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joined Jul 22, 2018


last edited at Apr 20, 2021 10:22PM

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

I'm a little concerned about Magenta's "why does it feel like something's wrong?" question. She appears on the surface to be the most cluelessly innocent of the magical girls, but her intuition has always been on point.

Regardless, I can't help but laugh at Baiser and Azul just transforming a battle into S&M roleplay instead.

How long before Kiwi and Kaoruko have hot angry sex while proclaiming they hate each other the whole time?

Finally, thanks muchly to the translators for continuing this series! It's far too good to let it be lost to what is, by all accounts, a truly terrible platform.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 9:42PM

joined May 7, 2017

I thought I was done with this story ... then Tres Magia reemerged from the shadows, and suddenly this story became much more interesting. Azul and Baiser's dynamic is incredible, and they certainly have much more in common than Loco and Baiser, I'm sorry everyone, I'm officially a Azul x Baiser stan.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Finally started (and caught up with) this. It's definitely not what I expected.

Also, Tres Magia disappeared for so long that I prepared this meme:

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 10:36PM

joined Apr 4, 2021

Thought it's a real fight but it was a BDSM roleplay

joined Feb 5, 2020

Sayo definitely knows Utena is Baiser.

Which one is that? Azul?

I think it is the blonde with nasty pussy mouth :))

It's Azul, previous chapter page 8.

Though I'm not convinced she actually knows.

I can see her knowing because she said(internally) during the massage that Utena's movments were familiar

joined Sep 8, 2019

Is the licensing only as digital? I was happy to hear this manga got licensed and I could start supporting it by buying volumes but being digital only would put a real damper on things.

Not only digitally.
The problem is that Coolmic is known to be really stingy by separating manga into split chapters.

Then you have some fact that it'll be digitally exclusive on that site.

It's a shame but you might as well buy the Japanese physical at this point than supporting it from Coolmic.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can see her knowing because she said(internally) during the massage that Utena's movments were familiar

That's way more "may be starting to suspect" than "knows" tho. Utena acts and talks very differently in her Baiser persona, remember.

joined Nov 24, 2016

I'm torn between making a "Its Love" Homura speech joke, or a Team Rocket joke.

I'm pretty sure Homura-chan just blasted off in many ways. :)

joined Jan 20, 2020

Am I wrong if I think this chapter was truly sweet and romantic?

joined Oct 16, 2013

I do hope that Magenta gets more development soon. She's the least developed out of all the characters so far. I'm still holding out for Baiser x Magenta because I thought they were cute together in the beginning, but looks like they've been giving us a lot of Baiser x Azul instead haha.

This series just keeps getting better and better.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Anyone not shipping Utena with Kiwi is a gosh Darn heretic

They have already consumated their relatioship already

last edited at Apr 21, 2021 3:23AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I do hope that Magenta gets more development soon. She's the least developed out of all the characters so far. I'm still holding out for Baiser x Magenta because I thought they were cute together in the beginning, but looks like they've been giving us a lot of Baiser x Azul instead haha.

This series just keeps getting better and better.

Agreed on all counts.

joined May 12, 2020

Aww yisss. It has returned. Azul becoming cool is all kinds of appropriate. She got kinks and knows how to use'em. Might wanna work on the droolinh though. Public image and all.

Speaking of which I wonder if she will reveal this form to the public since it seems a bit more...risque

joined Sep 6, 2018

That Azul bankai release hit different

joined Mar 22, 2021

This was a pretty good chapter. I love Sulfer's sulking at the fact that she couldn't fight and Azul was so cool in the way she was waiting fighting and the fact she loves taking the hits is hilarious, Utena has irreversibly changed her.

Thanks for continuing the translation. Personally I don't like how Coolmic is translating this as I find it annoying that it's only released in 10 page "chapters". Personally I would rather them translate the full 30 pages and then release it. I am still buying all the chapters they release as I want to support the author but I do think they could be doing their releases better.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I thought I was done with this story ... then Tres Magia reemerged from the shadows, and suddenly this story became much more interesting. Azul and Baiser's dynamic is incredible, and they certainly have much more in common than Loco and Baiser, I'm sorry everyone, I'm officially a Azul x Baiser stan.

I think that Tres Magia make for much better antagonists to Utena/Basier because of the personal connection she has with them. I was afraid that the Evil Magical Girl Team (whatever they were called) was the first sign that the series has turned into a Monster of the Week fare, but it turned out to be just a time out that Azul needed to process her defeats and to turn her apparent weaknesses into a strength. I am glad to have been wrong about the direction of the story and should have given the author more benefit of the doubt.

joined Feb 9, 2015

Lol, Azul save the world with her kink.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I was afraid that the Evil Magical Girl Team (whatever they were called) was the first sign that the series has turned into a Monster of the Week fare, but it turned out to be just a time out that Azul needed to process her defeats and to turn her apparent weaknesses into a strength.

That, and it finally made Baiser officially the leader, so now she can focus her attention on the magical girls in exactly the way she wants to without having to worry about resistance from her own side.

joined Apr 6, 2018

Srsly every i think the action and transformation scenes are soooo freaking cool. the kink and degeneracy scenes come then I remember wtf is this manga HAHAHA

but I am glad that there is this endless loop of being overpowered since their kinks just level up with their power

it is hilarious and amazing at the same time

joined Jan 22, 2014

Wow! Hats off to the writing in this manga!

In case you blinked and missed it, Azul in this chapter explains Utena's power, her faults, her own weakness, while also looking baddass and taking names.

  • We learned that Utena's power is literally a warped form of "Love"
  • We also learned that Utena's love is one sided, she cannot accept love she can only give. This also reframes the title: - " Looking up to Magical Girls", as Utena feels herself beneath them.
  • And finally we learned that in their previous fight Azul only accepted Utena's "love", and could not return it, that's why she ended up in that state.

Funnily enough the key to beating Utena seems to be loving her back?!

last edited at Apr 21, 2021 11:30AM

joined Jun 13, 2016

I do hope that Magenta gets more development soon. She's the least developed out of all the characters so far. I'm still holding out for Baiser x Magenta because I thought they were cute together in the beginning, but looks like they've been giving us a lot of Baiser x Azul instead haha.

This series just keeps getting better and better.

Well ... About this... the inspiration of Utena/Baiser is Kumiko and the inspiration of Sayo/Azul is Reina, so ... it's expected that the focus will be on them ... haha ​​...

joined Jul 22, 2018

Somehow, this is one of the most wholesome things I've ever read.

I know that says a lot about me.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Wow! Hats off to the writing in this manga!

In case you blinked and missed it, Azul in this chapter explains Utena's power, her faults, her own weakness, while also looking baddass and taking names.

  • We learned that Utena's power is literally a warped form of "Love"
  • We also learned that Utena's love is one sided, she cannot accept love she can only give. This also reframes the title: - " Looking up to Magical Girls", as Utena feels herself beneath them.
  • And finally we learned that in their previous fight Azul only accepted Utena's "love", and could not return it, that's why she ended up in that state.

Funnily enough the key to beating Utena seems to be loving her back?!

That's brilliant, actually. Now I ship Utena x Azul even more...

joined Jul 26, 2016

...I don't think Azul can be considered an unbiased analyst, mind you. Though the paradigm works for her at least.

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