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joined Aug 23, 2011

this a common thing or smthn? Yuri writers actually hating gay ppl?? What precedent was set that makes the author being a homophobe a more logical assumption than them just not thinking how negatively the interaction can be interpreted

** Hits blunt **
Yuri manga is a long form propaganda machine funded by "them" to oppress the gays.
The signs are all around us. What's this site called? Dynasty scans. What's a dynasty? A family lineage that passes down its bloodline.
Makes you think, doesn't it?

joined Aug 23, 2011

And on that day, a viscous beast was awoken from deep within TongTong.

Better viscous than watery, I always say.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Little sister doesn't want older sister to an hero... that's kinda dark

Citrus + discussion 19 May 19:39
joined Aug 23, 2011

Mei just needs to wring one out of Yuzu. Boom, trust issues solved.
Unless they're ace, in which case idk

joined Aug 23, 2011

If you could see love perhaps?

Bingo. Thanks for that, it was surprisingly hard to google for.

joined Aug 23, 2011

What's that manga called where thr mc can see red strings of fate between people? I believe it was moe

joined Aug 23, 2011

Lol the recent chapters dialogue sounds like Archer without a punchline. Still cute though

joined Aug 23, 2011

"Why do you say that like it's a blessing?!"
Stop, get some help

joined Aug 23, 2011
joined Aug 23, 2011

I hope Yunduo is straight. When first introduced she looked like the most cliche lesbian in a powersuit, so I was surprised by her having kids. It would be nice if she dresses like that for herself and not to fit in with a group.

I feel like that's an unfair way to put it. Why would her being a lesbian mean that she dresses to fit in and not because she wants to dress this way? Plus, it's obvious that if she is indeed queer, she's closeted, so why would you she dress to "look like the most cliché lesbian" intentionally?

She's not choosing to dress that way, the author's dressing her that way.
My reasoning was based of the notion that stories tend to rely on tropes and cliches (of which this is definitely a 90's one lol). As far as I'm aware such short hair isn't common in China, even among the roaming gangs of grandmas. They tend to have a couple more inches.

It could be possible that the author just thinks it's cool or there's a deeper character reason. I just think the reason being "she gay" would be boring.

I tend to skip the reasoning and go straight to conclusions when speaking. I'm still skipping a bunch of reasoning for why I feel this way because I'm lazy. Turning feelings into factual statements is difficult.

joined Aug 23, 2011

I hope Yunduo is straight. When first introduced she looked like the most cliche lesbian in a powersuit, so I was surprised by her having kids. It would be nice if she dresses like that for herself and not to fit in with a group.

Of course closeted people can have kids but if she's closeted that would make her the lesbian equivalent of a closeted gay guy walking around in assless chaps.

That said, if they introduced a new girl who falls for her powersuit wiles that would be cool too. Being a yuri reader is complicated...

joined Aug 23, 2011

Love Calabi-Yau Manifold


Calabi-Yau Manifold

Goddamn, as if my urge to rewatch HOTU wasn't big enough as is.


joined Aug 23, 2011

I like how with such a trippy story and setting, the main drama was a result of a plain human reaction to getting segz rejected. Nice contrast between the transcendental and the mundane.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Her request is a threesome?

joined Aug 23, 2011

"I fell in love with a girl again" followed by a text from grandma. Love triangle with gramgram?

joined Aug 23, 2011

Neighbours? More like gay-bours.

joined Aug 23, 2011

I think I'll wait until they kiss and then go back through the whole story again.

They're skipping club to meet in the girls changing room. So that's the next chapter

joined Aug 23, 2011

Out of curiosity, what's the correct way to react if a coworker comes out like that?

Personally, I'm dead on the inside so would react with complete indifference and continue working.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Gu Yi is probably the stalker. I assume that's the purpose of the second romance, to fold her into the story.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Apparently there are no actual cops among the 'cops'...

Truly, we live in a society

joined Aug 23, 2011

Did this really need some random half-baked (ha) drugging subplot?

Indeed, what a terribly unrealistic intrusion on this normally meticulously sensible manga. The randomness just jars in this setting dominated by thoughtful long-term character arcs. Who would have thought this mangaka would stoop to shallow, titillating lewdness?

Personally, I think it really said a lot about how Mongolian throat-singing has been impacting by coal mining in East Asia.

What a profound story we have the privilege to observe.

There's a band called The Hu that does mongolian throat singing metal. Don't know why but felt I should mention that

joined Aug 23, 2011

Japan doesn't care about twitter, thankfully.

Putting the drama aside, I love how strangely wholesome this manga manages to be. That scene with the girls feeding Berserga is just another in a series of scenes where the "good" guys resolve their differences with the "bad" guys using the power of friendship.

joined Aug 23, 2011

But does her hinussy also smell bad or just her blood? That seems like it would affect their relationship

joined Aug 23, 2011

Something about the curry girl wanting to sneak in chocolate rubbed me the wrong way. Even fluffy yuri can't escape the brainwashing of our corporate overlords. Truly, we live in a society.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Surprised nobody commented on her plan to dismember a rebel, throw their limbs around town then kill all the commoners who have the gall to get uppity over that. It'll be interesting to see if she's as cold as she makes herself out to be.