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joined Mar 26, 2014

Well, boys GG she did it LOL not bad. Had to catch up again

Love Bullet discussion 16 Feb 01:39
joined Mar 26, 2014

ahh, i wish i could somehow have also voted for convenient semi-friend and aizawa-san but i bit the er, bullet and voted for this.

yeah definitely picking up those sinister vibes from this chapter.

I see what you did there. I also struggled with the decision. But I know that manga will be fine. Too many people think it's hilarious for it not to keep going. While Love Bullet is feeling the pressure to get the numbers up (sells and votes). At least, the bullet ya bit didn't make you envious. XD Hahahahaha That was so funny. Kanna in Chapter 0, I'm taking you all down with me. Lol

Love Bullet discussion 16 Feb 00:07
joined Mar 26, 2014

I definitely do not want to see Convenient Semi-Friend animated, I just know they'll get that shitty Passionne studio to do it and it would spark more exhausting discourse about "yuri is for men" in western nerd spaces. In a vacuum the anime could be okay but the shit that would surround it would be insufferable.

Honestly, kinda same. But (joking voice) speak for yourself in a perfect world I'd get to see both. XD Hey! I'm a woman. I happen to like the character dynamics not so much the surprises. It's like both characters are shy and clumsy, but foolish and hardheaded too (semi con).
But definitely Love Bullet over Semi. No offense to them.
Love Bullet needs the exposure. I just finished an OC fanart on deviant art to spread awareness. I'm invested in Love Bullet's story. I love all the characters. Rooting for Koharu to be a good cupid (although is already was as a human lol).

Love Bullet discussion 15 Feb 16:58
joined Mar 26, 2014

I voted for y'all! I hope you get top 10. (It was really hard to pick cause Semi Convenient Friend was also an option.) But y'all need more love so... I voted for y'all. I wanna see this story through to the end. Very cute and wholesome.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Oh, Ruka's dead.

Suuna became a widow before marriage lmao

XD Dude, so dead. I can't believe we have them dicuss the pseudo-kiss and she died in the same chapter. Hahaha, what an update!

Love Bullet discussion 07 Dec 17:14
joined Mar 26, 2014

So I have this theory that Chiyo doesn't want to be resurrected or has given up on it. Hence why she doesn't seem to care who she puts with who and spends her karma on expensive things like drones. She seems to genuinely enjoy the cupid life.

I was thinking the same thing. And the rivalry with Kanna LMAO XD

Love Bullet discussion 07 Dec 17:08
joined Mar 26, 2014

Hey, the link is broken for the english (US) website. I wanted to try to buy one of them. But it wouldn't let me. Gave an error code of 404 and said that the client didn't have access to the website. Bummer. Just thought y'all should know.

Edit: let me clarify. So I'm able to view the other website, but when I click the links that are on it for the american side of buying the manga, it won't let me.

last edited at Dec 7, 2024 5:13PM

joined Mar 26, 2014

Usually I'm not a fan of fake dating, but this is actually realistic in it's approach. It passes! gives author a gold star Dude, y'all know what I just realized most yuri follows the honor student. We have a Gyaru as an MC. I mean even the Yuri Trilogy of Sasameki koto and Girlfriends (milk morgnagi) followed honor students. This a refreshing change of pace. So like what we would consider regular girls. I'll complete this for sure dude. Glad I tried it out

joined Mar 26, 2014

Alright, I'm only gonna say this once. But I want a crossover of this manga with Love Bullet. Someone quick do something. Idk, it just seems like a good vibe? Like both MC's are a little clueless.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Seeing such a straightforwardly gay declaration of love in Manga Time Kirara really warms my heart

How far we’ve come

Manga Time Kirara has always been very gay, but in a subdued/subtexy way. It's only in recent years that they started to openly embrace the gayness.

I think the floodgates opened after New Game.

FUXK YES! DUDE New Game was the shit!
Hell yeah! Embrace the gay-s! I wanted it to rhyme. But whatever. Oh this kinda reminds me of that one manga with abandonment issues manga-ka and their assistant. What was it called again? Hmm. Just like the pacing of it kinda and how the characters begin to have an understanding of each other. Also the shy nature of Suuna (MC for this one) ? I'm bad with names in mangas

last edited at Oct 18, 2024 11:17PM

joined Mar 26, 2014

My best guess is Kuudere (Cool+dere) where the person is normally one of those calm and cool types but either get flustered or turn deredere when their love interest is involved. One thing they never do tho is call themselves "cool". Self-proclaiming that you're an x-dere is one of the biggest disqualifiers that I am aware of (derederes get a pass for doing that)

Thank you! I wouldn't have thought of that character as a Kuudere. But you're probably right. OOH! I get it now. I got confused with the japanese version of what that is kinda. Like they'll usually not very talkative. But yeah Adagio is cool with everyone else, but mush with Flutters. Aka the love interest. And I think in this manga it's kinda the same. They try so hard to be cool than totally get fluttered hahahahahaha. Bruh, I swear. I really like this manga. Very refreshing despite it being the "fake" dating trope in a sense. But it's forgivable. Cause those reactions! XD

joined Mar 26, 2014

Alright but what the fuck was that? Dude, she even chases down Senpai. Like girl you're the dumbass that got married. Why are you skipping out on this "important" event talk to her and smoke with her. This Mother-fucker! She was so gay coded then she probably can tell senpai is starting to like her back and she gets scared then goes "Oh sorry I'm straight. Yeah, like so totally straight that, that I'm getting married. I'm so scared of a life of gay that I rather be miserable with no-face-san."

The HECK!!?!

joined Mar 26, 2014

Also this comic kinda influenced middle school me into that kinda harm cause I was convinced that it was the ultimate cry for help and that someone would comfort me. It wasn't all bad. Barely a papercut deep. But honestly if anyone were looking out for me at that time then I wouldn't have had the time nor the desire to do it. My home life was rough y'all. This comic even after all this time. I'm 26 now. Is still ringing true for me. It's lonely as adult. And no one wants to be your friend. Dude, not even my German pen pal writes me back and we meet through animo (online dammn it). Anyway, sorry for my rant. Just wanted to share. Don't cut, kids. It's not fun or good for you.
Also my older sister told me to never do it again. She was the only to care. And true to my word I never have. I was not very good at it anyway.

joined Mar 26, 2014
this was the ORIGINAL ending but then, the author received death threats and had to change it

Holy crap! I think you're right. Cause I definitely remember reading this in school or something. I mean I'd believe it.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Weirdly, good manga. I liked it.

joined Mar 26, 2014

I'm still waiting for an update. Idk, man. Old guy just wanted to be in peace. I can't say he isn't stubborn though. Sometimes you just wanna die in your own home, and on your terms.

last edited at Sep 14, 2024 11:03PM

joined Mar 26, 2014

Okay guys. What "dere" type is that? Where they're trying to be aloof and then they get all flustered by their partner? Cause I'm reading a fanfic for MLP witht the same reactions as MC and Miss in Denial over there. Okay, the fanfic is for Equestria girls. Adagio and Fluttershy. I mean listen it kinda low-key works. So what the heck Dere type is it? XD "I'm cool, I'm cool" then they blush like mad. XD

100 Percent discussion 27 Aug 19:58
joined Mar 26, 2014

So cute! Dude I want a sequel. I liked this. And the shift between characters perspectives felt very natural. Good job!

joined Mar 26, 2014

"PhD in gay" is such a funny thing. Cause in the US it's a real degree. "LESBIAN STUDIES" XD For real I'm not joking. Imagine if people gatekeeped. "Oh sorry I only date 'real' lesbians."
Also I actually don't mind this series. I know going in it isn't a good series. Not meant to be taken seriously. So for what it is. Which is kinda like Kodama Naoko's work: in
Netsuzou Trap. But I will say that the artist makes each character distinct. And they keep them consistent. More than I can say for Citrus. I personally didn't like that manga. Listen Citrus is like the Twilight of the gays. Seems great, most people like it but it's low-tier. This series is like the crappy soft cover romance novel that isn't great but has enough of the basics and structure that it's an okay read. Plus the fact that the chapters are short doesn't make it feel like so much time spent on it. So in the fast food yuri way that it is, you don't feel bad for reading something that has the depth of a puddle.

Edit: Like the 100 series.
Junk food yuri. Like an episode of cheaters. It is the reality TV of yuri.

And I know this because I once tried to read the series a couple months ago and I had to put it down. And now the other series I try to read are either over or they sucked. And I'm back reading this series again. The first time I try to read this, I didn't even get past chapter four. And now I'm caught up with you guys.

After VAMPEERS ended I didn't know what to read. That series was historical and riveting. And of course yuri. But the ending was kinda mid. But the rest of the series was so great that it made any ending seem like a bad thing. Ya know. Like no ending would've been perfect. But yeah it was rushed. Aria was actually an interesting character. Most of the time, the vampire thing is played out. But it didn't get boring with that series.

last edited at Aug 27, 2024 7:47PM

joined Mar 26, 2014

I'm wondering if I actually just hate manga lol

Agreed. I haven't wanted to read anything since That comic about office lady hate seggs. The way it ended was okay, but the chapter or three before the end was disgusting. Like dude it ought to have the gr@pe tag.
Even "My crush who I thought was a boy turned out to be a girl" wasn't all that great this update. Like idk last chapter was an unnecessary chapter. We get it. They're a bit popular now, whatever geez.

joined Mar 26, 2014

ngl this doesn't actually hurt as bad as whisper, i really liked that series. this one did start very promisingly especially for an original doujin, tho actually i think this super extended sleepover storytime is the sort of thing an editor might have helped with a lot.

No way that series turned out bad? I stopped reading a little while after it first came out cause waiting for chapters was kinda annoying. I'm so glad I didn't finish.

joined Mar 26, 2014

This manga always delivers. I was kinda not into the school trip arc and had things to do in real life so it was hard to get back into reading it. But now everything is more or less settled comfortably. I'm caught up!

And she even has new friends. :) XD Even more wholesome. Hahahahaha,

joined Mar 26, 2014

Another story where they fake date... L(⁰ -__-)/○[-|-]
I'll see myself out. I like the drawing style though. I also read your other works. But this seems like for the young people. Yeah, yeah I know y'all will be like "obviously" but listen the other works were adult or young adult.
I dunno. It's been hard to enjoy any of the yuri stories lately. The OGs have either stopped drawing or moved on in some way. Jin Takemiya, Amano-san, Mira, and etc.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Pandacorya's art swings wildly between sexy and borderline nightmare fuel dependant on how much clothes the characters are wearing and while it doesn't make for very good smut it's at least interesting enough I always end up reading their stuff.

Hell yeah. I noticed that too. I did appreciate the different angles though. It was so cool. I liked seeing behind the legs. And I gotta say seeing the student president get completely owned was actually really nice. I wouldn't mind meeting her in college and being a F buddy to her. XD Nothing like seeing the prideful defeated.

joined Mar 26, 2014

This reminds me of Mira's works, but somehow with even less story. XD I liked the manga. I'm not a fan of teacher x underaged students though so I always pretend they're 18. Cause it's fictional anyway. So their age is legal