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Forum › It's Tough Being Neeko discussion

joined Sep 6, 2018

I can't help but worry that Mama Niito still doesn't understand the crux of Neeko's issues, because IINM tough parenting is the last thing Neeko needs. What she needs is someone like her dad, but one that takes a proactive approach with their kindness, starting with sitting her down and having an actual heart to heart talk that lets her finally pour all the angst she's been bottling up inside of her without fear of being punished for "failing" to live up to anyone's expectations.

Yeah this. Mama Niito is the embodiment of parental pressure. She's got good intentions but her approach is completely wrong. I think Uri-chan is hoping they can try a more gentle approach but how I don't know how she can save this.

Also, I can kinda understand Uri-chan's thing now. I wasn't sexually harassed but I was kinda slowly revolved into a job I hated and marginalized there. I'd like to think the trauma was fleeting but recent nightmares (twice recently, even) make it pretty impossible to pretend. I'm living off savings and not working just like Uri-chan.

Employment sucks so much sometimes. Honestly it's a wonder there aren't more NEETs - well, probably there are but we just don't hear about them much.

Yeah, you don’t because NEETs don’t want to ruin their gig—I mean, somebody is bank rolling for their free time... it’s pretty neat to be a NEET. Now here comes the topography question: does homelessness fall underneath NEET? Or is NEET a subset of homelessness?

I think a Venn diagram might be helpful...

last edited at Jan 3, 2020 10:06PM

joined Apr 19, 2018

^ this dude asking real questions

I too think this move is the biggest red flag
But based how this manga plays out it's either her friend working there with her, or she's supposed to help manage the inventory in the background
None of which are really bright moves, but nothing is bad as public execution by the public

joined May 15, 2014

as someone who both suffers the same thing as her and also studies psychology, the comedy tag should really be removed, also I how well this is depicted the author must know a lot about this, so hopefully they're going to make it have a good and meaningful end.

joined Aug 1, 2019

Man I wish getting a job was that easy.

joined Jan 5, 2020

Ok, I actually broke down and made an account just to talk about this. This last chapter makes this manga a horror story, not a comedy. I wouldn't drop a 20 year champion of the retail wars on the counter during a Day One rush on their first day in the store, let alone someone with massive anxiety issues that has been out of the workforce for at least a year or more. It's a recipe for absolute disaster.

Not to mention how completely sketchy and BS it is to sign someone else up for work without their knowledge or consent. What the hell is her mom trying to do here? Push her into suicide or something?

joined Oct 25, 2011

Positive take: Neeko is going to go and live with Uri-chan instead.

joined Apr 20, 2013

sleekie posted:

Positive take: Neeko is going to go and live with Uri-chan instead.

In a wheelchair after suffering a meltdown with the traumatic surprise job and overheat... Kinda like Kira's sister in Death Note.

ok ok not so dark... But I really hope that author san has a plan to go with "alright let's completely break her down first..." as you can see, I lost any hope of this miraculously going well.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Ok, I actually broke down and made an account just to talk about this. This last chapter makes this manga a horror story, not a comedy. I wouldn't drop a 20 year champion of the retail wars on the counter during a Day One rush on their first day in the store, let alone someone with massive anxiety issues that has been out of the workforce for at least a year or more. It's a recipe for absolute disaster.

Not to mention how completely sketchy and BS it is to sign someone else up for work without their knowledge or consent. What the hell is her mom trying to do here? Push her into suicide or something?

The only thing I can think of is her mother suffers from Munchausen Syndrome and is trying to cause enough trauma that Neeko never works again.

joined Sep 13, 2018

Man I wish getting a job was that easy.

I feel you.

It kind of hurt me while reading "thanks for buying neeko wa tsurai yo" , if only i could buy manga.
Also i have mixed feeling about the next chapter , i want to see how it goes but at the same time i dont want to feel super bad if neeko get a mental breakdown again , if she gets so bad to the point her stomatch hurts then i dont know what would happen to her here.

joined Feb 3, 2013

So, the anxiety issues are there to make her more sympathetic, but the author still sees Neeko as just a spoiled NEET like originally devised? That'd explain a lot on the tone shifts.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Real question : if Neeko's social issue is as bad as some people think it is that her mom's "surprise" might lead her to an actual breakdown/meltdown or even suicide, wouldn't her place be in some sort of mental health institute, like psychiatric hospital or something else ? And no, I don't mean that in a bad way, just that if it's really that bad, then she does need help (as in actual medical/psychiatric help) rather than just staying comfy at home playing her game.

joined Jan 15, 2020

So a "throw them in the water and hope you can swim situation", eh? Either you drown or you swim. Hoping the latter for Neeko's case, because I believe it really would help her self esteem. I believe her trauma is mainly based on her interview failures caused by her anxiety, I don't think working would be a problem. She seems to be capable in doing many things, such as making those leaflets or making friends. We see that she used to be an outgoing and cheerful girl, so I think her problem doesn't lie with social interactions but her personal self-doubt. Her repeated failures in entering the "adult world" has caused her to develop an aversion to the idea of working, so by showing her that she is capable of thriving in the "adult world" through working, she may be able to overcome her trauma. However if she fails again, it'll only worsen and lead to worst problems such as distrust and a possible dislike to society in general. Well that's my take on it.

joined Mar 15, 2015

This manga hits close to home for me. I've been unemployed since my company shut down early last year, and it hasn't been fun to go from being a valued employee to someone who frequently gets lost in the shuffle among potentially dozens of other applicants. While I feel as though I have a good grasp on interviewing, and do well in mock interviews, I don't like how interviewers tend to keep their cards close to their chests, making it hard to tell whether I actually made a good impression on them. The job search process always seems to favor the employers, since they get to take their pick of many equally desperate competitors, which is why I resent people seeming to think that it's easy to get a job, and that unemployed people are, as a rule, lazy.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

I'm waiting to read the next chapter like I'm waiting to watch a trainwreck.

I can't believe her mother thought this was the best way to cure Neeko's anxiety problems.

joined Jan 17, 2017

You can do it Neeko! Find your dreamjob!

joined Mar 13, 2014

Get yourself a job that lets you afford a Switch with one day's work.

yeasss be a slave to the system

joined May 27, 2019

She did good!

This is starting to feel like a turning point akin to Watamote. It does feel like we're overdue for a sharp relapse, though.

joined Jan 13, 2019

audience grumbling slightly

glad she did well but her mom shouldnt just get off the hook so easily for such an awful stunt

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's still a dick move from Mom. What do you mean "not any other options" ? I know you're desperate about her but baiting her like that is not the best solution and if it's the only you have come with then i'm seriously afraid. You're lucky that work this time.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Get yourself a job that lets you afford a Switch with one day's work.

It didn't though? They all pitched in together to get her one for the remainder.

I"m glad they put a positive spin on it, though she only worked 2 hours, a full shift and sh'e probably not make it to be honest.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Oh so she's working on the back... i feel baited, and I don't like it, and all that talk about the heat was for nothing too.

Gets a switch for half day of work
Neeko: ooh... but where's my payment?


joined Feb 15, 2019

Not gonna lie that was basically me my first day of work too, wondering when it will end and cursing under my breathe when I was getting tired. It was part time over the summer in high school and it was just moving boxes onto a conveyor belt, very similar to Neeko's job too lol

joined Sep 26, 2019

I actually applaud the mom for that stunt. Smart move since the girl obviously needed a push. Sometimes a kick in the arse is better than a slow prodding. Specially since the previous attempts following the gentle approach only built up anxiety in the girl

joined Mar 2, 2019

This brought back bad memories from when my mother found me a job in customer service for a couple of months. I thought I could potentially pull it off, but I really wasn't ready to deal with people back then.

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