Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Jan 6, 2017

Pretty much the same reason everyone complains about a company doing an official localization of something, they all make little/dumb mistakes.

It's as if scanlators didn't do mistakes to. They are humans too and mistakes canhappen from time to time.

The difference being that Seven Seas excepts us to pay them money. And it's not just small mistakes nor are they uncommon

The thing is, Seven Seas aren't the only company that makes mistakes but they are, in my opinion at least, among the worst. Which makes them being one of the only ones that do yuri be that much more frustrating. Which is the main reason I complain about them.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Because if it's yen press then the scanlation is probably better and if it's 7seas they likely yeeted entire paragraphs because "localization".

And the thing is, if the scanlator stops because of licensing, you'll not see the rest of the story until years later because they take months to release each volume.

And people not having the means to import manga from the U.S. or to buy them are screwed.

Also, 7seas buys tons of yuri/lgbt licenses so a lot of series stay in limbo until they deign releasing something.

last edited at May 19, 2022 6:18AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

And it's not just small mistakes nor are they uncommon

I feel like in the massive library of stuff seven seas publishes, the added up mistakes would be the fairly uncommon minority. Like im all for calling out the company when its fucks up, but lets not act like theres an error on ever other page they put out. This sounds like the people that endlessly complain about some funimation line changes online, and they always just bring up the same 3-5 examples. Like yes it happens and lets call out the company, but lets not act like an entire script or book is spoiled because of one mistake.

no defending when they've remove paragrahs though, thats incredibly boneheaded stuff

And the thing is, if the scanlator stops because of licensing, you'll not see the rest of the story until years later because they take months to release each volume.

And people not having the means to import manga from the U.S. or to buy them are screwed.

I mean, that sucks? Manga is a product, people arent entilted to read them, and its important to support the author of things in some form instead of just pirating everything, but either way nobody said scanlators should all stop translating something once it gets picked up in the west, and I dont even think it happens all that often, thats completely unrelated to the quality or existence of yen press/seven seas. Pirating options almost always exist in some form, you're more likely to find a series simply not being translated because of lack of intrest, not because its got an offical english release

I actually have a lot of respect for scanlators that drop a series once it gets an offical western release, it does sucks having to wait for the english release to catch up, but I respect them wanting to encouring helping the creator in some way. Trust me I know, gunbured x sister got dropped and im waiting for the english release to catch up now. plus it means they can direct thier attention to other series that havent seen a translation yet.

I wish more manga was set on like a monthly sub service though, viz costs 2 bucks a month and i get all my weekly new chapters of shonen right after the japanese release, it would be cool if other western publishers took this approach instead of making us wait for them to translate entire volumes

if seven seas did that it would make them money, shorten the gap between catching up to the series in japan, it would let them catch any mistakes before volume releases, and dedicated fans will still buy physical volumes for thier collections im sure

last edited at May 19, 2022 7:35AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

And the thing is, if the scanlator stops because of licensing, you'll not see the rest of the story until years later because they take months to release each volume.

Yeah cause translating entire volume take one or two weeks, it's well known. The forum did really hate any editors.

last edited at May 19, 2022 10:19AM

joined Feb 11, 2022

Well, publishing is a racket. Even if you import the Japanese release, very little of that is probably going to the author. I’m just excited cause this’ll mean I can finally afford a physical copy.

And also, the removing whole paragraphs thing mostly just happens with light novels, not manga, so it doesn’t really apply here. For mistakes in manga, I’ve actually noticed a lot more from yen press than 7seas. Every yen press volume I’ve bought has had multiple typos in it. They don’t really bother me though.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Numerous typos really bug me in pro publications. Proofreading shouldn't be that hard for a paid product. And compared to novels, manga volumes aren't that long.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Sure, depending on the severity and amount of the mistakes, you can overlook it, but the issue remains, that unlike scanlations, you're paying for something that contains mistakes. When money is involved, "people makes mistakes" stops being a valid excuse, especially considering physical releases that unlike when scanlation group makes a mistake, can't be fixed and you're stuck with it. Like when you pay somebody to fix your pipes, if then you find out it leaks in places, is your first reaction "it's fine, people makes mistakes" or calling them to come back and fix it and compensate your potential loses? Since it's official translation, let's treat them as such and expect the proper amount of professionalism, because if we won't let them know something is subpar, they have no reason to improve their service.

I never once said to not acknowldge when mistakes are made, I obviously advocate for calling out these companies so they improve. That doesnt change my point, nor does a crappy compairsion of buying a manga and the pipes in your house being worked on...

Depending on publisher, author sees very little profit, especially from money from localizated versions. Money from official translation first covers costs of itself and next projects, only then it goes back to original publisher and if then something is left, it goes to the author (don't quote me on that).

very litte profit > zero profit from pirating. like I get that and there are more direct ways to support an author, but most people dont want to fill their bookshelves with stuff they cant actually read

Except for copyright holder that often demands removal of scanlations and issues DMCA claims.

Which doesnt seem to be something that ends up mattering all that often, at least not my from admittedly anecodatl evidence. if shonen jump cant stop their big manga from being fan translated weekly, theres not much any other company can actually do long term. the last time this happened that I saw was the group doing rent a girlfriend got shut down, and like a week later another group was already working on it again.

Lol. It happens all the time. Half of series gets dropped when official translation is available and very often most of what you can find online are rips from official releases.

I'll take your word on it, but once again its just not something I see happen often, and I definitly follow more manga than the average person. almost every series I currently follow still gets uploaded by fans before official transations. I've only seen a series dropped directly because the group wanted people to support the offical release twice, and both times was from the same group.

maybe it happens to very niche series more often that never catch my eye, but all I can say is its never been something i've seen affect series I follow very often, I'd be curious to hear from other people on how often series they like get dropped by teams because an offical release was announced.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Dropping due to licensing is only because the group want to, nothing prevent anyone to pick it up and continue it. It happen with New Game, the group in charge drop because the official english translation was nearly at the same point than them but another group come little time later and finish the translation. But honestly, there is some more licensing stuff that stay on Dynasty than the opposite.

That's exactly the reason why so many people here more often than not actually welcome the news about series being licensed with anguish instead of joy.

Which is false most of the time and the reason why, like see here is because they don't like the editors, not because it will get dropped, which again happen not that much.

joined Jun 1, 2020

...most of the time author doesn't get even 1% share from money you're spending and only few things will actually "support the author" and translate into direct profit for them.

So how does one support an author, then? Aside from the more "direct" ways like pixiv, fanbox, or whatever Patreon-adjacent model out there that I assume would be "best."

I also genuinely wonder, I mean, I don't think we really know whether buying the release actually does support the author unless by chance someone from any publisher lurks around here and would like to share some of the deets with us. The thing is that I don't necessarily think that you're wrong, sadly, since music distribution/music labels, for instance, are infamous for very much working like this, and the whole thing is often very unfair to artists (I'd even say predatory, in a way), but I'd like to be a bit more optimistic, I guess. Also on more than a monetary level. I'd assume (and hope) authors can see how well their work does in the west or just in general and I'd personally like to consider purchasing either a localized version or the "original" one as having shown support.

In any case, I'm very excited by the announcement. Also surprised. I personally wouldn't want the fan translation to stop (and would offer assistance if needed and I have the ability to), but it's more than understandable if it does.

last edited at May 21, 2022 4:02PM

joined Aug 23, 2021

One of the things I really miss when something gets licensed is reading the comment threads after a chapter, sure you can kinda get the same thing through a discord or whatever but I much prefer reading through forum-style thread. I've found many a new series through recommendations someone's left in a comment, sometimes from years ago on a long running works. I also like being able to check what other doujins etc an author/artist as made in the past, something that sites like dynasty make more easy to do (though not perfect of course, even Itsuki Kuro for example has a bunch of licensed het on Fakku that obviously doesn't show up on dynasty).

joined Mar 29, 2019

has the scanlation team mentined if they are droping the manga?

joined Jun 1, 2020

As I said...

Yeah, very similar to the music industry, then. It's a shame, really. Still, since we don't know know the whole truth, I'd like to remain at least somewhat optimistic.

Would buying domestic releases be required to buy in Japan, or is ordering through or whatever enough?

Also sorry for pestering and the off-topic nonsense.

last edited at May 22, 2022 4:16AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

As I said...

Yeah, very similar to the music industry, then. It's a shame, really. Still, since we don't know know the whole truth, I'd like to remain at least somewhat optimistic.

Would buying domestic releases be required to buy in Japan, or is ordering through or whatever enough?

Also sorry for pestering and the off-topic nonsense.

You can buy digital copies from Amazon.JP, but they aren’t going to ship a physical copy oversea as far as I’m aware, not sure how cards work as well, mine doesn’t work, so I’ve had to buy Japanese Amazon gift cards, but my PayPal works directly on other sites

Beyond that it’s always nice to check the creators Twitter and see if they have a direct way to show them a little support, I give a few of them a couple bucks each month that way along with picking up English releases

Apocryphal posted:

So how does one support an author, then?

As I said. I'm pretty sure they do get share of profit from domestic release, as in, buying mango in Japan. About not getting money from localization, I mostly heard that's how anime industry works and why "subscribing to Crunchyroll to support animators etc." is a load of bull. Profit from subscriptions goes first and foremost to cover costs of licenses, buying new ones and paying w/e they own to publisher they bought copyrights from, hence why OG author doesn't really see any money from it. It's not a stretch to imagine it works similarly in manga industry.

I mean directly from a former employee kinda begs to differ, but reading ever bring with a grain of salt.

and I can’t find anything concrete saying buying an English release doesn’t help a author at all, because there’s ultimately a lot of different ways these things can go down. They might seem pennies per purchase after everyone else gets a cut, or they might see some money upfront during the initial licensing agreement.

My intent wasn’t to imply buying the English release was going to massively help an author finically because it’s definitely is the least effective way, but it is still going to do something more than if a given individual just continues to only pirate something

last edited at May 22, 2022 6:08AM

joined Jan 6, 2017

I'be bought physical stuff from Japan online. Was actually way cheaper than the translated versions (American tls are usually around $12 - $17 while the ogs are typically only $4 - $6)

joined Jun 25, 2019

When i'm buying a book, it's for read first, not collection. I have no need of a book in a language i can't read. Also pretty damn ironic people said that author don't get anything with licensing when you read scanlated stuff that doesn't bring them money either.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Kollie79 posted:

You can buy digital copies from Amazon.JP, but they aren’t going to ship a physical copy oversea as far as I’m aware, not sure how cards work as well, mine doesn’t work, so I’ve had to buy Japanese Amazon gift cards, but my PayPal works directly on other sites

Beyond that it’s always nice to check the creators Twitter and see if they have a direct way to show them a little support, I give a few of them a couple bucks each month that way along with picking up English releases

Depending on region, you can directly order many officially published manga as well, they even have a help page describing it (kinda), but keep in mind the shipping fee is going to be $50+ fairly often. Buying digital copies is the way to go generally, but keep in mind that digital copies have their own technicalities. In the case of Yuri Hime, digital copies sold are not counted towards continuation of serializations. This is quite different from saying that buying them is meaningless, which I would not do. Otherwise would echo that the best way to ensure financial support to an artist you like is to support them directly on Fanbox (or similar). Those sites will take a much smaller cut than manga publishers.

Anyway, probably good to not get carried away too much further.

joined Jun 5, 2018

Ever since someone announced the new chapter to be released on the 18th, I have been anticipating this plopping up. Please never so this again ;-;

joined Feb 10, 2022

So F?

joined May 26, 2022

So F?

I emailed the translator, they said they're still working on it!

joined Nov 13, 2021

Purchased yuri hime of this month. Asumi is a true beast.

joined Aug 9, 2019

Nanao is such a fucking delight. I hope we get more from her POV

joined May 12, 2020

I think Asumi is still roleplaying as a shy girl cuz she knows it gets all the girls going and be more aggressive. Really getting a bang for her buck you know.

Also roommate is too cute and funny. Did you see that pretending to be reading pose. Read to me like one of your french girls.

joined Jun 12, 2021

What does this mean!? The numbers, Mason! What do they mean!?

joined Apr 28, 2022

I honestly want her to end up with Nanao at this point she's so adorable.

joined Jan 2, 2022

I honestly want her to end up with Nanao at this point she's so adorable.

Nanao wants to be her girlfriend, but I think Asumi is too deep and will never be a monogamist anymore.

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