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joined Dec 13, 2013

i love how they're both stupid its entertaining

joined Dec 13, 2013

fuuko is iconic

joined Dec 13, 2013

she should have them all.

Pretender discussion 31 Aug 19:16
joined Dec 13, 2013

kodama got soft on this one, they're not really terrible
outside of the guy's thing, ayaka is just a poor girl trying everything she can just to not live miserable
mc is... well, i have seen worse

joined Dec 13, 2013

this is so cute i died

last edited at Aug 7, 2021 6:46PM

joined Dec 13, 2013

its sad how future!MC seems to only see senpai as a toy for her to molest/take out her sexual frustration, despite that chapter where she says shes gonna ‘help’ senpai be an actress. she didnt change one bit, she’s still a creep that takes every opportunity to molest senpai since she doesn’t know how to seduce her properly and it seems the only way to get senpai interested in her is to make her horny lol

a bit boring honestly… is ‘being horny’ her only personality trait?

Aya's Shop discussion 03 Jun 13:40
joined Dec 13, 2013

Suppressing someone's memories

With their consent.

It's a twist on consensual non-consent.

It's not a twist, it's pure nonsense. She consented to the memory suppression that made her forget about consenting, and made her specifically forget about consenting to the rape-roleplay. Meaning the act was no longer roleplay and was just rape. It would cause the same mental trauma that rape would, even with the recontextualization of the events when she regained her memories.

right? i think the author has a kink in dubcon but tried to explain it in a way that could fit the universe.... but thats just me being optimistic

joined Dec 13, 2013

this was such a good chapter, it was worth the roller coaster of feelings

joined Dec 13, 2013

Ajiichi could learn a thing or two with this author. Canno knows where to end her stories, its nice. 10/10

joined Dec 13, 2013

Communication! Communication is sexy.

joined Dec 13, 2013

this one was very cute and by far the best from this anthology. All the others up until now had stories all over the place with dumb logics

joined Dec 13, 2013

i cant take this manga seriously with all the random butt close up

joined Dec 13, 2013

Woooooow Is it really weird to greet with a kiss on the cheek for Japanese people?? I literally do that every day lol

right?? pretty common here in brazil

joined Dec 13, 2013

I think the thing that annoys the most is the fact that after 4 years, there was literally no kiss or demonstration of romantic love from Kaoru to Uta. And then suddenly at the ending they’re… living together?

Based on the “II’ll stay in love with her forever” that Uta says in this chapter, I can only assume she KNOWS it’s stupid to love Kaoru romantically but she’ll do it anyway bc woah true love!! While Kaoru is just… there.

joined Dec 13, 2013

hm… what?
sure there are pages missing……… right?

joined Dec 13, 2013

nice hatesex

joined Dec 13, 2013

According to chapter 11 (page 5), Sei has strict parents so half of her self esteem problem must be from that. They probably would never accept that she’s gay and may (or may not) already expressed discomfort abt this kind of topic which helps Sei’s thinking that she’s disgusting and stuff

edit: i also wonder why yoru couldnt date sei
she’s clearly not straight and must have some sort of feelings for her
is it really just a game? was she afraid? is sei just a toy to her? it would be nice to see yoru talking abt it

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 1:49PM

joined Dec 13, 2013

and here i was expecting risako to say ‘yeah ive been in love w you since highschool but im emotionally dumb so pls forgive me’

joined Dec 13, 2013

i was pretty much excited while reading this but then the “do we have to like each other the same way to be married” made me laugh so much i just couldnt keep reading like DUDE??????

joined Dec 13, 2013

communication, my friends

joined Dec 13, 2013

mhm wasnt that already translated by lillicious?

joined Dec 13, 2013

i wonder what kind of ending will this manga have

at first i thought “sure, Uta will end up with Kaoru eventually, after they build their relationship and stuff” it would be a predictable ending, yes, but it would mean that at least the manga “told a story” uknow like Uta and Kaoru started this way, and now theyre THAT way

but it really doesnt look like the ending will have them together so i wonder what’s the author trying to achieve with this series with their characters staying pretty much the same way? I mean, that’s wrong to say bc they sure had development but its kind of underwhelming for a romance story.

joined Dec 13, 2013

for a moment, i thought it was reimu and yukari from touhou

joined Dec 13, 2013

theres so many bad things with this ending i cant even put in words but the ice of this bad cake is rinko telling a-chan to “stop trying to be with me and go fuck so i can have a life with your daughters”

joined Dec 13, 2013

im honestly really liking ayane’s development. Now we can totally see she’s not a “mysterious girl” purposely hiding stuff from Sana, she’s just bad at communicating and expressing herself, and is slowly correcting the way she talks so sana doesn’t misunderstand her/gets sad. its nice!