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joined Jun 30, 2017

So even the Little Empress is not totally immune to Tantai Lan's charms. :-)

Nor am I haha

joined Jun 30, 2017

is the title a reference to FNAF


joined Jun 30, 2017

Koto is just my kind of girl :( I would fall so hard for her

joined Jun 30, 2017

Great h-story, not only "crazy pervert random things with mad expressions".

I love to see scissoring position :)

joined Jun 30, 2017

I just laugh at myself when I see a tomboy x princess girl pair.
They are so "unreal," but at the same time kind of "neat"?

I am in college now, almost finishing it. But when I was younger (in my teens), my dream was to be in a yuri school (not only an all-girl boarding school, a real YURI one), like in Strawberry Panic, full of girls, with princes, princesses, Etoiles, random cute clubs, and love all the time.

The prince x princess dynamic in yuri, all girls wanting the prince and screaming for her, haha. I would be one of the girls screaming for the prince just for fun!!!

The first time I saw this pairing was in Strawberry Panic, Hikari x Amane.
After some other stories, the one I remember the most is Kaoru No Kimi from Oniisama E.
We can't also forget Utena, the "tomboy princess girl"!

Anyway, good story :)!!

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 12:57PM

joined Jun 30, 2017

Am I the only one who is in love with possessive Koto?
I would myself lock her in my room and tell her she doesnt go out without my permission.
How about THAT Koto?!

joined Jun 30, 2017

At this point I just want mistress x Chloe romance D: !!!

joined Jun 30, 2017

People who think this manga is "bad" are unfortunately used to series considered "normal" or "lightly normal" unfortunately, we see in the field of psychiatry, especially in psychiatric hospitals, cases like those of "Shio and Sato", of course, less dramatic, but no less similar. I simply loved this manga, the story and everything about it. I don't consider the ending to be bad at all, sad, depressing, but not bad. I've seen cases like this in psychiatry, and the "Shio"'s and "Sato"'s around the world are much more than we imagine. The human mind goes beyond understanding itself. Tourette's syndrome, Stockholm syndrome, schizophrenia, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxious depressive disorder... So many things corroborate the story of a manga like this to be truly real. In the psychiatric hospital I have seen so many cases, many worse and unimaginable that go beyond the story of this manga. Knowing more about the subject, I don't blame Shio at all for acting like this, nor Sato for doing all of this. Wrong? Yes, completely, sickly. But for these two? What's so wrong with being together forever? Shio would certainly need severe help at this point in life, everything she does is a fantasy that her own mind created to hide the fact that Sato is gone. Will she be a "new" Sato? Most likely yes, as this type of disorder generates a vicious cycle. But since we're not in a real story, but in a manga, let's let Shio be happy in her own way, and let's wait for Sato's reincarnation :)

joined Jun 30, 2017

Aww it makes me so sad to see Shio without Sato... A person with a huge trauma, especially related to someone who deeply impacted their life, changes you forever and makes you act as if the person were still there... I loved seeing the photo of the two grown up together, and that's what I visualize in the end... The two will one day meet again and finally have their Happy Sugar Life, through Sato's reincarnation or Shio's future death...

joined Jun 30, 2017

I started reading this series while I was in high school, now I am in university! By its ending I will be working haha

last edited at Oct 9, 2023 9:09PM

joined Jun 30, 2017

Garth will finally find out what he really likes to draw haha

joined Jun 30, 2017

Oh boy, I read the title so fast like "I quit being a hitman something - chapter 4" and I was like wth? How "I wanna quit being a hitman" started a new season and I haven't seen the chapter one yet here!

last edited at Aug 28, 2023 8:04PM

joined Jun 30, 2017

I bet Benika hitman girl will shoot Babylon, defeat bishop and reveal herself as the Ace Hitman. The only person who is hidden in the shadows, the legendary marksman, daughter of the two most terrible marksmen who died in that war. Ready for every revenge. Reveal yourself now, Benika!

last edited at Aug 15, 2023 5:11PM

joined Jun 30, 2017

Crazy, I like it. It seems the innocent girl (Renna?) Got some mental disease, probably she was the one who killed Rose-sama. For those who like this kind of story, mind-set/romance/drama/psychology trivia, I HIGHLY recommend Psycho manhwa, it is yaoi, but one of the best psychological stories I ever seen.

last edited at Aug 5, 2023 9:23PM

joined Jun 30, 2017

I am waiting for the moment when everyone will find out Benika is the most dangerous and famous serial killer of all the times.

joined Jun 30, 2017

Girl... You don't have to be mute for the rest of your life because of a tooth.... You can see an orthodontist....

joined Jun 30, 2017

If I lived in Japan I would certainly have an experience like this

joined Jun 30, 2017

This falls somewhere between Yuzumori-san and Tsubakuma. And I hear if you stray too far towards Tsubakuma you can never come back.

So I got too CLOSE to Tsubakuma (uchi no maid ga uzasugiru!)
Exactly as you told... No way back...

joined Jun 30, 2017

Where is the continuatioooooooon??????

joined Jun 30, 2017

Itou Hachi liked this story

joined Jun 30, 2017

Oh boy... This is so wholesome but in real life it would become so weird haha

joined Jun 30, 2017

Is it raping?

I don't think it is, she seems like a tsundere...

joined Jun 30, 2017

So this is the true ending for Kannazuki No Miko!

joined Jun 30, 2017

As always this author stories with same characters but different stories are cute.

joined Jun 30, 2017

I really love Itou Hachi's works from history to art style. I really like the concept that in an "ideal world" or rarely "in real life" we can take all of someone's firsts and live happily ever after with that person. I've already read all of the author's work here on this site, I've seen some posts on Twitter and the hentai Loli genre about the author's work. If we lived in the world of "Itou Hachi" the Lolicon genre would be one of the cutest things in the world, as it is represented in several stories. My favorite story is "My Master and Furry-eared girl Mel. But we don't live in Itou Hachi's world, we live in the real world, where there is evil and cruelty, however there may be some real life story that actually has a happy ending like in the stories from this author, it is very rarely, but it may happens, hardly. So in relation to all this, when someone reads such a genre (a mentally normal person for our society) they must think once reading that it is just a cute story and not compare such a story with the reality in which we live in. I like the romance genre a lot, I like the Lolicon genre as it is represented in Itou Hachi's stories, I think it's cute, I think it's interesting. But in real life, I would never think that a 30 year old adult dating a 7 year old is cute. We have to know how to separate, what is real and what is not.
Now enjoy every Itou Hachi works and have fun.
Spread Love <3!