Cyan Steam (Stan Miller)
joined May 25, 2017
I'll say it again, NEEKO is a combination of ニート (NEET) and 子(ko). NEET is spelled Niito in Japanese. Her nickname being like that is a reference to her being a NEET.
Besides, anyone who knows how NEET is read, both in English and Japanese, will read her name exactly the same way it is written in Japanese, Nii-ko, hence ニー子. Nobody will read it as ネー子.
I'll say it again, you're romanizing the Japanese pronunciation of an English loan word, and as such it should be done (IMO) phonetically, not trying to mimic the original acronym. If you wanted to do that you should do it as NEE-ko, which would be distracting. The joke doesn't work in translation so it's better to just write the name pronouncably correct.
I disagree with your translation choice here. But I do thank you for all the cool stuff you translate, it's a lot of work I know.
You know, just ask anyone you know who know Japanese, or just people on this site, see how they would translate and read that. Cause apparently, you aren't willing to understand what I'm saying at all. I'm done trying to explain.
And thanks for reading and liking the stuff I do.