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joined Mar 25, 2019

So its finally started! But IRL Kaoru much more than in Uta needed in good psychotherapist.

last edited at Apr 10, 2020 1:18AM

joined Mar 15, 2015

While it was nice to learn a little more about Kaoru's mother's death, I'm still curious as to why Uta's mother lost her medical license. Her conversation with Kaoru suggests that she'd made some sort of mistake that resulted in Kaoru's mother's death, possibly out of recklessness (considering her cavalier attitude toward performing an unlicensed medical exam on her daughter-in-law), but maybe that's just my imagination.

joined May 17, 2014

Chapter 31: "Remember that hard-won character development of Uta's where she finally decided to give up her love for Kaoru? Remember the highly problematic mom and the highly problematic dad and their highly problematic relationships with one another and each of them with Uta? Forget all that--feels are incoming."

Ughh... I have mixed feelings about that.

I think that was her only choice. Its like trying not to think about purple elephants. Think about how much more time you spend thinking about elephants when you are trying not to think of them.
If she shoved down those emotions eventually they would have just grow bigger and consumed her. If she can learn accept them though, they lose their power and she'll learn to let them go.

last edited at Apr 10, 2020 1:16AM

joined Dec 11, 2017

(deep breath)

"It would only prolong her sadness."

Gee, yeah, mom, you're right. I'm sure if your death is a fucking SURPRISE, she'll handle it way faster and more healthily. You goddamn fucking numbskull.

joined Jan 24, 2018

New scanlators?..... did Chaos team hand it over? I remember arguments going down a little while back on their page, angry fans saying hand over the raws to someone who can be bothered translating.... if so passing on the torch was the right choice, can focus on citrus+ I guess and these new guys are doing really good job.

And fiiiiiiinally! Back to the main story after what felt like half a year of flash back chapters. Kaoru been full PTSDing without Uta there god damn! I hope they can just hold hands and be happy soon, plz no more Nam flash backs

joined Sep 1, 2017

Okay we just went through three chapters of back story covering Kaoru Risako and Reiichi's love triangle. Howevere there wasn't really anything to show there was something special about Kaoru and Uta's friendship. Uta was barely even mentioned. I kept thinking if Kaoru and Uta are going to end up together, this would be a good place to show that there relationship had deeper roots than Uta's first schoolgirl love and Kaoru's loneliness. So far I don't think this story qualifies for the romance tag. This isn't a criticism. I'm enjoying the story. It's just when you see the romance tag you expect well romance.

last edited at Apr 10, 2020 11:58AM

joined Aug 6, 2015

What Kaoru needs isn't a lover but family. Her mental state is too fragile for a lover and until she's able to get pass that then I don't think she should really start a relationship with Uta.

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

I just asked CT if they dropped the project - they said they didn't. So it's not nice from new group stealing the project from others.

joined Mar 23, 2019

When is the suffering going to end? It was getting so sad so I put this manga on hold for several months only for me to suffer again after checking the recent chapters.

I just want Utah and Kaoru to have a happy ending.

Yes, miss Utah and Kansas need to get together already.


joined Mar 23, 2019

Also fuck me, chapter 30 and 31 hit a little too close to home.

joined Aug 28, 2019

I hope nothing happens between them right now (or tbh in future) especially since Kaoru's in this kind of mental state. Like someone else said, Kaoru just needs family around her rather than anything else. Reichi seems like he's barely there for her but at the same time, he could be trying hard to support her in his own way since he saw how she was pushing herself before.

I could sort of understand her doubts about her relationship with Reichi though. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like he was still with Risako but broke up with her cause he suddenly decided to support Kaoru. At least that's how Kaoru probably sees it after her talk with Risako, who made it sound like Reichi's feelings changed out of the nowhere. Aside from the possible cheating, this is probably why her relationship with him is so strained and she isn't trying to lean on him more.

Everyone just needs to gather around a campfire and talk to each other. Or Kaoru just needs a therapist and start learning that it's fine to be alone.

last edited at Apr 10, 2020 3:27AM

joined May 8, 2017

When is the suffering going to end? It was getting so sad so I put this manga on hold for several months only for me to suffer again after checking the recent chapters.

I just want Utah and Kaoru to have a happy ending.

Yes, miss Utah and Kansas need to get together already.


Too bad Rhode Island is in the way

joined Mar 28, 2015

Chaosteam handed it over to someone else?

joined Oct 21, 2017

Chaosteam handed it over to someone else?

No the other group steal it.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Then I'm kinda surprised Dynasty uploaded it here. They are usually consistent with keeping the same scanlators, unless the original one dropped it.

joined Feb 14, 2019

Overall Reiichi seems well intentioned, but apathetic. He was uninterested in Kaoru before, then suddenly did a 180 to passionately declare his determination to stand by her, but reverted to type after... I'm beginning to suspect somebody put him up to it, either Risako or his mother.

joined Dec 23, 2017

Overall Reiichi seems well intentioned, but apathetic. He was uninterested in Kaoru before, then suddenly did a 180 to passionately declare his determination to stand by her, but reverted to type after... I'm beginning to suspect somebody put him up to it, either Risako or his mother.

It does seem to be going in that direction! Yuri goggles aside, it has never really felt like Reiichi was truly "in love" with Kaoru tbh, and this recent chapter adds more to that. I'm excited for the next chapter because it looks like things are picking up on Kaoru's side now.

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

Then I'm kinda surprised Dynasty uploaded it here. They are usually consistent with keeping the same scanlators, unless the original one dropped it.

Yeah I'm also super surprised because I was the one uploading this series and no one from other team contacted me to do that :/

joined Jan 11, 2014

I just asked CT if they dropped the project - they said they didn't. So it's not nice from new group stealing the project from others.

Maybe there's a lore that I'm missing, but why is it called stealing? I think everybody is free to translate if they like that series, especially since it has been some months since CT uploaded again.

Now if they were stealing raws from CT then I don't agree, but I'm always in support for new translators. The quality aren't bad either so I'm rooting for more translations from them.

joined Oct 22, 2018


Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

I just asked CT if they dropped the project - they said they didn't. So it's not nice from new group stealing the project from others.

Maybe there's a lore that I'm missing, but why is it called stealing? I think everybody is free to translate if they like that series, especially since it has been some months since CT uploaded again.

Now if they were stealing raws from CT then I don't agree, but I'm always in support for new translators. The quality aren't bad either so I'm rooting for more translations from them.

Well I mean there's that non-written rule that you're not taking the title from other groups. There are so many different titles that people can work on, and doubling work it's just well, pointless. Even if CT didn't publish the chapters right away, they are still working on them so right now it's like wasted time cuz suddenly someone else did the same thing :(

I mean the second group could just contact them or something. Not playing superheroes cuz people are are whining cuz they can't wait a little bit...

Simple example: Archivers are doing the title, last update was in August last year and new one yesterday - people could wait and no one took the title from them :(

I just don't like when teams are doing this for each others :(

joined Feb 23, 2016

They feel so short >.<

joined Jul 19, 2015

I might have a problem with the inconsistent scanlation team thing if this was bad but its really quality.
I feel like there must have been a ton of series that never ended up being picked up just because the main scanlation team soft-dropped it and others didn't wanna break this "unwritten rule". When it comes to niche series like this, I more then welcome quality scanlations from other teams if the current one falls too behind. It is certainly not a matter of "not being able to wait", more so just worry that we're never getting another chapter.

last edited at Apr 10, 2020 6:41AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Yeah, seems fair.

joined Dec 26, 2014

I just asked CT if they dropped the project - they said they didn't. So it's not nice from new group stealing the project from others.

Maybe there's a lore that I'm missing, but why is it called stealing? I think everybody is free to translate if they like that series, especially since it has been some months since CT uploaded again.

Now if they were stealing raws from CT then I don't agree, but I'm always in support for new translators. The quality aren't bad either so I'm rooting for more translations from them.

Well I mean there's that non-written rule that you're not taking the title from other groups. There are so many different titles that people can work on, and doubling work it's just well, pointless. Even if CT didn't publish the chapters right away, they are still working on them so right now it's like wasted time cuz suddenly someone else did the same thing :(

I mean the second group could just contact them or something. Not playing superheroes cuz people are are whining cuz they can't wait a little bit...

Simple example: Archivers are doing the title, last update was in August last year and new one yesterday - people could wait and no one took the title from them :(

I just don't like when teams are doing this for each others :(

We didn't drop the series, we just had some problems being fast this time. I know we delayed too much and we were aware of another team doing the 2 chapters we didn't got the time to finish. We just didn't expect dynasty to upload them. We will re consider if we still going to continue giving chapters here. Chapter 31 was ready and we just waited for chapter 30. Now we will have to cancel it

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