^She really doesn't realize what she's doing to Hino. There is a such thing as being too innocent.
I kinda think she may have moved beyond that and is now not only aware of how Hino thinks, but actually willing to engage in their game.
I’m not so sure. They both seem to me to be in the classic “useless lesbian” position—hyper-aware of how they themselves feel, but hyper-densely unaware of how the other one feels.
Hino is pretty clear—she thinks Koguma only indulges her requests because she’s kind and diligent about getting Hino to class.
You’re right that Koguma’s inner thoughts are harder to parse out, but while we get very strong suggestions that Koguma would like to push things a little further (her little disappointments when Hino backs off or fails to read Koguma’s reaction correctly are nuanced and brilliantly done), we don’t really know how Koguma ultimately perceives Hino’s mixed messaging (it’s all a pranking game vs. real attraction and affection).
If the realization of mutual attraction does ever come, both possibilities—that Koguma suddenly has an epiphany about Hino’s real feelings, or that she’s known all along, better than Hino herself—would be equally plausible and consistent with what we’ve seen so far.