Forum › Ikenai Otona discussion

joined Jan 20, 2014

Hah, well, actually, in his defense, you could say this: claiming that twenty-two is still under the age of consent is not less groundless or arbitrary than any of the other random conventions accepted all round the world.

Honestly, since the brain doesn't completely finish developing until about age 25, give or take, it's actually more sensible than most. If not terribly practical.

I wonder, are you aware that IQ remains pretty much stable throughout your life? And that your IQ when you are 50 will be about the same as your IQ when you were 12?

Of course, IQ is only one aspect of intelligence. There are many important aspects of mental ability that are not measured by IQ test scores. In fact, intelligence tests show evidence that aging causes decline in many cognitive functions, including speed of processing, working memory and long term memory: they all peak in your teen years and decline steadily from age 20 to age 50.

And then there are, as well, tests to measure logical and rational thought - the analytical and associative capabilities of your brain. In these tests, middle and high school kids regularly score higher than working men in their twenties or thirties.

People often cite that line on how the brain doesn't completely finish developing until about age 25 as a pretext to deny young people (especially teenagers) the right to make their own decisions on a variety of subjects. They neglect to mention that the "development" that continues until age 25 simply adds more neurons and glia to the general grey matter network without any positive effect whatsoever on specific performances.

Which is a good thing, because otherwise we'd probably have to strip anyone under 25 of their rights to vote, marry, own property, drive a car, get a job or read yuri manga such as this one. Which would really suck.

ehhh i'd have to say age 25 thing feels pretty accurate just from the things i see those younger than that do. most adults start calming down a lot more and lose the brosef/amg he hasn't responded in 30 seconds he must hate me maturity. there will always be anomalies, people who don't conform to that due to numerous factors, but just cause you have a super high I.Q. at twelve, doesn't mean you know how to handle a situation where say an adult is hitting on you (not in a rapey pushy way) and you know it's wrong/don't want it. why do you think there is the term "highschool drama"? because they are still learning their social skills/maturing and understanding how to handle things, and usually end up failing/miscommunicating/hormones just going rampant with their emotions.

last edited at Jun 8, 2019 3:36AM

joined Feb 9, 2017

I've always a soft spot for some Age Gap so this one's one the Sub list

joined Apr 23, 2019


joined Apr 23, 2019

Indeed something happens at age 25. It's like "boiled blood" is settling down and some contemplative phase begins. That age personally for me was the year of start a great spiritual growth.

But people can't change consent to "number" 25 where I suppose maturity truly begins. Somehow, all before 25 is like "wild age", gaining experiences, time to "touch the fires" and learn about it. Time for sexual explorations and figuring out sexuality ( it begins with hormones, so, very early)
No one should be taken seriously or seriously judged before 25 (if it's not endangering others, what is rare in that age).
After 25 responsibility changes, because awareness is changing. Seeing comments about it (including personal experience), now I'm pretty sure it's true (I did not have a chance to exchange opinions with others about it, until now).

In that case, any age gap with someone above 25 should be very positive experience for younger person. If it's based on true love. Even just sexual exploration with responsible person can be useful experience for younger (of course, not too much younger; in that case, no one truly responsible would risk it).

last edited at Jun 8, 2019 8:24AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Some 14 year olds are more mature and able to take decisions than some 25 year olds out there.

Generalizations skewed toward western "common sense" and pseudo-science nauseate me.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Looking at it from a scientific pov, we should all agree on this:

Puberty is nature's way of telling you that you are ready for sex.

Everything else is arbitrary social convention.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Some 14 year olds are more mature and able to take decisions than some 25 year olds out there.

Generalizations skewed toward western "common sense" and pseudo-science nauseate me.

You keep saying all this anti-western stuff, but ya know those are not Western ideas... right? Those are global ideas.
And there is nothing "pseudo" scientific about the fact that a 14 year old is less emotionally, mentally and physically mature than a 20+ year old. You have to consider averages when making laws and decisions, not every specific case.

When children are forced to mature early, it stumps their development and tends to have repercussions later in life. Of course what a kid can handle varies, but especially decisions regarding sexual topics are completely skewed at that age and mistakes are far more common.

The studies exist already, whether you want to believe them or not is naturally up to you.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

There's a manga I read some time ago that sparked a similar controversy, even more so because in that manga it was a sexy 30 y.o. lady who actively pursued and seduced a naive mid school girl who was 14 y.o.
Actually I had forgotten the name of the manga, but drpepperfan remembered it for me: it's Kimi wa Shoujo by Nanatsu Fuji and it's completely translated and it's in the reader:

I recommend that all who want to question the ethics of the 'age gap' trope just go read the 21 pages of discussion for that story:

You'll see, all the arguments are already there :)

joined Apr 20, 2013

Kimi wa shoujo: A story about a slut rapist piece of shit adult who attacked an innocent girl who not only had no idea about lesbianism but had no idea about the concept of sex or love, ultimately abandoning her and leaving her with issues.

Ikenai Otona: A story a proper adult who kindly helped an innocent girl and came to her rescue, knew very well that accepting her love would be wrong and did the right thing and all trying not to hurt the girls feelings who hopelessly felt in love with her and took her kiss.

Hmmmm, something tells me reading the discussion of one won't help at all to understand the other... But hey, it might be just me.

last edited at Jun 8, 2019 12:39PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

^Well if you put it thaaaat way.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Kimi wa shoujo: A story about a slut rapist piece of shit adult who attacked an innocent girl who not only had no idea about lesbianism but had no idea about the concept of sex or love, ultimately abandoning her and leaving her with issues.

Yes that sort of arguments, there're 21 pages of comments just like that in the Kimi wa Shoujo discussion thread
That's why I said, just an idea, rather than write other 21 pages of identical opinions in this Ikenai Otona thread it's easier to go read that older thread and save yourselves a lot of time
Cause we all know Akemi will date Shion and have sex with her sooner or later, so if you're against that then why bother, right?

joined Aug 16, 2018

I recommend that all who want to question the ethics of the 'age gap' trope just go read the 21 pages of discussion for that story:

You'll see, all the arguments are already there :)

Alternatively they could just stop reading the stories tagged Age gap (since they already know they don't like the trope).

joined Apr 23, 2019

Kimi wa shoujo is an extreme of all age gaps, and there is discussion was it rape or not.
This manga has nothing with it.

Anyway, avoiding a certain tags is fine. I rarely read "animal ears" tag, not losing my time on it. Without any intention to insult people who love it, but I'm not going there to spit against it. It's all about preferences. And behavior.

It's the question, why people don't use their choices, when they have them? Tags serve to give proper directions.
If something makes me angry, and I know it will, I will not be curious to test my tolerance over and over, than simply avoid it, focusing on what I love and what makes me feel good.

last edited at Jun 8, 2019 2:48PM

mei is waifu
joined Dec 13, 2017

Please don't compare this with Kimi wa Shoujo. In that piece of crap manga, the adult is a full-blown rapist who shows predatory behavior since day one. She is a psycho who deserves to rot in jail and hell. And that girl was 14. This manga has only one chapter out, and the adult isn't the one who is actively pursuing a minor. She is actually a nice lady who behaves exactly how an adult should. And the girl here is fucking 16 or something FFS. Idk about you, for me there's no difference between a 16 and 18 year old. It's not like a person becomes extremely mature in 2 years. No matter what the law says.

And if you don't like it, then stop reading it and blacklist Age gap. God, I am tired of seeing your tumblr lass being butthurt in anything slightly controversial.

joined Apr 20, 2013

No, I mean, I get it... Jeanne wants the people upset with this to go read the discussion of Kimi wa shoujo and don't waste everyone's time repeating the same discussion here... Is just that, just reading the word "similar" with these two work together rubs me the wrong way, because they're like day and night even if the people complaining here are like the ones complaining there.

I think she meant to say "Go read the thread of Kimi wa shoujo if you want to complain about Age gap" but what I understood initially was "The discussion of Kimi wa shoujo can be applied here" . That was my confusion, sorry about that.

In any case, yes, the people who don't like this kind of stories have no place here and look like fools complaining about it.

joined May 1, 2018

It had such a huge one shot energy to it that i was completely thrown back when i saw that it was a series lol

joined Mar 22, 2018

The art and general feel of this one are what click with me, it's very sweet so far. As others have pointed out, it's reminiscent of shoujo manga from like 20 years ago, just softer or something. I love how Akemi is drawn here.

joined Mar 18, 2016

Words cannot convey how excited I was to finish reading this and realize it's slated to continue. Thank you for bringing us this glorious pile of fluff!! My heart is melting! I'm so excited to read more!

joined Feb 22, 2019

Well made chapter, y'all strange though what's your fascination with age gaps

joined Dec 27, 2014

so many good series updates yesss

joined Feb 18, 2015

You know what? That genre is not controversial in Japan and in many other places.

I'm not even "into" age gap, but I still find irritating the people shitting on every single instance of that kind of work, without even looking at the quality of writing, or the characters' psychology.

This manga looks pretty well done and the MC looks like someone sensible. It's not like she's going to bed the JK right away. And people continue to confuse love with sexual attraction.

Murica and its satellites are not representing the standard of morality. Especially when they are proud to have a known sexual predator as a president, with a 24 years age difference with his wife.

Applauding to your last paragraph! You made my day! (also, everything you said is on point)

Except for the "proud" part... When the percentage of people in favor of impeachment is approaching a majority, it doesn't suggest that we're proud of our President.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha chapter 2 though


Why make one shions friends start crushing on the other woman, like that's not cool for the SECOND CHAPTER

joined Oct 6, 2015

I'm not sure if these kids need a lover or a mother or maybe both...loool

joined Jan 7, 2019

wtf is wrong with this chapter, goddamn it author,

joined Apr 15, 2013

I feel bad that I find this so funny. Is this gonna become a harem manga?

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