Forum › Posts by Evilzoot

joined Sep 6, 2017

This manga has one of the best comment threads on Dynasty. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences and ideas. It's nice to feel a little less alone in the world. I still feel very alone sometimes even in my liberal corner of the world. Even when you are legally allowed to get married and your friends are ok with things, your family (such as mine) might be very UNaccepting and its still very isolating. I'm really grateful you all have had your input. Just enough fluff to break up the seriousness, too.

joined Sep 6, 2017

Wait is the curse I mean disease going to be lifted if they fall in love? Her hand was normal after the movie for a panel.

joined Sep 6, 2017

Wow- somebody finally let these poor girls have sex. o.O

joined Sep 6, 2017

Here's a link to the first page of the comic:

Many thanks, Nene. Love the Anthy av :D
That kabedon was the best kabedon ever maybe. This story is weird and yet I will definitely keep reading.

1 x ½ discussion 15 Dec 21:24
joined Sep 6, 2017

kind of like that one yuri assassin manga that the name of slips my mind at the momen

That's Akuma No Riddle. But that theory is way too farfetch to be true.It's way too supernatural for a rather normal manga.

I put the "normal" in quotes as I was reading. xD

PafuPafu discussion 15 Dec 21:10
joined Sep 6, 2017

It would be nice to have this continue. I will accept office lady fluff.

joined Sep 6, 2017

As an extreme extrovert who's been with her share of introverts, I feel like this isn't really an "introvert" situation. In my experience if you're with them they talk to you all the time and potentially for hours straight. This seems like something different.

joined Sep 6, 2017

This spoiler further reinforces my suspicion that Risako is actually gay or had a crush on Kaoru
But of course I could be wrong.

That was the first thing i thought of when I saw the hand close up panel- I share your suspicion.

joined Sep 6, 2017

Please tell me someone is translating the novel on fantia!! Also +1 to everyone commenting on them actually progressing. Seems to be a rarity in yuri. :/

joined Sep 6, 2017

I'm pretty sure if someone tried to kiss me with tongue after i puked i would deter them somehow. I still love this fluff.

joined Sep 6, 2017

Best ride ever!! Why do i get the feeling that was a once in a lifetime manga? Great story, great art, great ending (although i would love to see them in an adult SoL story!)

joined Sep 6, 2017

This was pretty great- glad I stumbled on it.

joined Sep 6, 2017

she made her the cheesecake! I love this so much

This is the 5th time I've read it (first time on DS) and I didn't not put that together. THANK YOU! Also I die a little inside every time I read the next-morning "Touko" line. Squee. This is hands down my favorite yuri manga ever and in the top 5 of any manga ever.

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 7:38PM

joined Sep 6, 2017

I'm torn between the delicious excitement generated by waiting every month to see what happens and wishing I had found this after it had been completed so I can binge the hell out of it. I can't wait for the naughtiness!

joined Sep 6, 2017

These stories were really lovely- I'm surprised I'd never heard of them before. Thanks, reddit yuri manga suggestion thread!

Apocalypse discussion 13 Jul 16:07
joined Sep 6, 2017

bummer this was canceled.

Stretch discussion 12 Jul 15:45
joined Sep 6, 2017

don't click on features got it!

joined Sep 6, 2017

It's rare I lol at a manga but I've already done so numerous times and I'm only 4 chapters in. Glad I found this little gem!

joined Sep 6, 2017

The second part really needs to be translated man. Also I wish this would get finished- such a good story.

YuruZero discussion 01 Jul 13:13
joined Sep 6, 2017

How have more people not read this? This might be the best thing I've ever read on here. These characterizations were spot on!

joined Sep 6, 2017

That was probably an accurate representation of how live action Noir would have ended up -_-
Long live Noir, Serial Experiments Lain, Utena and Tenchi Muyo. (I'm old- go feel young)

joined Sep 6, 2017

A Noir post! faints from happiness
I would be all for a tv series or film BASED on Noir but i'm not surprised that a live action version would just suck. Although i now want a sketch comedy show where they show how ridiculous live action anime could be (Mireille's outfit was really not that functional xD).

Their Story discussion 01 Jul 06:37
joined Sep 6, 2017

May not be Their Story but had an amazing impact and i'm glad i read it. I think it sums up what a lot of people feel these days, especially women.

joined Sep 6, 2017

This series has been excellent. I can't imagine anything that can take its place, really. I hope inspiration hits someone somewhere quickly. It would be too much to hope for Touko and Yu's adventures in adulthood.

joined Sep 6, 2017

I'm surprised more people haven't commented on here- it really captures their history.