Speaking of dumb girls, her whole group is worrying, like that girl who brought up the sugar daddy topic in the first place and the fact that they think is just going to eat fancy dinner and compliments, how DUMB can these girls be?
I've heard a lot of "compensated dating" in Japan is in fact like that? $100 is low for any actual sex in a developed country.
A lot of compensated dating really is like that, involving simply going to restaurants or karaoke clubs and just spending time together, chatting, without anything sexual happening. It is essentially men paying for a cute girl to talk to them, listen to their woes, and be charming for an hour. It can involve sex but that is not a given, and when it does involve sexual services prices are higher than $100. So it is not nearly as DUMB as Serenata seems to think. In fact, some people even draw a line between compensated dating and outright sexual prostitution.
This doujin portrays it well, with the girl engaging in compensated dating essentially for free meals and some cash, without anything sexual going on.
That being said, I actually have a harder time understanding compensated dating than I do outright prostitution. Paying for sex is pretty straigh-forward, but paying for someone to essentially just hang out with you for an hour or two kind of baffles me. Sure, she laughs at your jokes, listens to your problems, compliments you, but like, of course she does, you are paying her for it. It is kind of like "be my friend for an hour, I will pay you." Not judging, mind you, it s just something I never understood the appeal of.