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joined Mar 12, 2014

RIP eyebrows

I have no clue what popular girl thinks she's trying to achieve by just dropping her friends and pushing herself onto MC. And now MC is gonna lose her own friends because they're weirded out with why a bully is hanging out with her. will popular girl snap at them too and make life more difficult for MC, I bet she will!!!

Also whyyyyyy do we have to try and make MC "cute" she was fine as she was aggrjgh

joined Apr 17, 2017

I hope she doesn't end up making enemies with Aota. I'm happy with Fujishiro-Kurokawa-Aota trio. Then again, I hope nobody will end up hating anyone.

joined Nov 18, 2017

I love how the one thing making people mad are the eyebrows of all things. Have we finally reached a point where we have fallen to having an eyebrow fetish?

Jokes aside, I did not expect her to do that. Also, does Kurokawa actually have friends, Like, is that ever established?

joined Sep 30, 2017

She became plain so that she could be an outcast with the MC... That's the most powerful vow of love I've ever seen...

joined Jul 5, 2018

i miss the thicc eyebrows :(

joined Feb 9, 2016

MC is awesome ahahah

last edited at Aug 12, 2018 1:52AM

joined Oct 15, 2016

Welp, i guess they're both going to be isolated by their group of friends and spend more time together. Yay?

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Hey guys, what does MC stand for?

joined Oct 16, 2016

I love how obliviously gay Fujishiro is. I feel like it's gonna hit her like a sack of bricks at some point.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Hey guys, what does MC stand for?

Mic Checka. Kidding, it means main character.

joined Aug 23, 2015

rip eybrows

joined Sep 11, 2014

The mad girl really did it. She trimmed the eyebrows. What's next, remove the glasses?

joined Aug 22, 2016

Not liking this much. Yes, the friend shouldn’t have said what she did, but Nanaki was the main person fostering and promoting that treatment of Kurosawa. I like snotty characters when they’re dead right about something. A character rightfully getting on a high horse is a beautiful thing to me so long as it doesn’t go too far. Nanaki doesn’t do that, she just shouts out and does whatever fits her needs in the moment without consideration of her own actions and the feelings as well as situations of other.

That said, I do think the story will go in a direction where she’ll get a big moral and personal lesson for her poor behavior. It is crappy that Kurosawa’s “friends” just dump her, but I can understand it in this situation; as much as I understand why Nanaki’s friend said what she had.

joined Sep 22, 2014

Mayday, the eyebrows have been trimmed, I repeat, the eyebrows have been trimmed. We lost a good one today, guys, a moment of silence to mourn them...

I appreciate that Fujishiro is just as willing to change her own looks without much thought as long as it means getting to hang out with Kurokawa. That's always leagues better than where I was afraid this would go.

Fujishiro willing to throw everything out the window and even reinvent herself to get along with Kurokawa. I actually love how this is going.

Edit: I know Fujishiro's friend group was going to have a problem, but I didn't predict Kurokawa's own friend group ditching her because of Fujishiro though ;_;

Yeah, I hadn't even considered that Kuro was the one who'd be kicked out of her friend group. Talk about fickle.

joined Jan 20, 2014

The mad girl really did it. She trimmed the eyebrows. What's next, remove the glasses?

naw they are going straight for the good shit--MAKE UP. cause NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE can look good without make up!!!!! /rolls eyes. dear my teacher was good cause of the characters, but if you look at it, it really doesn't have much going for it as far as originality goes. and this one is even worse cause tbh while i think ms eyebrows should have more confidence in her looks i really don't care much for her character or the ditz atm.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I get Girl-friends vibes, with some bullying on top.

Kurokawa = Mari, Fujishiro=Akko.

last edited at Aug 12, 2018 3:31AM

joined Mar 22, 2014

Ooh, chapter 5 just came out last week. I gotta say, Nanaki's new look is growing on me.

joined Dec 12, 2017

The mad girl really did it. She trimmed the eyebrows. What's next, remove the glasses?

naw they are going straight for the good shit--MAKE UP. cause NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE can look good without make up!!!!! /rolls eyes. dear my teacher was good cause of the characters, but if you look at it, it really doesn't have much going for it as far as originality goes. and this one is even worse cause tbh while i think ms eyebrows should have more confidence in her looks i really don't care much for her character or the ditz atm.

Nah, they are gonna be plain looking makeup-less uglies with trimmed eyebrows.

joined Sep 12, 2014

This series is becoming really controversial.... all because of friggin' EYEBROWS!

joined Jul 29, 2017

RIP, sexy eyebrows. :(

Could be much worse though. They could've gone the "shes only pretty without her glasses" route, aka the single worst trope ever.

last edited at Aug 12, 2018 4:47AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

So now they'll only have each other, I can sense the little bit of yandere but it's just a tiny bit

joined Jan 27, 2016

This is a pretty interesting twist on the makeover arc I gotta say. Also, their friends are kind of shit so I gotta say I don't really see the loss. Like is hanging out with fickle, shallow people who will dump you on a whim really better than being alone?

joined Jun 1, 2016

I accept Ajiichi as my lord and saviour.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Okay, this was... something...

joined Mar 21, 2016

who the Heck is that? she scared the crap outta me lol

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