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joined Nov 15, 2017

Praise be to /u/ and /a/ for picking this up! It's a wonderful series and it would be a shame to lose it to such a sub par service. I will gladly purchase a physical release if it gets one. I just can't justify paying more than ebook prices for digital manga.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 5:01PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

I don't know who scares me the most.... Azul or Baiser...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sulfur just looking at them disgusted by the two idiots openly flirting.

joined Jul 26, 2016

What slays me is Korisu's fuck-this-shit face lmao

joined Jan 6, 2015

Oh HELL yes. Today has been an excellent day.

joined Jun 17, 2015

Is the licensing only as digital? I was happy to hear this manga got licensed and I could start supporting it by buying volumes but being digital only would put a real damper on things.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Is the licensing only as digital? I was happy to hear this manga got licensed and I could start supporting it by buying volumes but being digital only would put a real damper on things.

You can if you understand French.

joined Sep 5, 2019

Im glad this series is still being scanlated, I don't think I can live without it now

joined Jun 7, 2020

Azul the masochist! Something tells me that angry magical girl and leopard girl will be an item eventually.

joined Feb 21, 2021

Thanks for this....

Sayo x Utena
Kaoruko x kiwi
Nemo x matama

Manifesting kaoruko and kiwi hotel scene instead

joined Sep 22, 2019

At this point Baiser and Azul relationship is less them being enemies and more them indulging in some really wholesome BDSM roleplay.

joined Sep 6, 2018

omg omg OMG I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED AND HAPPY!!!! This author never fails to deliver, and I fucking love the new BDSM themed power. I ship this so hard duuuuude! The whole idea of her accepting the pain as love and Baiser being like halfway between O/////O and >:3 makes my heart swell. And she's grown so much, and they're basically just flirting with each other now. I also love love love the depiction of being a sub and a masochist as something strong and proud while also being melty and kinky, such fantastic and good frameworks on display. And the idea that even with a strong sub/dom dynamic the love needs to be a two way street.... ahhhh, this author, this fucking author dude!!!! I can't fucking believe it seems like we're getting like a sort of powers-based battle anime where the progression and basis of power lies in kink, can we just take a moment for that? that is the coolest thing ever. It's incredible.

Also, also, I love the developing dynamic between Kiwi and Magia Sulfur. I can totally see them in a power struggle dynamic where they get to get their anger out in positive and loving ways, I super ship it.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 6:41PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Azul the masochist! Something tells me that angry magical girl and leopard girl will be an item eventually.

They certainly have a... certain kind of chemistry going :P

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Sayo definitely knows Utena is Baiser.

Which one is that? Azul?

joined Nov 29, 2013

Sayo definitely knows Utena is Baiser.

Which one is that? Azul?

I think it is the blonde with nasty pussy mouth :))

joined Feb 21, 2021

Sayo definitely knows Utena is Baiser.

Which one is that? Azul?

I think it is the blonde with nasty pussy mouth :))


joined Jan 7, 2020

Sayo definitely knows Utena is Baiser.

Which one is that? Azul?

I think it is the blonde with nasty pussy mouth :))

It's Azul, previous chapter page 8.

Though I'm not convinced she actually knows.

joined Jul 6, 2020

At this point Baiser and Azul relationship is less them being enemies and more them indulging in some really wholesome BDSM roleplay.

Yeah weirdly enough this has kinda just become BDSM roleplay for the two of them, I wonder how long it'll take until everyone else figures out

joined Jan 23, 2016


joined Mar 29, 2021

yoda death sound

joined Mar 20, 2021

U/scanlations is goated thank god for you all

joined Jul 26, 2016

I wonder how long it'll take until everyone else figures out

Kaoruko pretty much already did.

...there probably isn't a meaningful difference from the Enormeeta gals' PoV, they already know very well what Utena's like. :P

joined Feb 17, 2013

Ha. Ok, that was a thing....

joined Jul 27, 2019

i love the small fights kiwi and kaoruko have, they're so fun and enjoyable

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 8:33PM

joined Aug 10, 2016

I'm torn between making a "Its Love" Homura speech joke, or a Team Rocket joke.

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