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joined Jan 11, 2018

Are losers still defending the needy bitch and borderline psycho with a mommy fetish?

Also love people still ignoring the MC never talked about any problems with her girlfriend before she decided to jump right to cheating.

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 6:41PM

joined Jan 11, 2018

The mostly like route this will take is weirdo friend x little sister, if this was one of a few authors on here I'd say sister x sister is possible, poly relationship is also possible, older sister x friend is the least likely which makes me kinda want to see it.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Why characters like Fuuko are always depicted so assholish in these stories, reveling in it all, I am not sure. Makes me think she probably does not truly care about Yuni, but it's not like we have ever gotten a real good look inside her head.


Just wait a bit.

Oh. Well, still an asshole for no reason though. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, but it invalidates the statement "she probably does not truly care about Yuni".

She's in pain too, even though she hides it well.

This goes back to what I said before, I'm wondering if Fuuko is setting herself up for heartbreak since Yuni seems to still care for her girlfriend and might just be using her for attention.

joined Jan 11, 2018

I will stand with Nanase to the end of time. She doesn't deserve what's happening to her :(

Yuni is such a coward though. At least Fuuko finally put it all out there. I don't know if she just wanted to hurt Nanase or if she got tired of being the side chick and thought this would leave Yuni no other choice, but damn do I hate that this author can make me so excited to see the next chapter of a manga about cheating.

I kinda think it's a bit of both. I think Fuuko wants Yuni all to herself and also wants to hurt Nanase in some way. But I'm leaning more towards that she just wants Yuni all to herself.

At this point I honestly don't know if Fuuko isn't setting herself up for failure. Yuni clearly still likes Nanase and her relationship with Fuuko seems more like she wants attention she's not getting from Nanase. So even if they split up I don't know if Fuuko will actually get Yuni in the way she wants.

joined Jan 11, 2018

are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if anything, this chapter just made me roll my eyes.


How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

Do we then have to wait some time for that formula to work? Because apparently the effect is not always immediate.

Glad to see that I'm not the only here who doesn't feel a shred of empathy towards these side characters.

This chasing-after-dead-person-dream reveal is just dumb and forced. Now I don't just hate Shiho, I hate the whole fucking band and this dead character whose name I already forgot, because they're fucking dumb and unnecessary.

We could have had a wholesome story about love between two girls. Instead we get this shit.

Jesus, I forgot how stupidly angry this manga makes some of you guys. Like okay you don't like it, I get it, but somehow your dislike has turned into a seething rage you for some idiotic reason feel compelled to inflict on everyone else.

Obviously this type of layered complicated story telling is too high level for you, you should maybe try something a bit more simple and on your Bluey.

You're kidding, right? There's nothing "layered" or "complicated" about it. This backstory doesn't even explain why Shiho's a bitch. She was like that before Kyou died, and keeps being so even after her death. No character development whatsoever. That's not layered or whatnot. That's just lazy writing.

All there is to Shiho is that she's obsessed with being number one, and every time she can't, she runs away. She ran away from Kyou because she couldn't beat her at music, and ran away from Aki because she couldn't be her number one in love. That's all there is to Shiho. She's a one-note character. That's why people don't like any of this. It's a pointless storyline about a pointless one-note character. And there's no character development and no progression and nothing.

This backstory did explain why the other members of the band put up with Shiho's bullshit, but that's about it. The problem has always been Shiho herself, and this backstory doesn't change anything about her.

Right?! Had this played a part in how she acted sure, but she always acted like this. Like you said this just explains why her band mates tolerate her.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Is it only me that feels this, supposed tragic, background story with the violinist that passed away feels very awkward and abrupt?

The author realized "Damn none of these new characters are interesting and the bitchy character is way too annoying. I know I'll add in her dead sister to make people sympathize with her even though that doesn't directly relate to her being an ass." Like there was already a reveal that could have made her more sympathetic, why have two?

joined Jan 11, 2018

NijiOceanLaw baby!

last edited at Jul 30, 2022 5:39AM

joined Jan 11, 2018

TR6Queenly posted:

Yeah okay we really are just completely brushing past the part that he raped her in the last chapter by joking about his dick instead cool cool.

eibon06 posted:

For a yuri manga, you have more scenes of man fucking or trying to fuck our MCs than the two girls experiencing with each other. And the dude trying to rape the girl out of nowhere. And of course the rape subject won't be treated at all. This is so f*ck up.

Except we didn't? When she's says to him twice that "do you think anything you say will make it go away, she's talking about him almost raping her. And then she outright acknowledges that even if he didn't manage to penetrate her, it still counts as rape. Sure, she's no rushing to the police station or isn't acting all traumatized, but she repeatedly tells him to not follow her, that their relationship is over and that he's better off death. It hardly seems to me like series just brushing it off or not treated properly.

Oh please that's barely acknowledging it.

last edited at May 19, 2022 9:52AM

joined Jan 11, 2018

Meanwhile, in Japan its popularity continues to grow. It is currently the best-selling manga of the entire magazine.

Japan also constantly votes Bakugo as the best MHA character, there's no accounting for tastes.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Oh wow people actually talking about their issues in just a few chapters of them popping up rather than stretching it out for 21 chapters of drama, what a novel concept!

Wish the brat could learn something from them.

joined Jan 11, 2018

I mean even if the guy's wand was messed with he still pointed it at another student so he's still at fault.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Man hope this doesn't drag out too long kinda bored by this

I already don't care and don't see how anyone can be friends with that spoiled brat. "I said horrible things about my former friends, left them high and dry, and now I'm constantly being a brat and not talking it out with them even though they're trying to and instead got my friend mixed up in all this."

joined Jan 11, 2018

This is certainly more well written than that clusterfuck that is Liberty.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Yeah these events with Mary feel awkwardly handled and I just simply don't like Mary. What even is the purpose of her character now?

To motivate the main character, despite the fact her purpose should have been over already if the author didn't stretch this crap out (no to mention her being a creepy blackmailer and molester and stalker).

joined Jan 11, 2018

Give the illustrator a girlfriend!

joined Jan 11, 2018

Fuck yeah!

joined Jan 11, 2018

Idk I don't think I'm really into it. lt's tough to do a romance story where one of the leads isn't very likable, isn't it? The dark haired girl isn't just charmless and arrogant, she's also a total hypocrite. Then again this is the same problem I have with a lot of BL, so it must be a dynamic that a lot of people like.

That's something I've noticed over the recent years, there's been a trend of adding BL tropes to yuri and god does most BL have shitty tropes.

Secret discussion 13 Jun 19:36
joined Jan 11, 2018

Man that was going places and then, major oofs.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Well, there were certainly surprises on both sides here, although whether I trust everything that's been said is another question...

We know that the Church is evil, now whether the Pope is lying his ass off or not, which I think he is, remains to be seen. Personally my thought are the Pope uses his daughter and becomes the final big bad.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Little sis sounds pretty messed up in the head.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Why is it that the revised version of the story feels more clunkily put together?

Yeah the story feels off, I think they were trying to shorten it down but they changed the character's personalities in the process so you don't really care about them.

joined Jan 11, 2018

The crossover we all wanted.

joined Jan 11, 2018

This series didn't go where I thought it was at all. I still love it.

joined Jan 11, 2018

**reads title*

I wonder what happens?

Image Comments 09 Jan 23:11
joined Jan 11, 2018

Remember, it's confirmed Botan is a bottom.