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joined Feb 17, 2019

This is... Not cute at all. I feel really bad for Kaya-

joined Sep 16, 2014

Reminds me of Jashin-chan x Medusa, I like it.

joined Mar 15, 2017

I feel like Sana doesn't even like Kaya, she's just exploiting her as a maid to clean her room and cook food every weekends. I can totally see this eventually devolving into them living together and Sana stops working and just leech of Kaya for the rest of her life, which is probably why Sana even bothered softening up to Kaya in the first place (and I say softening up because I won't accept that last 4 page as "her way of apologizing").

Not to mention that "truth is I remember our first movie" crap. I'd understand if she said she 'remembered' but she worded it as if she never forgot about it in the first place which is bullshit because she has no reason to pretend that she forgot about it on last week. No reason unless she doesn't love Kaya as I theorized of course.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I feel like Sana doesn't even like Kaya, she's just exploiting her as a maid to clean her room and cook food every weekends. I can totally see this eventually devolving into them living together and Sana stops working and just leech of Kaya for the rest of her life, which is probably why Sana even bothered softening up to Kaya in the first place (and I say softening up because I won't accept that last 4 page as "her way of apologizing").

Not to mention that "truth is I remember our first movie" crap. I'd understand if she said she 'remembered' but she worded it as if she never forgot about it in the first place which is bullshit because she has no reason to pretend that she forgot about it on last week. No reason unless she doesn't love Kaya as I theorized of course.

Christ. That's fucking dark. Where the hell did you get this idea? Obviously she remembered but was too embarrassed to say. Just look at the way that scene is framed. There's a reason her face isn't shown when she's saying that line. Also, Kaya obviously knows that Sana does remember and is just putting on a front. Look at her face!

Sana is a "practical" person who is bad at dealing with emotions. She wanted to see that movie and didn't invite Kaya because she knows that Kaya doesn't like that kind of movie. She signed up to go on that trip, but she knows Kaya has work on weekdays so she didn't invite her (but she's planning on bringing back manjuu to share with her—she was just bringing that up when Kaya smacked her in the face). These are perfectly rational decisions, but Kaya takes them poorly because she has unfulfilled needs in the relationship.

This is not a depressing story about a horrible abusive relationship. It's a tale about two people who have a minor disagreement about what their relationship should entail. Notice how Kaya doesn't voice any of her frustrations? She doesn't even tell Sana what she expects from her, she just hopes that Sana will somehow know what to do to make her happy. Sana isn't refusing to accommodate Kaya's needs, she just doesn't understand what they are. And then, when Sana does figure it out, she makes a gesture to show Kaya she gets it. They aren't stuck in a toxic failure of a relationship, they just have normal problems with communication, the kind that exist in every relationship.

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 1:00PM

joined Mar 22, 2018

Couples (hell, even just friendships) like this do exist without getting toxic, it's not uncommon. They both benefit in some way from how things work. Sana of course gets someone to take care of certain things for her, and Kaya doesn't seem to hate being more of the giver in this relationship. Probably because she likes to feel needed, until she just gets a little overwhelmed by it. Sana got it eventually, in her own way, and tries to make amends. Not everyone is capable of being super emotional or understanding people who suddenly are.

I've really liked this author's works so far, though. Thanks to those who have been putting in the time!

joined May 25, 2015

Christ. That's fucking dark. Where the hell did you get this idea? Obviously she remembered but was too embarrassed to say. Just look at the way that scene is framed. There's a reason her face isn't shown when she's saying that line. Also, Kaya obviously knows that Sana does remember and is just putting on a front. Look at her face!

Maybe flipping the framing would have allayed reader worries, showing Sana facing away while blushing would have made it obvious she remembers. However, we only follow Kaya's POV and empathize primarily with her, so I believe we are expected to feel her insecurity and react accordingly. In this regard, I would say the story was a success considering the reactions in this forum.

They aren't stuck in a toxic failure of a relationship, they just have normal problems with communication, the kind that exist in every relationship.

While I agree that this is not a toxic relationship per se, they have serious communication issues; I mean, as far as we know, Kaya hasn't received a confirmation of their relationship in the 5 years they have been together.

We were shown the snap that forces them to either break up or fix some of their issues, but, because of those very problems, Sana is grasping at straws trying to understand why her girlfriend snapped, and thus goes for the only thing different (denying remembering their first movie night) to hopefully appease her.

If they don't talk this through, then their relationship is likely to start becoming toxic, with Kaya becoming increasingly bitter and Sana doing small things trying to keep the status quo.

joined Dec 13, 2013

MC needs a new girlfriend asap

joined May 1, 2013

Here's my theory. The author likes writing about characters who need better communication, but the author ALSO thinks that horrible thing where it's more 'yuri' and romantic and delicate beautiful if everything goes unspoken and ambiguous.

This is a good combination for an extremely unsatisfying story.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Uhg... You are not moving forward...

joined Aug 2, 2018

She’s still a bad girlfriend though...

joined Jan 27, 2019

Well if ya still remember then what was the title of the movie, HUH?

joined Sep 10, 2015

The comment section is as entertaining as ever.xD

While I'm just here wondering if the movie is house of wax.loool

joined May 27, 2018

Stupid x Leech. Nope, not good at all. I feel bad for the stupid one.

joined Oct 27, 2011

Yeah I don't see this relationship if you can call it that lasting a long time.

Argument->accommodation->makeup sex is a powerful cycle that can keep a relationship going for a long, long time.

Totally agreed ! Not all relationship need to be cute. A (kind of) realistic one that ends well is something i need at the end of the day.

joined May 24, 2017

Cute I guess?? Kaya can do better tbh.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Ugh this is way too relatable to me
I feel like this a lot with a lot of the friendships I have like I'm always the one to make plans and keep in touch
Very seldom to I feel like someone is seeking me out

joined Dec 5, 2018

As someone on the spectrum, Sana really resonates with me. I do the cooking though...

joined Sep 6, 2017

If you haven't been in a relationship like this, count your blessings.

joined Dec 7, 2018

Clearly the issue is lack of communication, not lack of love.
In the end some relationships can end due to lack of comunication, its reaaaaaly important! To be clear in your expectations about your partner, and what are you confortable doing.
In the end if something bothers you just tell it right away... if not nothing will change... and if it hurts may end the relationship... And everything just for a missunderstanding, and lack of communication.

joined Jun 1, 2017

I was in a relationship like this and it was exhausting. Having to do everything by yourself is no fun.

joined Feb 18, 2013

A relationship that gets kind of accidentally abusive because they dance around actually sitting down to talk about her autism, I guess.

joined Mar 28, 2019

I give this story a 5/5 for most accurately and honestly describing real life relationships lmao xD

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 12:07AM

joined Jun 7, 2013

Sana is a "practical" person who is bad at dealing with emotions. She wanted to see that movie and didn't invite Kaya because she knows that Kaya doesn't like that kind of movie. She signed up to go on that trip, but she knows Kaya has work on weekdays so she didn't invite her (but she's planning on bringing back manjuu to share with her—she was just bringing that up when Kaya smacked her in the face). These are perfectly rational decisions, but Kaya takes them poorly because she has unfulfilled needs in the relationship.

This is not a depressing story about a horrible abusive relationship. It's a tale about two people who have a minor disagreement about what their relationship should entail. Notice how Kaya doesn't voice any of her frustrations? She doesn't even tell Sana what she expects from her, she just hopes that Sana will somehow know what to do to make her happy. Sana isn't refusing to accommodate Kaya's needs, she just doesn't understand what they are. And then, when Sana does figure it out, she makes a gesture to show Kaya she gets it. They aren't stuck in a toxic failure of a relationship, they just have normal problems with communication, the kind that exist in every relationship.

This is exactly how I viewed this one shot.

joined Nov 22, 2017

I think Sana didn't said or did anything cuz she was afraid of rejection. She doesn't know if the mc viewed her kiss as a prank or something that young people do or as her way of showing her feelings. I guess she loved her since the beginning and was trying to forget her while mc was forcing her to face her feelings, if she did invited mc for a hot springs or to movie she could get caught and be rejected, I feel it was more like to "keep her as friend is better than lose her".
In the end she noticed that mc was trying to speak about that issue and that she wouldn't get rejected and would lose her if she didn't opened her heart and that's why she went after her and kissed her.
Not that deep about the relationship or toxic things. Not everyone are aware of organization and those things that should be obvious to society. She seems more like an overworking tired woman.

joined Jun 20, 2014

it is such a great story , it has great drawings too , it's like a fragment of their like , they got soo much work too , and a character fcked up somethink because thought her fellings were understood for granted and didn't bug herself with details (wich happens a lot in real life , some are a bit airtheady/unnatentive and miss some things) and the char got up for that mistake and they lived happyly ever after

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