Forum › Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon discussion

joined May 28, 2011

ch 41, pg 08, "even it it hit her right in the face" should be "if"

ch 43, pg 07, "dispose of them would useful" should be "would be useful"

ch 43, pg 14, "being to rash" should be "too rash"

ch 44, pg 04, “She will remove the will to fight with mystical” … with “mystical” what? This sentence seems unfinished.

last edited at Aug 11, 2017 5:32PM

joined Jan 18, 2017

New chapters!! Yay!!! Didn't expect to see Kobayashi's nipple though.

joined May 17, 2013

Kyoushinsha certainly hasn't shied away from gratuitous ecchi, but that was definitely beyond what I'd ever expect.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Interesting, looks like Kanna-chan does indeed goes around pantieless. No wonder Saikawa had such a blush when she "dropped" on her bed during her visit. XD

joined Sep 22, 2014

"OwO what's this?" - Tohru, 2017

joined Dec 16, 2013

finally yuri?

kobayashi finally awakens?....

last edited at Sep 18, 2017 12:35AM

joined Aug 12, 2017

Kobayashi and Tooru are top-tier in manga romances.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Great and not just the manga, look at the cover and SPECIAL ILLUSTRATION for the vol 7 of the anime

last edited at Sep 3, 2017 7:05PM

joined Feb 23, 2014

So is it just no longer going to be uploaded here simply because it got liscenced? most other places seem to be at chapter 56 by now

joined Oct 15, 2014

So is it just no longer going to be uploaded here simply because it got liscenced? most other places seem to be at chapter 56 by now

Don't think it's the issue. I think it's just that the releases pass the uploader's eye cos their /a/nonymous jobs posted on Batoto. Use the Upload Request form and they might get up to date.

joined Apr 25, 2014

yeah its just that no one is making upload request for them. happens a lot with ribbon warrior in that it doesnt seem to get its chapters uploaded until i put in a request.

joined Feb 15, 2013

Great and not just the manga, look at the cover and SPECIAL ILLUSTRATION for the vol 7 of the anime

Any scan for the special illustration above?

Kobayashi x Tohru is confirmed canon then!!

joined May 20, 2013

Personally still waiting for that Kanna sub-manga

joined Sep 18, 2014

Personally still waiting for that Kanna sub-manga

It's already translated:

Same goes for chapter 1 of the Elma spinoff:

joined May 26, 2017

Personally still waiting for that Kanna sub-manga

It's already translated:

Same goes for chapter 1 of the Elma spinoff:

BTW, who actually translated these? They don't seem to be on Mangaupdates.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Personally still waiting for that Kanna sub-manga

It's already translated:

Same goes for chapter 1 of the Elma spinoff:

I love Elma so much. I think I actually prefer Tooru with Elma instead of Kobayashi. Their dynamic is more interesting, but I've always been more bias towards the enemies to lovers trope.

last edited at Sep 25, 2017 5:45PM

joined Sep 18, 2014

BTW, who actually translated these? They don't seem to be on Mangaupdates.

IIRC /a/ translated these ones.

joined Jan 25, 2017

Wow, what a great read. Funny, clever, cute as heck, couldn't ask for more. I especially love the casual way it delivers life lessons

Just one issue: the "thingy" chapter. It was a funny chapter and I'm all for Kobayashi lusting after Tooru, but what does a thingy have to do with anything? It's not the way it works. If having a thingy has that effect on her, she should be lusting 24/7 even without one. Yeah, I'm reading too much into it

joined Dec 16, 2013

kobayashi start to get serious with tohru!

last edited at Oct 12, 2017 7:53PM

joined Feb 4, 2016

Iruru het...

joined Feb 23, 2014

Iruru het...

Mfw iruru manages to become even more shit

joined Feb 4, 2016

Iruru het...

Mfw iruru manages to become even more shit

To be fair, Iruru was het since the beginning... With the "thingy" arc (DRAMA FLASHBACKS! DRAMA FLASHBACKS!)... Anyway... For me is not that big of a deal cuz I don't really care about Iruru that much.

joined Dec 16, 2013

Wow, what a great read. Funny, clever, cute as heck, couldn't ask for more. I especially love the casual way it delivers life lessons

Just one issue: the "thingy" chapter. It was a funny chapter and I'm all for Kobayashi lusting after Tooru, but what does a thingy have to do with anything? It's not the way it works. If having a thingy has that effect on her, she should be lusting 24/7 even without one. Yeah, I'm reading too much into it

boost in Testosterone increase kobayashi sex drive....

joined Dec 16, 2013

Iruru het...

Mfw iruru manages to become even more shit

To be fair, Iruru was het since the beginning... With the "thingy" arc (DRAMA FLASHBACKS! DRAMA FLASHBACKS!)... Anyway... For me is not that big of a deal cuz I don't really care about Iruru that much.

about time that oppai loli monster removed from the picture and stop get in the way!

joined Mar 25, 2013

What happened with the uploading stuff? Cirno not working them anymore or?

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