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joined Dec 18, 2013

Heke and Shinohara are my favorite couple of this series, they compliment each other so well.

joined Dec 18, 2013

@DumShork in the latest chapter Asuka talks openly about her feelings for Tomoko.

Citrus + discussion 30 Jun 04:51
joined Dec 18, 2013

Jokes and memes aside, it is really weird how some people are so fixated on Yuzu and Mei fucking

Citrus + discussion 28 Jun 17:58
joined Dec 18, 2013

That was cute and I only realized now that Sayaka and Miyabi's relationship is essentially Mei and Yuzu's but reversed. With the stoic one madly in love with the bubbly one (although Miyabi is way, way denser than Yuzu)

Is good to see that Sabu seems to have found inspiration again and seems to be eager to work on citrus for a while.

Thanks for the translations chaosteam.

Citrus + discussion 26 Jun 17:43
joined Dec 18, 2013

Yuzubocchi always looks like that

Citrus + discussion 25 Jun 17:45
joined Dec 18, 2013

Citrus has sold 4 million copies worldwide.

Citrus + discussion 25 Jun 15:03
joined Dec 18, 2013

Sayaka is a first-year who recently joined the student council and is a self-loathing lesbian trying her hardest to ignore her feelings for Miyabi, they were the focus of Volume 2.

I find funny that people are saying they don't care about them when one of the things people criticized of citrus was the addition of new characters who vanished after their story was done. Personally, I thought it was a nice coda to their story.

Citrus + discussion 24 Jun 16:08
joined Dec 18, 2013

The limited edition of vol 6 includes a 18-page booklet depicting a day in the life of Yuzu and Mei. Is just a series of pinups with no dialogue but is pretty cute. The extra is a small scene between Sayaka and Miyabi.

And lastly, Sabu's afterword has her (according to the spanish translation at least) very excited about new experiences that she has gone through that have "stirred new feelings on her" that she will use to continue bringing happiness to Yuzu and Mei. So there will be citrus for a while.

Citrus + discussion 22 Jun 15:38
Citrus + discussion 11 Jun 16:13
joined Dec 18, 2013
Man, and people think citrus has slowed down. The special edition of volume 6 is having a second run because of how fast it sold out

And it sold out the same day it went for preorder, no less

People think it's slowed down? I know people tend to assume things they don't like aren't doing well. I just want the next chapter!

Slow down in terms of actual chapters we get those last months, not in term of popularity. Context is important

No, I meant popularity.

Citrus + discussion 11 Jun 02:57
joined Dec 18, 2013
Man, and people think citrus has slowed down. The special edition of volume 6 is having a second run because of how fast it sold out

And it sold out the same day it went for preorder, no less

last edited at Jun 11, 2024 3:06AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Personally, I enjoy Khyle's work, he is legitimately talented and I really like analyzing every new drawing to catch the hidden easter eggs he hides on each piece. Sometimes an entire story is hidden in the background of multiple pics like the story of Kobayashi's dog or Misato and Asuka's feud for Shinji.

joined Dec 18, 2013

It is.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Negom drawing a couple that is not purple and blue? What world is this?

joined Dec 18, 2013
joined Dec 18, 2013

The Vtuber Shirayuki Tomoe from Nijisanji recently interviewed Manio and she shared some "gems" about the series

Airi and Hina's perverted activities are a very mild, all-ages version of her own fantasies
Manio's kinks are NTR, partner swapping, blind fold or character with eyes hidden, hypnosis, corruption, ahegao
Manio says she'd draw Kitakawa as eroguro if she had more talent for that
Manio says she decided that both girls would die in the end before the serialization even started
During serialization Manio says she started wanting to let one of them survive and live in despair, and there was a conflict with the editor, but the editor insisted that the ending should be the way it was. Both Tomoe and Manio agree that the ending was happy compared to her idea

joined Dec 18, 2013

One of the preorder bonus for Vol 3 is this acrylic stand of Diana and Natori

Natori is wearing a crown with four leaf clovers and Nekotarou posted this with a screenshot of a language of flowers site, according to the site the four leaf means Good luck or Be mine. Make of that as you will

Citrus + discussion 22 May 04:11
joined Dec 18, 2013

Again, I'm legit baffled at how you guys keep seeing Mei as cold, uncaring, and pushing Yuzu away, leaving her to do everything for their relationship when just in this chapter we had Mei openly address Yuzu's concerns and telling her everything about the Akamine business. We also had her going out of her way to find Yuzu a present in previous chapters.

The old Mei would've never been this open with Yuzu and she would instead use those showings of physical affection to make up for her shortcomings.

Citrus + discussion 21 May 15:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

Speaking if Yuzu wanting to help Mei, did I hallucinate or Yuzu has said she's aiming to be a teacher now?

Citrus + discussion 21 May 13:00
joined Dec 18, 2013

Mei is also learning to open herself to Yuzu so is perfectly in character for her to unintentionally sound rude when she is actually just being too polite.

Citrus + discussion 20 May 12:59
joined Dec 18, 2013

That seems weirdly arbitrary and completely ignores the context in which the hug happened, but sure.

last edited at May 20, 2024 1:13PM

Citrus + discussion 20 May 12:32
joined Dec 18, 2013

ZZZZZZzzzzzz. We waited since October for this??????? It's done. I don't care about the academy, Mei or Yuzu. What a waste of our time waiting for this garbage! No hugs, no kiss, no romance. NO MORE!

I wish I could read the same manga all of you do. Sounds like a wild ride.

Citrus + discussion 19 May 15:43
joined Dec 18, 2013

How does adding the running of an entirely different school to her current business agenda (you know, the one that's already so full that she is unable to celebrate Yuzu's birthday despite being in the next room from her) constitute Mei "closing this chapter of her life"?

It would mean she has fully taken over as chairwoman of Aihara Academy, leaving free to pursue her relationship with Yuzu without having to worry about whatever the board of her grandpa wants.

last edited at May 19, 2024 3:43PM

Citrus + discussion 19 May 14:30
joined Dec 18, 2013

Every time I feel like you guys are reading an entirely different manga than me.

In this chapter, Yuzu finally gathers the courage to ask Mei about everything related to Arata and the Akamine Academy issue and Mei is more than willing to tell her everything and put Yuzu's fears to rest (she even shows a ping of jealousy at Yuzu and Arata becoming close). Amusingly, Arata is basically a male Yuzu thrown into Mei's role.

I am curious to see how this arc will develop since I didn't think Aahara was outright trying to take over Akamine, I want to see how Arata will react to this development.

Citrus + discussion 16 May 12:42
joined Dec 18, 2013

We are so back

last edited at May 16, 2024 12:46PM