characters. Further chapters will go into each couple more, like Virgin's Empire.

I really miss Mangadex comment section. At least there I don't have to scroll and read through all these fucking idiotic comments.

i think you don´t understand the insane quantity of mangas/manhwas/manhuas that i´m or others are reading, it´s to much remember protagonist name and you put like 20 o 30 protagonists in just 1 chapter, it´s to much for us i don´t even read 5 pages and dropped for my own mental sanity

last edited at Aug 1, 2022 6:49AM

joined Mar 25, 2021

Yall.. I don't think you have to follow every pair in this series.. Like.. Pick one pairing and just read that pairing.. Like fuzoroi no renri.

Yeah I think there should be pairing tags in the future, unless the author decides to burn their sanity away and decide to include each pairing each chapter..

last edited at Aug 1, 2022 9:57AM

joined Mar 17, 2015

This one is looking rad! Love the chaotic energy. And do i see a cool chubby class prince?! Nice!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

valence posted:

I made a character sheet from what we’ve got so far. Please add suggestions as comments on there

This is so cool thank you for sharing

joined Feb 14, 2021

I made a character sheet from what we’ve got so far. Please add suggestions as comments on there

Tagging Futaba as the best character was the right call.

joined Jan 11, 2014

pg 14 looks like someone took the bucket tool and filled white indiscriminately over every black pixel

Spore18 Uploader
Cuetie Scans
joined Sep 29, 2021

pg 14 looks like someone took the bucket tool and filled white indiscriminately over every black pixel

Sorry about that, the page is now fixed.

joined Aug 19, 2015

LOL It's been a while. That character sheet is helpful. XD

last edited at Feb 15, 2023 12:45AM

joined Apr 28, 2022

Oof to give your secret crush a lap pillow that would be quite hard I would be in a sate of panic the entire time. I like their dynamic always like the loner that doesn't talk much with the over popular hyper girl again it's a great dynamic between them. I expect each chapter since the first one gave us like 12 of them to each get a chapter. Hopefully it's not too long before we check back in with the other groups like these two.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I had completely forgotten about this manga. I read chapter 1 and when I came to Spore's Handy-Dandy Yuriful Classroom Relationship Chart I was like "Whaaat? Who the hell are all these girls?!?!?" I had to go reread chapter 0, lol.

According to Manga-Updates the series was finished in 3 volumes -- so there's plenty more Yurizukushi coming our way.

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