Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Mar 26, 2021

I'm curious on how the plot will develop from now... I fully expect Nanao to end up doing it with Mai before Asumi does, that's just how lucky these two are.

joined Apr 6, 2017

She loses her contact info.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I'm curious on how the plot will develop from now... I fully expect Nanao to end up doing it with Mai before Asumi does, that's just how lucky these two are.

Now that would be a great twist.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Mai is hot af and they swapped contacts. Good enough for me

joined Feb 11, 2013

I'm curious on how the plot will develop from now... I fully expect Nanao to end up doing it with Mai before Asumi does, that's just how lucky these two are.

Now that would be a great twist.

This I wanna see

joined Feb 28, 2013

I wonder if we're going to get a harem/poly ending like I Won't Sleep With You For Free.

joined Jun 1, 2020

I was originally going to try and transcribe the violently incoherent Taz the Tasmanian Devil-esque noises I made at the buzzer but I may not have enough space. Absolute crime of an interruption there, but also genuinely impressed by the commitment to the edging by the author. Like, I'm not even mad.

More importantly, ayyyy they finally met and kinda set things straight! Or not straight! Whatever, you get it! Truthfully, it is a bit anticlimactic that all that was done just to apologize, but you gotta start from somewhere and that isn't that bad a start, exchanging contact info and stuff.

Also this does signify that the series goes on for a while longer which in itself is great. No clue where it's going now but I'm looking forward to whatever comes next.

I'm curious on how the plot will develop from now... I fully expect Nanao to end up doing it with Mai before Asumi does...

Especially if this is what comes next. Please! It'll be the funniest thing. Even more so if, for instance, Nanao sees the old photo and recognizes Asumi and they bond over her.

joined Sep 25, 2017
Wait, I didn't get this page, what did Asumi do at that internet cafe? Why was she glowing?

joined Sep 27, 2017
Wait, I didn't get this page, what did Asumi do at that internet cafe? Why was she glowing?

She dealt with not getting to have sex via her own hand, in a literal sense lol

joined Dec 28, 2017

Kinda hilarious that the author lampshades the ridiculousness of the premise five times in this chapter just to prepare the reader for the anti-climax of its final development. Pretty neat really

This series is special. It's a super sex positive fantasy. And part of that is also its focus on pleasure. All sexual encounters and acts and everything are deeply pleasurable and the focus is ON that pleasure - not on any act. It makes for extremely good sex scenes.

joined Jan 6, 2015

First off, it always catches me by surprise when we get color pages. I've built this mental image that Asumi has brown hair, and Senpai is blonde with red highlights. Nope! Pink and green!

Second, woohoooo! I actually like how things played out. The apology, the interruption, all of it. If they did the deed in this chapter, it'd really feel like "oh, it's ending soon", but now we still have a hook to keep us going!

And I'd like to see Asumi x Senpai at least once before the end, but I'd be satisfied with them just being in the same room while hiring their own separate girls (or double-teaming the same girl?)

Still on Team Nanao. She's gotta be there at the end, no matter what else happens.

joined Jul 8, 2019

Well, she DID manage to contact Mai. And she managed not to ruin things. So in a way, mission acomplished. Not the optimal result, but better than expected.
I'm OK with this.

joined Aug 21, 2020

She's back!!!

joined Jan 14, 2020
Wait, I didn't get this page, what did Asumi do at that internet cafe? Why was she glowing?

From "My Girlfriend's Not Here Today", internet cafes in Japan have very private booths. Private (and large) enough to have sex in.

joined Jun 22, 2022

I just completely lost it when they got blocked by the buzzer lmao. One step forward, finding Mai again! Now it's just a matter of whether we take one, two, or (heavens forbid, somehow) three steps back. Watch them spend an entire two chapters panicking over what to text each other...

joined Sep 6, 2018

The fact that the absurd trickeries involved in keeping them apart are lampshaded moves the alarm going off from genuinely infuriating to hilarious (and also genuinely infuriating). It’s so fucking funny.

Poor Mai lmao. Nothing ever goes right for her. Imagine this shit happening to you over a girl you’re obsessed with for your entire life!!!

joined Jul 6, 2020

I will speak out in favor of getting clam jammed by the alarm, in the sense that Mai was keeping a cool head (at least on the surface) by playing the role of Misaki, the sex worker, for whom Asumi is just a client.

Now that they've exchanged contact info, their next meeting is almost certainly going to be outside of the confines of a sex worker/client relationship, and I'm very much looking forward to how they both handle that. Mai especially.

Also yeah it's hilarious that Asumi got so pent up from that whole bait and switch with Mai that she went into an internet cafe and got off for half an hour lmao

joined Mar 15, 2024

I don't think she's going after Mai, there's a 60% chance she will date her kouhai

joined Jan 3, 2019

Not the author referring to themselves as a god of lesbian brothels multiple times this chapter. XD

joined Feb 27, 2022

beaver dammed

joined Mar 26, 2021

Now that Asumi has finally met Mai and can contact her whenever she wants, she's lost her pretext for hiring prostitutes (as flimsy as it was), will she try to find a new excuse, or will she face the fact that she's a pervert?

joined Oct 4, 2024

I'm curious how Nanao's gonna react when she meets Asumi the next time. They haven't seen each other for at least six days after all (seven if we assume that Nanao wanted to call Asumi before she got on the bus, because they hadn't seen each other in person that day). By now she probably has some major withdrawal symptomes. Additionally, Asumi's reasoning behind not dating Nanao, is now essentially invalid because she no longer "has to" hook up with other people to find Mai, so I'm curious how Nanao will react to these news, especially considering that Mai is not just another hooker, but a potential rival (and we've seen how possessive Nanao was after a mere brothel visit). And I wouldn't be surprised, if Nanao holds Asumi by her promise/suggestion to let her come over.

So, all in all there's much to be excited (and concerned) about, can't wait.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I was staring at the internet cafe panel trying to figure out what it was implying for so long thanks for elucidating. By the power of SSRIs if I'm sexually frustrated I go "Oh well" and don't bother dealing with it

joined Jan 3, 2022

I'm curious on how the plot will develop from now... I fully expect Nanao to end up doing it with Mai before Asumi does, that's just how lucky these two are.

Now that would be a great twist.

This I wanna see

Isn’t Nanao interested in lesbian brothels too? I’m pretty sure she tried it out and like it, so there’s a good chance they could get it on. I’d love to see that

joined May 22, 2024

Could anyone explain to be why Asumi became "shiny"? I know she went to the Net Cafe to have fun alone, but how does masturbation make one glow?

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