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joined May 13, 2018

Time for Yuni to perform her usual routine of crying and feeling sorry for herself because she has no spine and just wants to be coddled by everyone while not having to commit herself to anyone :(

joined May 13, 2018

"art is nice/beautiful/great?" nah it's the most life devoided artstyle that exists, EVERY chinese manwha has the same "perfect" artstyle this one has. there's nothing unique or original about it, not to mention every story seems like it was written by a 14 years old who just discovered arctic monkeys and think they're edgy and mysterious. I don't mean to hate on people who likes this, but whenever we get these chinese manwhas here I end up wondering "how come every chinese manwha looks the same? does seriously every artist want to draw this way? what happens to artist who don't adopt this artstyle, where are these manwhas?" idk man this all just seems really artificial and fake to me, nothing screams artistic freedom from all of these works

Bruh, you just complimented "I Got a Girlfriend From a Shooting Star" for its art style a few weeks back lol, chill. People are allowed to have and enjoy art styles that you don't like. Plus, surely you are aware that there are dozens of yuri manhua that aren't posted on Dynasty. Feel free to venture out and broaden your horizons so that you don't say goofy stuff like "EVERY chinese manwha has the same "perfect" artstyle" xd

joined May 13, 2018

Y'all are seeing ghosts fr

joined May 13, 2018

Oh, stop it you. I already have the late night thoughts about lying in bed at 80 years old and leaving everything/everyone in this world behind, and now I gotta worry about the characters in the yuri I read doing the same :(

joined May 13, 2018

I was wondering if the other MC was going to remain faceless for the whole thing. Also, this author draws some lewd-ass tongues and exposed clits, damn.

joined May 13, 2018

Sometimes you go back to read an old oneshot in your favourites list and find out/remember a war happened in the discussion thread. This is one of those times.

Still as funny as the first time lol

joined May 13, 2018

The ending for this one always makes me lol.

"Why did you rape me?"

"I was the horni"

joined May 13, 2018

I give Yuni one chapter before she goes back to cheating with Fuuko because that's just who she is. Weak-willed and not sure what she wants. I am happy to see Nanase finally grow a spine, though the fact that it's to win back her cheating girlfriend docks a few points.

joined May 13, 2018

lmao sometimes I love Dynasty comments sections. Tbf, "fuck", "fucking", and "get fucked" do have different connotations depending on the context I guess. That said, I was under the impression that in general, "fucking" could be applied to any willing participant in sex, regardless of their actual role in the act. For example, if you said "X fucked Y", I don't think it necessarily implies that X topped Y (though that could be the implication, depending on context), but rather that X participated in sex with Y. In the same vein, both X and Y were fucking (each other) regardless of who did what.

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 2:42AM

Citrus + discussion 22 Jul 16:22
joined May 13, 2018

I see that these two still act like strangers who happen to enjoy kissing each other once in a while.

joined May 13, 2018

Nanase hasn't been written as a character willing to share her girlfriend, so I'd be disappointed if it went that route. What I am more sad about is poor Yuki having feelings for Nanase without even realizing it herself.

joined May 13, 2018

I've lost the plot, and it seems that author has as well, but I guess it's fine because the art is still great lol...

joined May 13, 2018

I just saw someone die... inside.

Citrus + discussion 22 Jun 11:14
joined May 13, 2018

This shit is so fucking boring lmao. Saburo Uta seems to have a bad habit of introducing a new side character every time she needs some drama. We haven't been given a single reason to care about Arata, but here he is driving the plot along.

joined May 13, 2018

I cheated on you because I love you, Nanase XD

joined May 13, 2018

lmao what

joined May 13, 2018

Girl, her hips were probably quivering because you made her hold that pose for so long...

Citrus + discussion 26 May 20:56
joined May 13, 2018

Not trying to pile on, but I forgot Citrus+ even existed until I saw the thread pop up. There are manga that make me keep checking back even though I know the next update is months away, but... this isn't one of them lol. It just hasn't been very memorable. The most interesting moments we've had were between Matsuri and Harumin, whoops.

joined May 13, 2018

My heart wants Aki and Shiho to make up and fall in love because I love happy endings, but my brain says it wouldn't make sense to move this fast because just recently, Shiho was still big mad about her first love not noticing her feelings because she was too busy pawing after another girl.

joined May 13, 2018

I'm not exactly a vagina connoisseur, but second lady's looks really high up on page 11. Anyway, damn Yomi messed her up. You know it's a bad sign when the first two girls were losing their minds over some nipple play and Yomi is sitting there just watching her while she is being touched.

joined May 13, 2018

I just want to read one of these where the childhood friend is loyal. You grew up together, sheesh.

joined May 13, 2018

I've thought about it for a bit, but I actually appreciate Fuuko for the last couple of chapters. She's kind of being an asshole about the whole thing to Nanase, but at the same time she's exposing just how cowardly Yuni really is for still blaming Nanase for her own cheating. At the end of the day, Yuni is actually the one I dislike the most.

joined May 13, 2018

She literally ducked Akina to tears. The aftercare was so cute, but the smile on page 17 had me worried.

joined May 13, 2018

I was fine with Shiho before, but she gotta stop doing this shit. The story is just dragging at this point because of her.

joined May 13, 2018

You are probably right that this was the best outcome for everyone involved though Since the chaotic element was introduced into the "equation" as you say, it was all going to go to shit one way or another anyway. Why characters like Fuuko are always depicted so assholish in these stories, reveling in it all, I am not sure. Makes me think she probably does not truly care about Yuni, but it's not like we have ever gotten a real good look inside her head.

I was observing Fuuko very carefully, exactly looking for those "signals", is she sincere or not to Yuni, and I did not find any. Except a little evil smile, but it's given to Nanase catching her kissing Yuni

People call her a stalker, but I found that she was following Yuni at least 3 or 4 months before she discovered her real ID (it's info about anniversary)
So, I suspected she fell in love with an unknown girl who is venting and having troubles with a girlfriend. And as an opportunist, Fuuko decided to "help". She takes her chance being fed up with falling for straight girls.

People call her a blackmailer. Really? She never used anything against Yuni, and there are a few very compromising pics, including all posts on her venting account

Sexual harassment? Manipulation? In Osaka, when Yuni licked her wounded ear, Fuuko moved from her saying "We can't..."
it was YUNI who initiated sex

Every time when she speaks about Yuni, or to Yuni, she looks adorable and very sincere. I would be very disappointed if author suddenly turns to some unknown dark side of Fuuko. She is the most noble villain in my life and I almost wish that she is real...
Actually, I wish all those girls are real, but Fuuko, she is so special as she is now. I really like such passionate and brave characters with flaws that make them feel very real.

I think, if there's possibility that Fuuko does not truly care about Yuni, it would be very unreal according to the story until now, when story is in a state of finalization
She had so many chances to destroy everything, literally annihilate both Yuni and Nanase 10 000 times
I think she really cares about Yuni, from everything I see until now.

It sounds like you're ignoring Fuuko's bad personality because you don't want it to true. She's clearly written to be a villain, even if she has some sympathetic aspects to her.

The blackmail here is very clear and fits the literal definition. Fuuko snapped a picture of them kissing and used the threat of revealing it to coerce Yuni into being by her side. Later, she even says, "Do you want it to spread? That you're cheating on your girlfriend with me." Blackmail isn't the act of revealing the compromising information. It's the demand of something in exchange for not doing so.

I'm not going to cite an example for each point, but Fuuko's dark and possessive personality isn't exactly a secret. This very chapter, she goes out of her way to destroy the remaining relationship between Yuni and Nanase after Yuni explicitly tells her not to if she cares about her. She certainly didn't respect Yuni enough to follow her wishes.

I'm all for rooting for Fuuko even if I don't like her, but please let's not pretend she is a saint lol.