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joined Jan 11, 2018

She... Thought she had a harem? That line really confuses me.

Yeah thankfully she realized she was being an asshole but still....the fuck!?

last edited at Feb 16, 2018 7:00PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

The one shot is still the best, I guess the consensus is that it's not really a prequel, but I still kinda like the story anyway. Some kind of almost-NTR that was defused before it could blow up. Is it complete or not?

joined Aug 11, 2014

Eh? What do you mean, "the end"? What about the other two? That girl doesn't even know she's in the middle of a breakup. At least have the dignity to properly finish things before you go having tearful makeouts with another girl.

Maybe it's fitting for the character, but her realisation about how much her careless self-indulgence hurt someone close to her comes off as pretty shallow, when she has zero awareness of the fact that she's also been incredibly disrespectful to Koko as well. Yagi may have taken her relationship with Koko ridiculously lightly and was just going with the flow, but Koko was practically obsessed. She's going to be super upset when she realises that Yagi was just jerking her around the whole time, but Yagi barely realises she's there. It's not really a character arc when the character hasn't actually learned anything or grown in a meaningful sense.

And then, come to think of it... Why was Alice? Did she actually do anything? I figured she'd eventually pair up with Koko (like everyone else did) and it'd be a whole thing about how liking someone as a fan isn't actually the same thing as loving someone as a person, and the people you take for granted can be the people you can't live without, etc etc, but no, she just hung around as Koko's lackey in the background and didn't actually affect the story in any way. It's weird.

Is there a bonus chapter or follow-up that actually finishes out the story, by any chance? I feel like the actual ending has been cut for time.

joined Feb 23, 2014

the one shot is the only thing that happened, if I pretend this is the case my memories of the original wont be tainted

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Should I be glad I only read the first chapter of the series version?

joined Jun 20, 2014


so it just ended like that...

joined Mar 22, 2014

iirc, there's one more chapter? Last I read this series was over a year ago, so I'm not sure at all. I think the last chapter heavily implied that Alice was in love with Koko, and she was going to comfort her.

Also, I think when Yagi said she had a "harem", she meant a group of friends, but I don't remember the original text.

last edited at Feb 16, 2018 9:49PM

joined Jun 3, 2017

Wtf, that's it?

joined Mar 6, 2012

Eeeeeeeeh!? That's it ?! No way.. There has to be more to this O_o

joined Jan 18, 2016

Should I be glad I only read the first chapter of the series version?

It was mediocre. Predictable, but ultimately a sweet story with good art. The update schedule I think made it feel more drawn out than it really was.

joined Aug 20, 2014

Can't believe she ended up two-timing... She didn't even properly break up with her girlfriend yet

joined Mar 26, 2014

Oh well... At least we got a happy end?
Pfft XD

joined Apr 11, 2013

What... what was that... I don't even know why i kept reading it.. (yuri cough cough)
Well, jokes aside, she ended up two-timing?? That "cute" scene between Madalaine and Yagi was just to mask the fact that she kinda cheated on the gf??
I am extremelly confused right now...

joined Apr 23, 2015

that was so freaking confusing. Even if the thing that's confusing me was removed, it was still so forgettable.

joined Jan 21, 2015

This is the tv dinner of yuri mangas

joined Aug 29, 2016

Ongoing still? I thought it was over! Or well I guess Alice has to make her move oolalaaa

joined Mar 16, 2017

Wish I could feel bad for the way she just ditched gf, but I don't, she was cruel and an unlikeable character from the start in just about every way she was presented.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Oh come on guys, it's simple to assume she formally breaks up with the GF right after this, the author just decided to leave it to the reader's imagination.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Haha well it's not like Yagi already has a girlfriend that she decided to have on a whim, oh wait yeah she does!

Instead of breaking up with her she should just run away from her in the middle of a conversation to go confess to the girl she actually liked all along! SURE!!

This was better just as a one shot

joined Dec 14, 2014

The thing that really irked me while reading this were the failed attempts at humor and slapstick, which were really jarring with the drama plot. I mean, was anything about Yagi being addlebrained and putting Mado through the things she did put her through funny? I think that is one thing I've found not to like about the author's more recent works.

joined Mar 15, 2017

The thing that really irked me while reading this were the failed attempts at humor and slapstick, which were really jarring with the drama plot. I mean, was anything about Yagi being addlebrained and putting Mado through the things she did put her through funny? I think that is one thing I've found not to like about the author's more recent works.

That doesn't sound like 2DK, which is what Osawa has been doing for the last couple of years, so presumably you're thinking of what's just recently translated.

joined Apr 28, 2016

That was a lot of buildup for not a lot of payoff. Almost 5 chapters of angst and painfully blatant dramatic irony, all for a sappy resolution condensed into the last 4 pages of the series.

I don't even dislike angsty drama or sappy endings, but this was a really, really ineffective way to go about combining the two.

This is the tv dinner of yuri mangas

Actual TV dinners are at least easy to prepare and consume.

This was like spending 6 hours preparing a rotisserie chicken, but when you pull it out of the oven it's suddenly a box of Lunchables.

I mean, was anything about Yagi being addlebrained and putting Mado through the things she did put her through funny?

I think the author wanted to make a dramatic story with comedic elements, and simply failed at properly balancing and transitioning between the two. The one-shot was a comedic story with a lightly dramatic twist, which worked very well. The series was much heavier on the drama, but instead of toning down the comedy to compensate Ohsawa increased it. So the two sides end up fighting for presence within the story and leaving the reader unsure of how to feel about anything.

Plus it seems like the author is simply better at writing stories in shorter formats. There are really glaring gaps in the plot and pacing issues that throw the series out of whack.

last edited at Feb 17, 2018 9:40AM

joined May 12, 2015

Lol Yagi didn't even break up with the other girl yet.
I didn't really expect much from this story so I wasn't disappointed or anything.

joined Jan 19, 2015

honestly pretty disappointed with this series, which is a bit of a shock, since I really love this mangaka’s work. the main character was just a total dick, and had no meaningful character development throughout. she just remained a clueless asshole to the very end

joined Oct 15, 2016

honestly pretty disappointed with this series, which is a bit of a shock, since I really love this mangaka’s work. the main character was just a total dick, and had no meaningful character development throughout. she just remained a clueless asshole to the very end

"Clueless asshole finds love, sorta" should be the name of this story tbh.

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