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joined Feb 21, 2021

Whoever among the magical girls will discover utena's identity first? I think the dynamic will change once the identity will be discovered...

Sayo has a clue but still in the unknown
Haruko on the other hand has a strong sense of things so maybe she's also on her own way of knowing...
Kaoruko...idk maybe she will just discover it out of nowhere....

Just curious if there will be another magical girls that will be introduce or what...

joined Jan 23, 2016

Sayo has a clue but still in the unknown
Haruko on the other hand has a strong sense of things so maybe she's also on her own way of knowing...
Kaoruko...idk maybe she will just discover it out of nowhere....

Yeah, Haruko seems like the type to intuit things accurately, Sayo has information the others don't and could possibly figure it out that way, but considering the type of humor we see a lot here it seems really likely to me that Kaoruko is going to accidentally witness a transformation for the actual reveal

last edited at May 4, 2021 4:07PM

joined Feb 21, 2021

Yeah, Haruko seems like the type to intuit things accurately, Sayo has information the others don't and could possibly figure it out that way, but considering the type of humor we see a lot here it seems really likely to me that Kaoruko is going to accidentally witness a transformation for the actual reveal

Its just me or maybe if identity reveal iT will be Sayo->Utena then kaoruko->kiwi thats how i like iT to happen first...
kaoruko and kiwi are just so funny together...idk if kaoruko is just a kind of tsun tsun if ever she gets attracted but im not saying it will be to kiwi Idk anymore...

joined Jan 9, 2017

Utena and blue has nothing going on atm Other than blue being horny

Did we read the same manga ? Other than the fact that being horny/lewd is like the main point of the story, the latest chapters have shown some interactions betwenn them. And please, tell me that it isn't the same for Kiwi.She even try to get Utena in an hotel for Pete's sake. Kiwi is even more horny for Utena then Azul who is just an M.

I dont really like fighting so ill just try and boil it down as much as i can and leave it at that

Kiwis Doki moment was when Baiser told her that "right in this very moment you are the cutest in the World", kiwis entire motivation os to have Someone look at her like that

Azuls Doki moment is "im way beyond saving, please do with med as you wish mistress Baiser", the set Up to this was Azul starting to crumble easily to bdsm attack

Ill just ask, which do you think is more romantic?
Thats it for.

(Btw for Those pointing at Azul being an M, thats what Kiwi is next to Utena)

last edited at May 11, 2021 4:04PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Kiwis Doki moment was when Baiser told her that "right in this very moment you are the cutest in the World", kiwis entire motivation os to have Someone look at her like that

And bringing Utena to an hotel at every chance she get is what exactly ? You just tunnel vision on what make your point and occult all the other stuff that happen. The biggest moment they had was when Utena save Kiwi from Sulfur by throwing the Azul figurine and other than that, there is nothing but Kiwi lusting/being horny for Utena.
Utena atm have just no interest in doing anything to Kiwi,the same can't be said for Azul.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Azuls Doki moment is "im way beyond saving, please do with med as you wish mistress Baiser", the set Up to this was Azul starting to crumble easily to bdsm attack

Ill just ask, which do you think is more romantic?
Thats it for.

Azul doesn't just have one "Doki moment", she has an entire character arc centered on Basier, and S&M. Also that isn't a romantic moment at all, its the rock bottom of Azul's character arc, its not meant to be romantic, its meant to be pitiful.

Currently Azul is set up as Utena's Rival/Equal/Parallel. They went though their respective character arcs in tandom. In contrast Kiwi's character (along with the others) haven't been really developed since their introduction. So right its definitely Azul that has the most developed relationship with Utena.

But nothing is set in stone, and depending on how long the manga will be, everyone could get her her own arc. Magenta and Yellow could be next in line to fall for Utena's "techniques". It could even be a harem ending for all we know.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Speaking of relationship development, chapter 25 is about Kiwi and Utena! I'm excited for the translation and everyone's analysis of their dynamics with the new information. Will some of your theories be supported? Will they need to be revaluated? We'll find out soon*!

*When the translation happens

Completely unrelated to plot, I've once again failed to realize that a character actually has really long hair because her regular hairstyle has it gathered up. I saw the thumbnail for the chapter and was like "who's that??" lol

joined Jun 25, 2019

Speaking of relationship development, chapter 25 is about Kiwi and Utena! I'm excited for the translation and everyone's analysis of their dynamics with the new information. Will some of your theories be supported? Will they need to be revaluated? We'll find out soon*!

*When the translation happens

Completely unrelated to plot, I've once again failed to realize that a character actually has really long hair because her regular hairstyle has it gathered up. I saw the thumbnail for the chapter and was like "who's that??" lol

It's kinda a bit out of the blue for what happen. The attention was so focus on Utena/Azul lately that the chapter feel out of place because Kiwi and Utena had barely any moment since the date in an earlier chapter. So to have them jumping the gun like that by directly going to sexy time, without any kinky shit involved is rather strange. I don't have any real problem with it, rather that (for the 5th time this message) it's really coming out of nowhere.

joined Oct 3, 2018

I think dismissing the relationship between Utena and Kiwi simply because there's been no high drama between them since their first battle is a fundamentally unhealthy view of the characters. Utena is shown to honestly love basically every girl we've seen so far in some way. Her primary challenge in the Enorme arc was finding something to love about a person she straight-up dislikes.

At this point, her interactions with Kiwi can be described as "cozy domesticity", which is indeed something that someone who's dom can still value. I don't recall her ever showing annoyance or dismissal in response to Kiwi's sappy proclamations. Mostly it seems to be a trait that she understands and rolls with.

Whether Utena x Sayo is certain is something I'm not confident on at this point, but I'll say she basically demonstrates similar interest in "bringing out the best of" each member of Tres Magia. I think what others are saying about Utena not feeling deserving of their affection/love is the real conflict that would have to be overcome for a lasting relationship to form.

Kiwi x Kaoruko is a bad idea and I hope these beach chapters aren't a setup for it without significant development between them. Partners constantly tearing each other down isn't cute; it's mean and nasty.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Nah, they were just doing in a very "mechanical" way, no passion involved from Utena because yeah, she's just doing to fulfill their promise. Sorry Kiwi, her true love is on the other side.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It (almost) happen. Thanks or because of Vena,we and Kiwi get clamjam. Although there is 2 things i want to point. 1. Utena seem to do it purely because of the promise and Kiwi seem aware of it, question is did Utena really don't love Kiwi and only do it because of the promise or not ? Also i feel bad for Kiwi, going this far with someone who had probably no romantics feelings for you and fully knowning it. 2. What Vena mean by "Not letting Utena going this far" ? Did he fear that Utena might fall for Kiwi and maybe forgot about the goal ? I don't really understand for another reason (Also who bet he purposly put his drone under Tres Magia nose to stop the sexy time ?).
Also seem that next character arc is for Sulfur.

last edited at May 23, 2021 5:22PM

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow, I am loving how this is developing. I am so interested in what is going on with the mascot and the stories with the characters have been really good. I also love the fact that the mascot built an actual hotel just for them.

joined Feb 21, 2021

"keep that one thought out of youre head" what is that? Who is that? What is that one thought utena-chan?
Kiwi sure knows that utena had that one thing she keeps on her...and what exactly is that??

Idk but for me the focus is going on Kaoruko and her personality seem to match enormeeta than being a magical girl...
Kiwi exploding her sheet is so funny....

joined May 12, 2020

Oof. Things finally got serious and Kiwi has got every reason to doubt things since her feelings seem to be genuine. Things have been building up for a while now and this chapter is a milestone for her.

Sooo....will Sulfur fall to the darkside and get cool lava powers? Taking all bets.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Alice steals the chapter for me again. Her 'done with this shit' face is pure gold.

Other favorite things from this chapter: Kiwi big-hair-bun in the bath, Kiwi hair down out of the bath, everything on page 20.

last edited at May 23, 2021 5:32PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

"keep that one thought out of youre head" what is that? Who is that? What is that one thought utena-chan?

No that's Kiwi. All the thoughts were Kiwi's. The thought she talking about is the question she ask Utena "Did you do it because of the promise ?". Kiwi is not stupid and know Utena well and frankly Utena say it herself so Kiwi understand quickly that Utena probably does it only for the promise and not because she wanted to do it. That's why Kiwi wanted tokeep this thought out of her head, because it hurt her to know that the one she love does it with her purely for a promise.

joined Feb 21, 2021

"keep that one thought out of youre head" what is that? Who is that? What is that one thought utena-chan?

No that's Kiwi. All the thoughts were Kiwi's. The thought she talking about is the question she ask Utena "Did you do it because of the promise ?". Kiwi is not stupid and know Utena well and frankly Utena say it herself so Kiwi understand quickly that Utena probably does it only for the promise and not because she wanted to do it. That's why Kiwi wanted tokeep this thought out of her head, because it hurt her to know that the one she love does it with her purely for a promise.

Oh, i just got excited and didnt read it clearly i didnt expect it to update this fast so...

Kaoruko will be focus on this and i bet she will take head to head with kiwi....afterall kiwi snap haha

joined Apr 12, 2021

I feel Azul just fits better but idk

joined Mar 28, 2021

i’m cheering for kiwi

joined Sep 6, 2018

Ah shit this chapter was rough. But I'm so excited that they treated a dynamic that would in most manga be a throwaway gag so seriously, and explored its implications

I would write more because I love this manga and we've seen so much cool stuff here but my fingers hurt too much atm

joined Oct 16, 2013

Dang I mean I know we already got a flat out sex scene with the other two, but i was still surprised by how explicit it was. I think it felt more explicit since it's the first scene we've had without any exaggerated comedy bdsm in it.

I also always have to remind myself that they're all only 14 hahahaha

Feelsbad for Kiwi, but I really want her to end up with Sulfur

joined May 23, 2021

Birds and Delicious Fruits simply outclass stupid colors. UteKiwi will win.

joined Jul 22, 2018

My favorite thing in this chapter is the torched Baiser. She's like charcoal.

and they...can't be 14, with those bodies.

last edited at May 23, 2021 6:51PM

joined Apr 6, 2013

and they...can't be 14, with those bodies.

Not in the world of anime, 30 year olds have the bodies of ten year olds and ten year olds have the bodies of 30 year olds.

Just look at Non Non Biyori

joined Sep 16, 2019

Birds and Delicious Fruits simply outclass stupid colors. UteKiwi will win.

But, hear me out. Birds, delicious fruits, and stupid colors. Best of both worlds!

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