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joined Aug 23, 2015

when Maikawa keeps a straight face you just know that you messed up


joined Mar 3, 2019

Brah she mad at ya. Keep yer shit together Shimuzu san.

joined Feb 9, 2019

Man. This girl is on fireeeee. I feel like something's good gonna happen in the next chapter.

joined Nov 20, 2017

I just caught up to the latest chapter… and wow this is quite the roller-coaster of emotions.

joined Aug 19, 2015

Oh dilly. So much unresolved sexual tension in the air. I require a bonus ecchi chapter please.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

ai ai gasa

You got that right, that's exactly what's coming, kyaaa! :))

joined Aug 4, 2018

Realistic story. Very much so. Very impressive.

joined Jun 6, 2013

UwaaaAaaah! That cliffhanger in chapter 10! hyperventilates

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Don't worry 'bout that.

Because like can lead to like-like
And like-like can lead to love
Sure as the stars above, Maekawa, Shimizu’d really like to
Kiss you (fuck you)
Kiss you (fuck you)
Kiss you (fuck you)
Kiss you (fuck you)

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is amazing!!!! Reading this makes my vocabular shrink to the word amazing!
I seriously love this story. Such a nice pace, nice characters, Amazing!

joined Sep 4, 2014

One of them has to come out with it... Maekawa started with the mixed messages, I kinda wish she would be a bit more straightforward. Really both of them need to brush away some of their reservations - nothing in life is certain, everything is a risk - but I feel like Maekawa has the upper hand due to her experience, although that experience also is why she's so hesitant.

Shimizu is too used to being alone, and too scared to move forward. I don't know what Maekawa is gonna say but seriously you know she's a virgin so getting mad at her is pointless.

joined Apr 23, 2015

Skinship intensifies.
Maekawa is such a blanket bug.
Really love these two.

joined May 25, 2017

dunno if its been mentioned before, but when Shimizu said that she loves reading fictional love but doesnt want it for herself, it kinda reminded me of what a lithromantic is...

idk how ppl feel abt that so ill just leave it here..

joined Jun 3, 2014

Translator-san, you can't just say that the next chapter is good and expect me to wait patiently for this AHHHH. keep doing what you're doing, we all love you for this

joined Jul 15, 2016

Maekawa's hug from behind was the most adorable thing ever. When you're tired and sad, all you really want is just to hug a person you like and to stay like that for a while. Too bad Shimizu's limited private life didn't teach her that simple method of "being there" for the other person...

joined Nov 17, 2017

Oh, the feels...
I can't wait for the next chapter.
About the last two panels: Is it just me or in a parallel world Maekawa's pen name could have been Saburouta?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh, the feels...
I can't wait for the next chapter.
About the last two panels: Is it just me or in a parallel world Maekawa's pen name could have been Saburouta?

I think it's just you. Tho, I can't be sure, maybe some others here share in your thoughts. Not me, tho.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Oh, the feels...
I can't wait for the next chapter.
About the last two panels: Is it just me or in a parallel world Maekawa's pen name could have been Saburouta?

I think it's just you. Tho, I can't be sure, maybe some others here share in your thoughts. Not me, tho.

not really the next page is a pretty acurate depiction of what most people think about citrus

last edited at Jun 24, 2019 12:23AM

joined Nov 8, 2017

I already posted this in the Room for Two thread, but I think this band would be perfect for an anime adaptation of either that series or this one:

joined Mar 26, 2019

Well, this just got interesting

joined Mar 16, 2018

The sickness is spreading

joined Oct 31, 2018

maybe i'm just stupid but the way the plot progresses in this series feels way the fuck above my head

either that or it's really awful, but i'm sure it's not that, probably

joined Mar 15, 2017

Hmm... so Maekawa isn't really in love with Shimizu (yet) but she's just lonely and wanted somebody, anybody, to be with her so she's trying to get into some relationship with Shimizu so that Shimizu wouldn't leave her alone? And then Shimizu notices this and convinces Maekawa that she won't leave her alone even if they're not in a relationship so Maekawa doesn't need to force herself into one?
At least that's how it seems like from Shimizu's perspective. How Maekawa actually feels we'll need to wait until her POV is shown but I'd imagine she herself is still confused about her own feelings.

joined Jun 29, 2015

i feel like the plot is slowly slowly moving forward..... Or they just go back to square one????

joined Jun 5, 2016

Is it just me, or do some of the lines of dialogue in this chapter seem a bit, I dunno, "clunky"?

And did Maekawa mean to say that she can't calm down without Shimizu being around, instead of being "too calm to put anything down on paper"? Because otherwise Shimizu referring sarcastically to herself as a helpfully calming tool doesn't make sense...

Maekawa seemed to have such an angry face so often in this chapter, she reminded me of that one angry cat meme I see all the time:

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