Forum › Posts by Annabeth_96

joined May 7, 2018

How did this suddenly turn into Sunstone?

joined May 7, 2018

She really pulled a Miyamura

joined May 7, 2018

Damn, they were almost too useless this time, to the point that they had the audience bamboozled.

joined May 7, 2018

Nao doesn't have her own pairing tag, but you find out its a Nao chapter from the other tags

joined May 7, 2018

I could read this one-shot a billion times & never get bored of it, I love it ^.^

Commenting from 2023 to say I still feel the same way after all this time

joined May 7, 2018


This is about music, not Aya. 100%

If this ends up being about Aya, throw me to the moon. I'll be smiling... stunned, but smiling.

joined May 7, 2018

WOOHOO! Another Haruka x Kanae chapter, and it's a good one. These 2 goofballs are my favorite pair

joined May 7, 2018

Anyone else think Koga is dressed like Ellie from TLOU2 from the Seattle arc in this summer chapter?

joined May 7, 2018

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I'm losing it right now, they actually made it! Idiots in love! I was so nervous it looked like they would pass in the night and never make progress, but then they did and Koharu took the initiative and they're wonderful!

I knew the second I saw the kiss on cheek panel that Koguma would go for a kiss on the lips! No way she'd accept just on the cheek!

Same, and I also had a personal prediction running for like a year now that the first kiss (in a romantic, non bullying sense) will have to come from Koguma. I was wrong that I expected Hino to then back away and turn into another idiot couple situation. But it skipped all that directly into a 3 hour session.

joined May 7, 2018

Book published: May 18, 2012 to Sep 18, 2014

So kind of old school

That at least gives it something to stand on. This feels like a decade old story with tropes just as old. Not really interested in this anymore

The credit page on the other hand is exquisite, especially bottom left.

last edited at Feb 28, 2023 8:40PM

joined May 7, 2018

Setting all the plot points aside, that image of chibi baby Evie looking stunned is so cute in the last panel

joined May 7, 2018

Really though, who is even surprised that it was Elsa all along. I knew as soon as I saw the red hair. And what she is specifically trying to save is Evie from death since she is the villainess and the game requires her to get killed. The only question I have outside of what I know the mangaka will expand on - the past, is whether Elsa, as the hero of the story, is the one who ends up killing Evie or at least inadvertently resulting in Evie's death.

joined May 7, 2018

At this point, I don't even know who is who other than the main girl and her friend who is operating this club. Not complaining, just confused, is all.

joined May 7, 2018

Still waiting on confirmation of if Mori-san is a girl before celebrating the birth of a new yuri couple. They could just be a guy who notices the small details.

Tomo says that Mori-san is a girl, I think it's enough to confirm

joined May 7, 2018

Was that a kiss? Did we actually get a kiss??

joined May 7, 2018

At this rate, Aya needs to jump straight past confessions and directly to marriage proposals

joined May 7, 2018

Well... Koga is capable of some kind of smashing. She just has not realized it yet.

joined May 7, 2018

The yuri was so strong the bald dude grew a mohawk.

The yuri is so strong that it sent all 3 into a flashback of their youth. All of them look younger and different from any of the other panels, it's just easier to see with bald dude because of the mohawk

joined May 7, 2018

Buhawi posted:

Buhawi posted:

I'm dead, I sure am DED!!! Because that was heaven!! Tokino is kinda the true beautyqueen in this series. She got the eyes, the fasion, the rather eccentric charisma and cardigans worth more than my entire cabinet!

But what matters more.


I mean, dear god ,WTF?!


.....I begin to love her more and more....

We're talking about somebody who has literally fantasized about stripping naked in the middle of class, aren't we?

Yep...Nao is one friggin interesting character for every psychologist. Don't get me wrong, it's not that she is ill or something. Quite the contrary. Interesting to know, how she got this desires, how she nutures them and what really REALLY is happening to damn. If I were a psychologist or someone analyising social behavior, this school would be a friggin playground!

Psychologist here! I find her interesting in the fact that she is very realistic for a depiction of a teen-ager with a paraphilia! But in general Kishi's depiction of the BDSM spectrum is quite realistic (especially if we think about how BDSM is usually depicted in manga).

Interesting to know actually. I mean, the BDSM stuff is kinky, but the way it's incorporated in ones every day life in subtle and not so subtle ways ((yes, I mean you, photo booth butt smacking jiggly wiggly scene!!)), it's quiet fascinating......human minds turned visual are deffo interesting.

Nao maybe is one of the characters with less chatacter development, but she makes up with her kinks. I'm dying to know, how this manifested and why shameful acts are her thing. Is it just a different type of masochism? Is it rebellion? Will she get closer with Yu and mari? Because this Triangle would be interesting,although mebbe not exactly compatible.

Nao would be just the side gimp

This is what I meant by realistic, in some ways. People who are into the BDSM community are extremely creative. This allows them to find kinkiness in almost everything. I'd be curious to know how she developed her kinky side, but usually fetishes/parafìphilias just emerge and are reinforced by operant conditioning. So it just "hpapens" to connect arousal to certain types of event and you actively seek those situations to get again those feelings.
Masochism and exhibitionism can have some common elements as they could not. It depends on the line of thoughts that the person has during the events.
I see no possibility of a triangle as a relationship with them.

Oh most definitely. While I'm not part of the active "doing things" part of the BDSM community, I have had a very similar experience to Nao in terms of experimentation. Not as outgoing, but certainly similar dreams and such.

joined May 7, 2018

I have a questions for everyone here. Right now, as it stands, who is everyone's top pairing?

Ties are allowed, but only between 2 couples, not more than that. Mine are Haruka x Kanae, Honoka x Elisha

And between them, if I was forced to pick, Haruka x Kanae but only marginally so.

last edited at May 16, 2022 4:58AM

joined May 7, 2018

Mahiro vs Yuu-chan


Mahiro used Magical Girl Transformation "Mahiron Snow"

It's not very effective on Yuu-chan

It's super effective on Mahiru sitting on the sidelines.

Mahiru is immobilized by love

joined May 7, 2018

Holy fucking flags, woman! No wonder a 6 year old noticed. Who wouldn't if you keep throwing out flags every other sentence.

And after this chapter, it seems more like they have history, but something happened that led to Ren going abroad and the Mom having a kid with some guy. And she's just avoiding the topic with Lil Youzi because she doesn't want to dump all that on a 14 year old, which is at least fair.

joined May 7, 2018

Well, it wasn't from SA, which was what I was expecting it to be when her scars were first revealed. This removes the possibility that SA led to her being sexually averse and she is just asexual while also having childhood scars+trauma on the side (By no means am I insinuating that all SA causes asexuality or SA is the only reason for asexuality or other bad takes, but people can grow from experiences)

In any case, still very interested in this. Also interested to see if they are aromantic to some degree. Also also interested to see if Matoi will ever try sex, since she is still learning about it as opposed to Yuriko who seems much more secure in these aspects.

joined May 7, 2018

Hmm... I just keep reading this because I'm curious, but I'm not the biggest fan of this series even before all the different versions that keep resetting the story. It was maybe alright as a gag comedy manga, but since the shoujo manga protagonist shows 0 interest or even consideration of the rival as love interest even after a bunch of chapters, it feels more like forceful coercion with every subsequent chapter. Like most chapters start off with her trying to get the guy's attention, rival getting in between and proclaiming her love, her going along with rival, but next chapter she is oblivious as if rival never proclaimed her love. Rinse and repeat.

A good gag comedy that didn't get repetitive was Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko. It even had Yuri undertones. Another one that started out as a sort of gag comedy that actually became a good story was Hino-san no Baka. This one just falls flat to me.

joined May 7, 2018

Huh, a story set in today (at least pre-pandemic seemingly). It has ace and aro characters, smartphones (although this has been increasing in mangas recently, I've seen flip phones in some mangas), Japan's declining birth rate, women on bikes just being chill, a sexually active kid (although a little too exhibitionist to be realistic). I really like this.

Still waiting on a during pandemic slice of life manga about an established couple. Really hoped Inui Ayu Sensei's autobiographical work would've gone into that but it didn't. Neither did any of the other SoL mangas of established couples.