how far can subtext go without being yuri?
I really don’t care much about the tag issue one way or the other, but neither of these two have yet been able to say “I like _____,” even to themselves. And that strikes me as crucial benchmark.
Eventually at least one of them is going to have to pull herself out of the pit of self-delusion that this is just about being “friends,” if only for a moment.
You mean they're gonna have to start calling each other Super Best Friends?
Who knows with these two idiots (of whom I am quite fond)?
Maybe even Super-Duper Doki-Doki Bestest Blush-Making, Thinking-About-The-Other-One-All-The-Time, Never-Met-Anyone-Like-Her, My-Eyes-Turn-Always-Toward-Her, Glad-We’re-Around-Aquariums-Because-It’s-Getting-Damp-In-Here Friends.
Then eventually, they’ll hold hands.