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joined Jun 1, 2017

This is incredibly in character for a gag manga. Loved it.

joined Jun 1, 2017

This has been abandoned for years but it still lives in my mind rent free ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

joined Jun 1, 2017

Sorry to be a killjoy and ruin everyone's fun, but MOMO (the author) doesn't want her works to be uploaded for free without her permission, especially as this doujin in particular is available to buy online, so it's not like in other cases where doujins are out of print or impossible to read without a scanlation otherwise. MOMO is aware of this website and would like to request a takedown but she doesn't have an account here because of the language barrier. Is there a way she can contact the mods directly?

I obviously appreciate Dynasty's content and I respect the userbase's hard work, but as fans I think it's important to understand and respect the artist's wishes too.

joined Jun 1, 2017

What about those of us who have both anime and kpop posters?
I loved all the little details on this, great storytelling!

joined Jun 1, 2017

This is my favorite telenovela!
fingers crossed for Aya/Sei endgame

joined Jun 1, 2017

kanda's friend squad looks gay af tbh

joined Jun 1, 2017

if only

joined Jun 1, 2017

omg the feeeeeeels

joined Jun 1, 2017

Came back to reread it all after coming across this tweet which made me reconsider this manga is more realistic than what we initially believed

joined Jun 1, 2017

I respect this artist and her butch4butch struggle. I hope she finds the butch partner she deserves one day!

joined Jun 1, 2017

Finally, some good fucking food

joined Jun 1, 2017

we been knew!

joined Jun 1, 2017

It's a shame that the author had to rush the ending like this, but I think they did a good job all things considered. I still think Nene is too toxic and Amane is too permissive but maybe Kou's presence will balance it out somehow. Poly ending is unexpected but welcome.

Feels bad for lizard girl though, she deserved better.

joined Jun 1, 2017

comp het: the manga!

the art on this is gorgeous btw i want to date everyone here

joined Jun 1, 2017

Don't worry about the guy, he will not show up again

As he should

Anyways it's kinda sad that I don't have my very own tall gf who swoops in and rescues me out of awkward overly friendly hetero mens :c

joined Jun 1, 2017

I love love love Taisho Roman era fashion so this whole story feels custom made for me. It's so pretty!
The whole thing reads like a story serialized on a vintage publication. The loose drawing style fits perfectly both the early 20th century modernism aesthetic and the dreamy mental state of the main character as she slowly realizes she's, in fact, Extremely Gay.

I like height difference ships, but I found the differences in proportion here kind of funny though it grew up on me eventually. Some previous comments say it resembles BL tropes and ngl I know a lot of us are into Tall Older Ladies™ but, to be fair, the authoress looks more like a mix between Sheena Ringo and early Japanese feminist-anarchists of the era than anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if the book she was burning on the chimney turns out being some banned manifesto of sorts*. And Yuki looks like she came out of the cover of a teen magazine from the early 1900s. (Btw I'm not disagreeing with anyone, I just wanted to add some context and appreciation for the author's skill at reproducing the aesthetic of the era so faithfully). Regardless of the outcome of the story, I stan.

*Apparently this is only 14 chapters long so it's most probably the book about Yuki she refuses to publish and not a secret conspiracy but hey

joined Jun 1, 2017

Nene is just traumatized. Or maybe she feels annoyed at Amane's overly doting manners? Either way they don't make a good couple and Hayama is doing the right thing by trying to make Amane get over her ex, even if Hayama's intentions seem... shady.

Kou is just kind of there. lol

joined Jun 1, 2017

everyone in this class is gay huh

joined Jun 1, 2017

We demand a sequel! the teacher is adorable and literally just my type lol

joined Jun 1, 2017

I was in a relationship like this and it was exhausting. Having to do everything by yourself is no fun.

joined Jun 1, 2017

wow this story is fucked up. The bright tone around it makes it very jarring. The main character actually reminded me of things that happened to me at that age (no, not the sexually abusing someone part, but the part at the beginning where you give in to heterosexuality due to peer pressure but you go "too fast" and get tagged as a slut instead)

joined Jun 1, 2017

This is so weird lol wtf

joined Jun 1, 2017

I feel sad. I mean, the fact that they will just be with people they don't have any feelings to...

look I know this ain't gunjo but hey let me dream

Such is real lyfe baby!!

I really don't know what is it in Kodama that attracts so much wank but I personally love her stories. They're different than the rest and leave a lasting impression on its audience, even if it's negative sometimes...

speaking of gunjo, that's another type of story i love

joined Jun 1, 2017


joined Jun 1, 2017

oh no