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joined Apr 20, 2013

To think that the nerd friends were worse than the gyaru friends, like holy shit at least the gyarus have a reason to be in conflict!

But ANYWAY! wow, I'm so impressed with Nanaki, she's actually amazing (Except for chapter one) and strong... Like a super gyaru, and just like White rose said, there was conflict but it didn't come as we imagined, they're talking things out like NORMAL PEOPLE WOULD and decided to help each others by ((((((COMMUNICATING))))))) their true feelings!!!

I know of a few mediocre mangas out there that could learn a thing or two from this chapter.

last edited at Aug 28, 2018 11:52PM

joined Jun 30, 2016

Damn i knew this was gonna happen, well with this you can see how fake their friendship was and how real Nanaki is with Kuro, its better to have one real friend than having a group of fakers as company.

joined Oct 15, 2016

To think that the nerd friends were worse than the gyaru friends, like holy shit at least the gyarus have a reason to be in conflict!

But ANYWAY! wow, I'm so impressed with Nanaki, she's actually amazing (Except for chapter one) and strong... Like a super gyaru, and just like White rose said, there was conflict but it didn't come as we imagined, they're talking things out like NORMAL PEOPLE WOULD and decided to help each others by ((((((COMMUNICATING))))))) their true feelings!!!

Seems like comunication in a yuri manga is like a one-eyed black unicorn, so rare that its such a breath of fresh air when it happens. I really like how loyal Nanaki is to someone who help her out when needed the most. Really looking forward for the next chapter.

I know of a few mediocre mangas out there that could learn a thing or two from this chapter.

I can't possibly imagine what mediocre manga you're talking about...

joined Aug 10, 2015

I know of a few mediocre mangas out there that could learn a thing or two from this chapter.

I can't possibly imagine what mediocre manga you're talking about...

i mean there´s plenty of it like 50 percent of this site

joined Oct 15, 2016

I know of a few mediocre mangas out there that could learn a thing or two from this chapter.

I can't possibly imagine what mediocre manga you're talking about...

i mean there´s plenty of it like 50 percent of this site

Theres one that recently ended that dwarfs all of them though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

To think that the nerd friends were worse than the gyaru friends, like holy shit at least the gyarus have a reason to be in conflict!

I find it an interesting narrative device that the causes of their breaks with their respective cliques directly mirror their personalities, which cannot but be entirely deliberate. From what we've seen Fujishiro is uncompromisingly self-assured and fortright to a fault and very much lives by her instincts - as well as unabashedly domineering and unreasonable. Her falling out with Miki and the rest is overwhelmingly her own fault; while what the other gyaru was saying about Kurokawa was certainly nasty it was also fully in line with Fujishiro's previous attitude and the others had no way of knowing about her recent about-face. Fujishiro essentially admits as much too when Kurokawa points this out; this self-awareness of (and no small degree of embarassement over) her own past misdeeds doesn't seem to mollify her in the least.
Now granted there's hints that the two might have been accumulating low-key friction for a while (probably mostly from both apparently being rather "alpha female" types) though this may also be an ex post facto handwave. Fujishiro's very much a "feel don't think" type after all.

It's kind of impressive how stubbornly unreasonable she's being over the issue. Mitigating circumstances be damned; Miki belittled her new friend and that's a deal-breaker period. Though she was likely also overreacting to the insinuations concerning her motives for suddenly being friendly with Kurokawa, both because she was frantic to avoid any misunderstandings and because it almost certainly struck her as a personal insult - everything we've seen about Fujishiro suggests she's uncompromisingly honest about things; whether she likes or detests someone she'll be up front about it rather than engage in the kinds of convoluted plots Miki is implying.

Kurokawa, conversely, is mired in insecurities and only too prone to overthinking, over-analyzing and over-rationalizing things (and then concocting more or less arbitrary fantasies out of all that). She's almost desperate to avoid drawing attention, especially negative, which is of course entirely reasonable for timid people perceiving themselves (rightly or not) as the low rungs of the social totem pole. "The nail that sticks up" and all that.
The no doubt wholly deliberate irony is that her like-minded clique throws her out into the cold for exactly those same reasons - they're no doubt somewhat intimidated by Fujishiro for much the same reasons Kurokawa is (including preconceptions about how such a "normie" would react to their hobbies), afraid any contact with her might get them tangled up in her spat with the other gyarus, and just plain averse to the attention she attracts in general.
So rather than even try to talk with Kurokawa about it or, God forbid, try to even tentatively admit Fujishiro into their circle to see if they could actually get along they take the easy way out and unilaterally wash their hands of the whole baggage.

Given Kurokawa's downright painful levels of self-consciousness it's no wonder she readily recognises the parallels at work here.

I rather like the implicit scathing dissection of just about everyone involved that Ajichi's doing here.

-- they're talking things out like NORMAL PEOPLE WOULD and decided to help each others by ((((((COMMUNICATING))))))) their true feelings!!!

You know I can't but wonder if this isn't partly in deliberate contrast to how both fall out with their respective cliques. Fujishiro pretty much outright refuses any possibility of negotiation and compromise, even when Izumi tries to mediate - it's her way or no way. (That this doesn't exactly mend fences with Miki is a given.) While conversely the fujoshi group pretty much doesn't even try - neither Kurokawa nor any of the others so much as attempts to talk things out among themselves, and the others don't so much discuss the whole Kurokawa-Fujishiro business between them as meander into a herd-mentality consensus of shunning the former through a lot of insecure and shamefaced "maybe we should..." "yeah..." hemming and hawing.

last edited at Aug 29, 2018 1:41AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

what a surprise i don´t hate this manga i actually like it and think is pretty good it has the correct amout of drama and everything feels natural and organic unlike dear my teacher the characters are great the pace is great if had to rate this one it´d be

gureto dezu yo/10

joined Mar 22, 2013

Like everyone else said... this is surprisingly good.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wait a yuri manga that did not over indulge in teenage drama and the characters cut to the point. Is this real life?

joined Aug 10, 2015

Wait a yuri manga that did not over indulge in teenage drama and the characters cut to the point. Is this real life?

is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality

last edited at Aug 29, 2018 2:54AM

joined Jun 11, 2018

"my true feelings: i want to be your friend"
u mean i love u? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Sep 12, 2014

gureto dezu yo/10

Obligatory "is that a mother-effin' JoJo reference?!" Seriously, I recently started watching JoJo and now I'm seeing references all over the place.

Stan Miller Staff
Cyan Steam (Stan Miller)
joined May 25, 2017

I'm still waiting for the (inevitable) Yuri.

joined Apr 23, 2015

Damn i knew this was gonna happen, well with this you can see how fake their friendship was and how real Nanaki is with Kuro, its better to have one real friend than having a group of fakers as company.

Yeah. but it seems to be a cultural thing in country this story takes place in. Not saying that makes it right. But how realistic would it be if this sort of behavior was just left out of the story? They are still young. They may become better later on but fair chance as side characters there just wont be time to show it.

Ah. This chapter seems really good. Need to reread it when it's NOT 3am though. There is more than one thing I'm gonna want to ponder. gotta sleep now.

last edited at Aug 29, 2018 6:20AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

Frankly it just felt too extreme to me. Why not, while they are at it, punch her in the face to show her how they really feel about her getting gasp a new friend? I would have preferred things to be more nuanced than this. But I guess it's still manga and every development always happens at the extreme end of the spectrum. ^^;

joined Feb 23, 2016

Frankly it just felt too extreme to me. Why not, while they are at it, punch her in the face to show her how they really feel about her getting gasp a new friend?

To be honest with you didn't feel to extreme to me, kids can be really stupid sometimes (and adults to) but I saw in my life people being exclude just because they started hanging out with person x.

Yeah this shiet happend to me before.. i was hanging out with the popular kids... and my friends thought i was changing, and i really just wanted to hang out with my old friend who was in that group.. so i just hanged with her and the popular group.. in the end my old group didn’t want to hang with me until i made a decision to which one i Wanted to stay in.. obviously i choose my old group, which i am still friends with (^ν^)but yeah this shiet can happen, they lock you out of that group and you end up alone i was aloke reading in the library for 2-3 months? But i didn’t mind though~ it seemed like it was worth it lol i managed to get pegasus reading award they had at school without knowing lol

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ Yes, and seen it with guys as well as girls. Sometimes a person happens to strike up a friendship with someone else who is essentially a “marker” for another clique or “type,” and then it’s like, “Oh, you’re into ______ now—you must be too cool for us.”

(Not always stated, but that’s the subtext.)

last edited at Aug 29, 2018 7:44AM

joined Feb 23, 2016

^ Yes, and seen it with guys as well as girls. Sometimes a person happens to strike up a friendship with someone else who is essentially a “marker” for another clique or “type,” and then it’s like, “Oh, you’re into ______ now—you must be too cool for us.”

(Not always stated, but that’s the subtext.)


joined Jan 27, 2016

God I'm glad I never had to deal with clique mentalities as a kid talk about fair weather friends. But yeah Fujishiro has pulled off possibly the fastest redemption arc I've ever seen that actually felt reasonable and believable.

joined Jul 29, 2017

God I'm glad I never had to deal with clique mentalities as a kid talk about fair weather friends. But yeah Fujishiro has pulled off possibly the fastest redemption arc I've ever seen that actually felt reasonable and believable.

I don't think many people think of themselves as actually being in a clique; they just hang out with a group of simpatico friends. It's those other people who have cliques. lol

joined Jan 27, 2016

God I'm glad I never had to deal with clique mentalities as a kid talk about fair weather friends. But yeah Fujishiro has pulled off possibly the fastest redemption arc I've ever seen that actually felt reasonable and believable.

I don't think many people think of themselves as actually being in a clique; they just hang out with a group of simpatico friends. It's those other people who have cliques. lol

Like yeah there were different groups of friends but it wasn't like I'm always seeing in American highschool media where it's like "and those are the goths and the jocks and the cheerleaders (I've never even seen a cheerleader irl)" and there weren't like social ramifications for being friends with people in other groups.

joined Nov 23, 2014

I suppose teenagers (well, not exclusively but anyway) are petty creatures wherever you go. Hard to say what level our two MCs were with their respective groups, but a true friend is probably worth the trade-off.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

majere posted:

Like yeah there were different groups of friends but it wasn't like I'm always seeing in American highschool media where it's like "and those are the goths and the jocks and the cheerleaders (I've never even seen a cheerleader irl)" and there weren't like social ramifications for being friends with people in other groups.

American media isn't even totally accurate for all American schools either. Though my high school was a bit of an odd one in that we're in the middle of the city yet it had only around 330 people. There was a lot of overlap between groups and even the geek group that I was part of got on well with groups like the jocks. (Though my that specific case it may have had something to do with several of us being rather athletic and giving the jocks a run for their money so they could respect that about us.)

joined Aug 16, 2018

(...) I don't want to read a scene where she yells words of hate at Nanaki: "You ruined my life! It's all your fault! Get away from me!" and more similar stuff... no, no, please, no...

Though probably inevitable I also hope that this won't be the case....

Welp, color me surprised.

It did happen, against our hopes... I guess it was indeed inevitable...

But Nanaki took it in stride with impressive coolness and composure. She didn't react with pathos, sobbing and running away, as most manga girls tend to react when in this kind of situation. She calmly explained the facts to Kurokawa and made her realize she was blaming the wrong person. And finished with what amounts to a declaration of love: "It doesn't matter how others look at us, or how different we are. I don't care about any of that. I want to be with you!" Wow!

I wouldn't have thought Nanaki had it in her, honestly. It's amazing how she has changed since chapter 1! Being dumped by that piece of shit of a guy really did her a world of good.

joined Jun 30, 2017

This kurokawa was so annoying in this chapter e.e

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