Forum › Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! discussion

joined Dec 11, 2017

She'd sound like a fucking lunatic! No sane person would ever believe that story, no matter how true it is.

Elsa would probably trust Evie with some doubt, however Evie at this moment is very emotionally unstable and is very much afraid of what the System would make her do to Elsa and she has every right to be so. Who wouldn't be afraid of the mysterious god like system that is forcing you to hurt your beloved from time to time and has the ability to alter the minds of people, or even reality to turn against you when you disobey them.

But it seems that Evie is willing to risk all of that to be with Elsa now, looking forward to that.

Nah, I'm on board with their take. "I routinely see messages that no one else can see that tell me to hurt you" doesn't sound like an outside threat you both have to deal with, it sounds like a psychosis. Honestly Yvonne shouldn't even be assuming it's real. It actually could all be in her head. The natural conclusion for Elsa would be that "this person I find charming and eccentric might actually be dangerous to me or herself."

Elsa is inclined to trust Yvonne, but no trust is absolute. She might even still love her but start thinking she needs to be locked up before she hurts herself.

joined May 29, 2022

It's tearing up my heart when I'm with you but when we are apart i feel it too ~ and no matter what I do I feel the pain ~ with or without you~ basically how the recent chapters been lol

joined Aug 12, 2021

haha the "you're an important... friend" amazing work Elsa, Yvonne has no idea I'm sure.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Elsa is smart. She tried coming on strong, saw that Yvonne startled and recoiled and now she's easing up again without backing off and taking it slower. Girl's got a plan

joined Jul 6, 2020

just regular platonic gal pal actions right here

joined Jan 3, 2022

Even today's historians would refer to them as "close friends."

Also Garth is FREAKING genius!!


Also that "...huh?" At the end got me! XD

Evie's really doing a good job at this whole tsundere thing.

(I look forward to seeing more! Literally love this story! 2nd fav after IFTV)

joined Feb 27, 2016

All's well that ends well. Hopefully that's it for this arc. Eagerly awaiting the next one.

joined Jul 23, 2017


joined Apr 24, 2022

we now have an action now we got a gameplan its coming home. In the end all's well that ends well

joined Apr 24, 2022

we now have an action now we got a gameplan its coming home. In the end all's well that ends well

joined Jul 14, 2021

Wow I like it, it's not typical long ass drama, I like that author solved it smoothly with "you were just bullying me like always". Yvonne reactions so cute ^w^

joined Jun 8, 2022

Elsa is now on the offense! Hopefully this will be the homestretch.

joined Jun 25, 2021

a bit of a side note: I absolutely despise those fucking tree worms (irl). Pass under a tree and now I've got worms crawling all over me. Worms should not fly through the air!

joined Feb 3, 2021

Just normal roommate actions, nothing to be concerned about.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Careful Evie, it looked like for a moment you were disappointed Elsa called you a "friend" instead of something more ;))

joined Mar 23, 2022

important........ friend....eve gurl I see that lil disappoinment in yar face. elsa on attackkk letsss gooooo!!!!

joined Mar 14, 2016

In Civvie11 voice: "Katie! Get me that Gordon Ramsey clip!"

last edited at Jun 18, 2022 10:31PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

I'm not gonna lie, this chapter made me tear up a bit. Evie's loneliness, coupled with Elsa's understand and caring, it was just too much.

But at the same time I kinda wish the drama went on for a bit? I want the system plotline to be resolved fully because otherwise it feels like a Sword of Damocles on every situation.

joined Jul 26, 2013

Go Elsa!!! Keep attacking haha

joined Mar 24, 2022

Not really a fan of how this is being handled right now, it completely ignores the underlying problem. Evie didn't just lash out without reason, she was feeling cornered and didn't know what to do. The chapters leading up to the fallout were filled with her anguishing about how by being close to her she is forced to hurt her. Now, this isn't even mentioned. I understand that she misses her, but what happened to her inner conflict?

Just apologizing to each other and saying how they won't leave the other person no matter what won't be enough. After all, it's only a matter of time until the system strikes again and Evie is forced into the exact same situation that caused this whole drama.

last edited at Jun 18, 2022 11:01PM

joined May 15, 2021

Oh thank the force. They didn’t completely break up.

Now, this isn't even mentioned. I understand that she misses her, but what happened to her inner conflict?

While true, I think you underestimate the ability of humans to delude yourselves, especially if there’s catharsis involved. Evie had been repeatedly stabbing herself with a proverbial knife until Elsa came and stopped her, and in the moment, that was more important than her fears.

joined Mar 25, 2021


34 chapters was all it took!!!

joined Mar 25, 2021

Glad that the lil angst was resolved fairly quick. Though calling the true problem resolved is a different matter. It seems that Evie is willing to take risks now, just hope that the system doesn't force her to harm her in a lasting way.

joined May 1, 2015

That was quick, I was expecting half a year of angts chapters.
Yeah, I kiss my friends too. Not.

joined Jul 19, 2011

Not really a fan of how this is being handled right now, it completely ignores the underlying problem.

I agree. This should have been the conflict that led to Evie fully revealing the villainess system to Elsa so they could start working on countering it. Instead we get a generic "friendship" speech and no character progression.
I'm honestly still rather miffed at Elsa. While she doesn't know the specifics, she does know that Evie is being forced to bully/hurt her and never once thinks about how being forced to do that might be tearing Evie up. But no, all she can think about is much she likes getting bullied by Evie.

last edited at Jun 19, 2022 12:24AM

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