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joined Jul 26, 2016

They are so close to each other, even sharing a bed, so why do they still address to each other in their last name?

You did read the series title, right? :U

joined May 24, 2022

Ahhhh this can't be over! Just one more chapter plz.

Also, interesting analysis Temp. If getting a gender studies degree gives me the ability to make forum posts like that, maybe I should consider it lol. I too find myself rejecting labels in favor of "Me," or despising any labelling more specific than "lesbian" or "trans woman," while in many ways being on a strange edge of those terms. They both clearly describe me, but in many people's minds (and I don't mean those that are transphobic) "lesbian" would exclude me, and "woman" would be entirely accurate. In reality, lesbian feels fully accurate (thanks to its lack of precision) while "woman" is a strange but convenient social imposition. Who am I? Well, I'm Me, I am who I am; though I may go by a specific name, it is but a name.
I got a little off-topic from the manga here, but oh well :3

last edited at Jun 28, 2022 10:31AM

joined Feb 11, 2022

That was half unintelligible but it’s nice to see these two again

joined May 7, 2022

Now that it is truly over, I am going to cry in a corner. Thanks for posting the extra chapter!

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

I am so grateful for this update

joined Jul 22, 2014

I just didn't get the story at all, is a really weird one, I didn't get yuri too, so confusing, I've reading yuri manga for almost 10 years now and this is the first time I don't get something that I've read, every chapter was like wtf??? , I'm glad it's over

joined Sep 14, 2015

I like the story.
Not every relationship can be considered normal, even with today (more) open-mined standard.
And they don't need to be.
Their life and relationship is still not normal today, I they are happy with it.

joined Aug 30, 2020

That was half unintelligible but it’s nice to see these two again

Yeah, it was very cute and all but damn it's kinda hard to read.

joined Jun 15, 2021

I only just realized the cat ears hair comes off at night. The impression is very different.

valence Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

I wasn’t expecting this chapter but it’s great to have more closure. this one’s really lovely I think, I might have to read it again to properly understand it though lol

joined Nov 20, 2017

That was half unintelligible but it’s nice to see these two again

Yeah, it was very cute and all but damn it's kinda hard to read.

Same, I'm experiencing this chapter based off of vibes more than dialogue here haha.

joined Jun 16, 2018

I just didn't get the story at all, is a really weird one, I didn't get yuri too, so confusing, I've reading yuri manga for almost 10 years now and this is the first time I don't get something that I've read, every chapter was like wtf??? , I'm glad it's over

You might want to have a re-read then. Don't start from chapter 1, just take a few random middle or last chapters, and don't think about it too hard. You will see that they share such a special kind of relationship.
Like, reading the few last chapters, I was like: "How are you guys still not dating?!"

joined May 1, 2015

I am so glad we got an extra bonus chapter.
Takahashi will never let go of Yamashita.
House arrest and same futon never sounded so wholesome.

joined Dec 2, 2017

This manga is a reminder that love and affection can come in very "not normal" ways. I liked this one a lot, it break the romance tendencies a lot and still managed to give the yuri feeling.

joined May 21, 2021

I just didn't get the story at all, is a really weird one, I didn't get yuri too, so confusing, I've reading yuri manga for almost 10 years now and this is the first time I don't get something that I've read, every chapter was like wtf??? , I'm glad it's over

Well, the translation isn't the best. Like the above poster said, focus on the vibe/expression rather than the dialogue if you find it confusing.

I loved this series a lot while it happened and understood it pretty well, not exactly sure what's confusing? Hope these two continue their not normal life for long times to come

joined Jul 8, 2017

I loved this series a lot while it happened and understood it pretty well, not exactly sure what's confusing? Hope these two continue their not normal life for long times to come

My guess is, as someone already pointed out, the translation quality isn't great. In turn this means that some of the context gets lost and adds to the confusion as this isn't a cookie cutter normal series.

Overall I did enjoy the vibe of the manga, would have loved to see more of it.

joined Jun 21, 2021

This extra honestly is about as hard to decipher as a machine translation. Is that what it is? Is this a MTL? Cause that would make so much sense. (If it isn't, i'm sorry for assuming but boy it is rough tbh)

Daremo from Parts Unknown
joined May 6, 2022

I liked this manga a lot while it lasted.
Now that it's ending I'm becoming confused.
The last happenings were weird and I don't understand what's what anymore.

joined Aug 23, 2011

It is confusing but that just seems like a style choice by the other (plus maybe bad translation, though it seemed fine to me).
There are no jump cuts, it goes straight from one scene to another making you think there's missing/out of order pages. For example the latest chapter showed the galgame screen then went right to a flashback the next page without any transition panel etc, making it look like pages are missing.
Another thing the author does is begin chapters with characters referencing events that the reader has never seen. Making it seem like we missed a whole chapter.

I guess the author was going for a "random snippets of their everyday life" feel? They do mention they were expexting it to be shorter, which would go better with the non standard format of the writing.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I think this is one of the most quietly unusual manga I've ever read. Something about Takahashi and Yamashita and how they interact with each other and the rest of the world feels vaguely off-balance in a way that's difficult to put a finger on. Given the title of the series, that might've been what the author was going for. I enjoyed it all the same.

joined May 24, 2022

Low-key gonna start making my hair into cat ears like Takahashi now.

joined Oct 3, 2018

Low-key gonna start making my hair into cat ears like Takahashi now.


joined Apr 19, 2018

This manga really hits home.
As I say this I can't even properly put into words what even about it "hits home".
This manga made me restless through out, it made me feel a constant dread. I couldn't stop feeling as if something was eating me from the inside.
And to make matters worse, I just saw it had chapters in the double digits, so after hitting chapter 12 I was in constant dread that the next page I would turn would be the last one, all the while also not havig the strength to face the next page.
I'll try to add any more thoughts, if I remember to do so.

joined Sep 2, 2022

This was really different and I like it a lot for that. The whole time I was expecting Yamashita and Takahashi to develop into a normal couple but that was a wrong expectation. They are not normal after all. Will be reading the author's other stuff.

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