Forum › Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai discussion

joined Mar 16, 2018

Man, I'm sure if they ever did get it on it would be some damn passionate sex

joined Feb 19, 2016

This "Rejection arc" is just too sad T.T.

joined Jan 5, 2021

Anyone else think that the perspective on the first page looks really weird

She's ready to throw some hand and gitgud

joined Jul 1, 2014

Ah yes, time to move away. Damnit. Hate that kind of storyline.

joined Jun 30, 2016

Damn, she is moving away.

joined May 12, 2020

What a shit way to start an already shitty day.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Cliche moving away development strikes again!

joined Jul 28, 2019

In before possible twist where it's not "moving away" but "moving to a new house for X reasons/closer to school and/or work" yet they still play up the drama from the moving away cliché.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Oh, come on, this is what you're going for?

In before possible twist where it's not "moving away" but "moving to a new house for X reasons/closer to school and/or work" yet they still play up the drama from the moving away cliché.

Would not be too surprising either, especially considering the few words we've actually heard at her home.

last edited at Aug 22, 2021 10:41AM

joined Feb 9, 2019

god i fuckin love this series. thanks for the hard work gouma-den <3

edit: also I don't expect the next arc to be cliche. this series has been well written — though maybe a bit overly introspective — up to this point, and i expect that to continue.

last edited at Aug 23, 2021 12:08AM

joined Jan 2, 2017

Finally got around to reading this - it's great!

I adore You-chan. She reminds me a lot of Hibike's Kumiko, in that neither are really your bog-standard 'good' protagonist. They're awkward and avoidant and stubborn and quick to justify things to themselves even when they know it's wrong. The difference here is that Hana is just about the opposite of Reina, and that will make You's arc, presumably, the opposite of Kumiko's (where Kumiko learned to be a 'bad' person/a villain for Reina's sake, and You is seemingly going to open up and be trusting/a 'good' person by being with Hana.

Or maybe I'm reading into things too much. You's introspection is nice, and I think the arcs so far, especially that with Kishi and Hime, while bittersweet, have been interesting and make me want to continue reading. You has already seemingly begun awakening to the beginnings of a crush on Hana, which is nice, and I think the fact that the author has already tackled - very explicitly - yuri love in the series means that they're likely not going to shy away (hopefully) when it finally comes to things between Hana and You.

I wish the chapters were a little longer, or didn't always end on such cliffhangers, but I definitely can't wait to read more.

joined Aug 15, 2021

haaaaaaaa, another moving away drama..... got bored of this cliche in yuri manga.

anyway, poor kishi loving a girl like that, find another woman/man kishiiii, you can do it !!!! then leave her for good.

joined Oct 30, 2018

I dunno, isn't the moving away drama a cliche cause it works? Maybe this can be the push to help them realize how they feel about each other. It was that way in Can't Defy the Lonely Girl, so maybe it'll work here too?

joined Jul 23, 2019

I dunno, isn't the moving away drama a cliche cause it works? Maybe this can be the push to help them realize how they feel about each other.

At this time, looking at things right now, any push, even cliché, is welcome.

Man, I'm sure if they ever did get it on it would be some damn passionate sex.

Yeap. If they ever...

joined Aug 30, 2021

im the only bitch dumb enough to think her father has developed alzheimer's and she has to take care of her father now instead of "oh she's moving away" which makes way more sense

joined Apr 20, 2013

Can't say I'm surprised at all

joined Jun 11, 2021

I'm really excepting it to be her moving house but like, staying in the same city. Just missing school for a while because moving takes time and setting stuff up, but not moving away away.

joined Jul 6, 2020

uh oh

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm in, it wasn't unexpected, but still...


joined Dec 11, 2017

I'm on board with the group that thinks this is a false alarm. Either she's just changing houses but staying local, or somebody is moving out and she's staying, or somebody is moving -in- (Dad getting remarried, maybe?)

joined Oct 30, 2018

Would be very boring if she just up and left fully, let's hope

joined Jul 23, 2014


joined Oct 19, 2020

Well shit

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm on board with the group that thinks this is a false alarm. Either she's just changing houses but staying local, or somebody is moving out and she's staying, or somebody is moving -in- (Dad getting remarried, maybe?)

I think we can rule out the "somebody is moving in" theory. The mover is walking toward the truck with a box.

I doubt it'll be a false alarm, but there's no guarantee that she'll completely leave the story so easily.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh, honey. This is going to be tough.

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