Torajirou-sensei clearly has little time for "obviously matching" pairings, whether potential or established. If anything it seems to be something of a recurring theme for them to be wildly dissimilar people who've found a(n often surprising) connection of some kind...
A standout example would be Yuu and Mari who were introduced very early on as already a couple, probably the furthest along as far as onscreen relationships go (given they are for all practical intents and purposes fucking like rabbits), and are pretty much night and day as personalities go without readily obvious common interests - not counting their deep mutual attraction and complementary kinks. (A "how they met" arc would be pretty interesting to see.)
I'm tolerably sure the author found it hilariously ironic to match them up with the MahiMahi, who are not only the most unequivocally innocent pair but also the single most glaring exception to the aforementioned recurring theme... :P
last edited at Sep 6, 2019 1:49PM