In the original One Thousand and One Nights, Scheherazade makes love to the king every night, then, as dawn comes close, she begins to tell the king a tale so gripping and riveting that, when the sun is up and the time for Scheherazade's execution has come, the king is forced to postpone it until the next day -- because he wants to know how the tale ends! This goes on for one thousand and one nights, hence the name.
It appears to me that the author of this manga has taken the elements of the original plotline and reshuffled them... and the result is a story about a sexy and beautiful temptress who takes a different girl into her bed every night and forces them to listen to an incredibly dull and boring otaku-ish rant about her favorite fictional works, with the (vaguely implied) promise of lesbian sex as a reward if they manage to stay awake till the end. Up to now, not even one girl has passed the test. 
I assume that Shie's rules allow for a girl who has failed once (or even more than once) to take the test again... thus making it possible for our overeager MC to make, every chapter, a new attempt at getting that reward.
last edited at Apr 23, 2020 1:10AM