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joined May 29, 2019

uuuuuuuu let's go lesbians!!!

joined May 29, 2019

I really appreciate the "[END]" marker on a chapter so I know when to jump back into it. story wrapped up a bit too quickly but was still cute, good for them. ultimately didn't feel doki doki enough after all the build up, though

joined May 29, 2019

interesting characters

Clumsy Call discussion 05 Nov 01:11
joined May 29, 2019

This is power harassment. Saitou got her the job, then started putting the moves on her with the implication that her position and advancement in the company were contingent on sexual favors. Luckily this wasn't entirely the reality, but still, I feel like if Saitou were a man everyone here would be calling them a creep...

my mind absolutely went there but the implication never came from the superior herself and only the circumstance. she was fully shown to be professionally supportive, and also flirty by nature to no ill effects elsewhere. it's a thin line in reality but I wouldn't call creep here

joined May 29, 2019

I believe in robots

joined May 29, 2019

just read the whole thing, really good. a little quick paced here and there but there's also something nice about a lack of nonsense filler. would definitely read again

joined May 29, 2019

grabs picket sign and starts marching
happy ending or riot!
happy ending or riot!
happy ending or riot!

joined May 29, 2019

ah why did the teacher have to come back before she could beat him up kangaroo style

joined May 29, 2019

yeah this chapter was a delight

joined May 29, 2019

google searching "how to end a war" real quick brb

joined May 29, 2019

"Number 3: stay tf outta my room babe <3" best vow

joined May 29, 2019

Can the April Fools chapters get removed ever? They always mess up the next chapter feature.

yeah, there's gotta be a better way than eternally having them as the last chapter. this isn't the only series with this issue too

joined May 29, 2019

how can she slap lol, but also like yeah she wouldn't want a kiss to happen like that while drunk, just another gal pal extension how scary. it should be serious business and real. so panic is understandable, though I personally would not slap

joined May 29, 2019

My favorite molester couple is back!


joined May 29, 2019

Oh man, now I'm so, so disappointed we didn't get chapters and chapters of this dynamic.

exactly what I came to say, the protagonist is hilarious with her now :(

joined May 29, 2019

the plain manager at the end.. she's so matter of fact and direct with what she says, it's actually kind of attractive lol. abrupt as an ending but pretty unique, I'll take it. bonus points to yuria being all "?! doki doki" cause same

joined May 29, 2019

that "Curse reversal! <3" was super cute bro

joined May 29, 2019

aw cute. I need all cheaters to perish though

joined May 29, 2019

oh this is a funny one

joined May 29, 2019

I actually like the story. Contrary to what other people have said, the plot feels whole and complete despite being only 10 chapters. Both women grew from the relationship, both understood what they want and stayed true to it, and them moving on with life with no regrets to what could have been. This is one of the stories that gets tiring and turns into a convoluted mess when you prolong the narrative (I'm looking at you, Domestic Girlfriend), which is why I think it's a perfect ending for both of them.

I agree with this. maybe a bit more condensed than I would be happiest with, but everything in the story is more mature and reasonable than you'd expect from such a premise. it's certainly quite the colorful way to realize your engagement isn't right for you lmao. I think it leaned well into the importance of communicating, ultimately I was satisfied after reading

joined May 29, 2019

I know it was supposed to be sad but I couldn't help but laugh at the shooting star scene.

you'd think star fragments wouldn't strike the same thing twice but it came for that android like she owed it money

joined May 29, 2019

"I've done more with less" stopp lmao, she's CLEARLY going to help make her pastry zoo dream come true, it's written in the stars! that's so romantic :') ~True Love~

joined May 29, 2019

[completely off topic, but @Aunt_Rhody, is that dahyun in your pfp by any chance??]

yep, the one and only queen dubu <3 I saw someone say "just like a doughnut" in another comment and I chuckled

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 10:07AM

joined May 29, 2019

Bro lots of people on Dynasty hates aces seems like. Everytime they appear it's always a trainwreck in the comments. Empathy isn't in abundance around here I guess.

I think responses would be much different if the story didn't take such a subtle route with it, which isn't to say I find that a bad thing. I'm going to enjoy re-reading this now knowing the resolution seems to be an ace couple, but upon first read rather than having no empathy perhaps it's that people like me empathized according to our own experiences first and foremost. Which is natural, but leads to anticipating something that didn't come. Ideally I would love to see 1 to 3 chapters more going into their new dynamic, as the abrupt end really does this relationship development no favors, specifically for readers to empathize better with something they may find unfamiliar. Sorry to ramble, I'm just making a case for it not being outright hate against aces.

Personally I'm happy with the ending, aside from it feeling too quick. I'm always a sucker for a story of two people bettering each other's lives regardless of the relationship type.

joined May 29, 2019

very nice feeling in this, getting off the train unintentionally and experiencing something you never would have before, that is overlooked every day even. right place right time but with a significant yet unrelated reason, I like that. and she even thanks her for it, so sweet