Well as types of confessions go this is a new one for me.
Continuing translation appeared over on Mangadex.
A welcome return, a surprise to be sure but a good one.
A surprise to be sure, but a pleasant one!
Oh, the cat is out the bag now.
Well this sits in the "Welp this is weird" category. Will be interesting to see where is goes though.
Oh it just data exchange. :-)
Damn, that was smooth.
Sometimes something seeming simple scratches a Yuri itch you didn't know you had. I look forward to more with this one.
This one needs a follow up story.
There has been some updates on the authors twitter feed but I guess the TL are waiting for the next book to be published to translate.
I have a horrible feeling that Kirishima is going to need a holiday to get over this holiday.
Oh we have an update this week.
Welp this is one thats going get us on Operation Hydrant books.
There are complete set of published english manga for this series. So I guess they stopped scanning in when that came out.
Dang, insulin shots all around with this one. Nice to see two of the best girls back though.
Hands up, who's hoping that they get snowed in together.
Dang I like that shot... Glad to see this back
Oh some good news for 2021, chapter five and six have been translated.
My current favourite idiot couple returns, happy days. Kudos to the translators who seemed to turn it around in a very short time.
Mind you bra size conversion is a thing headaches are made of...
Complete aside I followed the link to have a read and then went on a have a wikipeda drive so ended up at
Not sure how.
Wow are they that desperate!
Very good, but isn't Yuu too tall?